You’ve likely noticed the scent of fresh-baked pizza or a warm cinnamon bun is intoxicating on your way into a food court, but after you’ve eaten a well-balanced lunch, it’s significantly less appealing. That’s because your sense of smell is strongest when you’re hungriest. And it’s not the only...
Eating mostly whole foods in lieu of processed ones is a common weight-loss and maintenance strategy. And it’s a good one, because fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean proteins are likely to help you stay full longer, meaning you’ll have less room for the not-so-wholesome stuff. It’s also a...
Ice cream is a popular dessert logged by MyFitnessPal users — and for good reason. It’s hard to imagine summers or special occasions without a scoop of your favorite hard-packed flavor or a soft-serve cone. Still, you’d be hard pressed to find an ice cream shop, social or truck where you don’t...
However, many people cut calories so dramatically they feel hungry all the time. Not only is this unpleasant, but it won’t actually help you lose fat. Your best bet for fat-loss success is to create a modest caloric deficit, and make smart food choices so you feel satisfied — not starved.
Lately I’ve been looking into gut intelligence, and it’s incredible! Has anyone here gotten there stool tested?? If so had positive results from changing diet??
Theres a handful of companies out there that offer it, I’ve been looking into Viome. They tell you what foods you can and can’t eat...
Hard-gainers or ectomorphs believe it’s difficult for them to build muscle because of genetics. But more often than not, they’re training too hard, not allowing enough time to recover, and not eating enough. Seriously, it boils down to the simplest of setbacks. But these workouts provided by Ben...
It’s the holidays, so let’s be real: You’re probably going to indulge a bit, whether it’s through alcohol, eggnog, or carb-heavy side dishes. And while some of your friends and gym buddies might be giving you slack for ingesting more added sugar in one day than you normally do in a month, we...
One of the biggest concerns of people with diabetes is learning to control their blood sugar. Food plays a huge part of doing so. Certain foods can help keep your blood sugar at consistent levels, while others can cause it to drop or skyrocket.
When you’re living with diabetes, knowing which...
Although we tend think of certain foods as healthy or harmless, you may be surprised to learn so-called healthy foods can actually be loaded with hidden sugar. Sometimes it’s in the form of pure cane sugar, aka the “bad stuff,” or fruit juices and syrups. Either way, too much of it is definitely...
If you want to hit your training and physique goals, you need to fuel your body with the right foods. And while junk food may be tempting, it won’t do you any favors while you’re trying to get beach-ready. Some unhealthy foods are no-brainers, such as sugary sodas and chocolate bars, but there...
Protein isn’t the only thing you need to gain muscle mass; carbs are a necessity, too. Yes, we’re encouraging you to eat carbs—in case you haven’t gotten the memo by now, there’s nothing to fear when it comes to this macronutrient (sorry keto enthusiasts).
Protein intake after a rigorous...
Major muscle growth isn’t achieved solely by training, but even beginner trainees know that. The gym is where the muscles are sculpted, but the marble that will eventually be your Adonis is made in your fridge and on your stovetop.
If your goal is to gain healthy weight or 10 pounds of muscle...
Top-performing athletes know that nutrition is king when it comes to gaining an edge over their competitors. You can work out as hard as you want, practice every day, and get 8-9 hours of sleep but if your nutrition is not on point you’ll never carve out your six-pack or increase your stamina...
You’re never going to look the way you want if your diet isn’t in check. That’s just a fact, and the first step to mastering your nutrition is to figure out how many calories to eat. Then, you can start figuring out how much of each macronutrient (protein, carbs, and fats) to consume.
You know...
While “prebiotics” and “probiotics” sound like tech jargon, they’re both actually ingredients that can benefit your health. Your digestive tract contains trillions of bacteria, some which are good and others that are bad. Both prebiotics and probiotics are needed to keep your digestive system in...
In recent years, there has been a lot of research done on gut health and how it affects your overall well-being — from your heart to your muscles. Although there is much more research to be done, we do know that there are certain foods you can eat that can help your gut health. Here’s a rundown...
If you aren’t doing these 4 things when it comes to nutrition, you will not succeed at your performance goals.
What exactly is a rule?
“A generalized statement that describes what is true in most or all cases” –
For starters, I’ve been receiving a whole lot of emails recently...
When we discuss diet plans we can typically put them along a spectrum where food quantity is on one end and food quality is on the other.
Diets like If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) fall as far to the food quantity side as possible while clean eating falls as far to the food quality side as...
Hall and his colleagues had 20 healthy weight subjects eat exclusively ultra processed foods foods for two weeks, and on another occasion gave the same subjects only foods that had not been processed intensively.
Ultra processed foods are ready-to-eat or almost ready-to-eat foods. They...
The health benefits of plant-based diets are varied and many, ranging from living longer to decreased risk of cancer and heart disease. But, just like their carnivorous and omnivorous counterparts, vegans need to make sure they’re primarily eating healthy foods and not consuming too...