Stop losing gains because of alcohol.
We all indulge in an adult beverage here and there. It’s just part of our routine. Whether it be a nice dinner with family, a night out with friends, or a casual drink to decompress from the day, alcohol is something we enjoy. But for those serious about...
The old school thinking where building muscle is concerned is that it’s pretty black and white to see progress.
Add weight to the bar, put the pin further down on the stack, and gun for the same amount of reps, and you’re golden.
Though they’re not entirely wrong, it’s worthwhile to examine...
"No" is perhaps a 2 year old's favorite word. It's also a word I find myself repeating over and over again when answering questions about muscle building.
Most lifters have a fear that results will only come once a complex magical formula is unlocked. What they fail to understand is that muscle...
You could spend the rest of your lifting days doing just the basics over and over again, but don't expect your physique or your strength to make much progress. Training at the intermediate level requires making a conscious decision to increase your efforts in the gym. It also means changing the...
Just finishing up a mild anavar run and thoroughly happy with my results. Ran 25mg per day for 10 weeks alongside 250 mg per week Test E. Nice solid strength and muscle gains. Weight gain on scale was minimal but body recomp on this cycle makes it appear I gained even more weight in all the...
I haven't done any research but this opens up the door to prove him right or wrong.
Dear Friend,
I remember when I first started researching SARMs, Ostarine seemed to be the most popular. Head over to some of the message boards, Youtube comments, and people are bragging about...
What up??
So been gone for a good while but I'm back around d now. Just wanted to reconnect with you all.
I getting back into lifting now and just wanted to get back in the game.
Currently on Test E (2xweek) and 20mgs Superdrol (daily split dose).
I am gonna say it's my first time running...
Hey fellas. So I'm going to throw an oral in soon...the only ones i have experience in is dianabol amd drol ( loved drol)
Im really leaning toward stanzolol as a friend of mine said he gets really good strength gains....and some quality muscle gains...but then i read it mainly hardens tissue...
ima be 30 this year and been thinking about doing hgh but not sure if it’s worth it or not so I’m wondering if some of you vets can kinda guide me on the right path :)
Perhaps the strongest and most powerful SARM on the market, RAD-140 has received amazing feedback from users, and with good reason. RAD-140 has shown extreme selectivity to binding in muscles rather the prostate, with an alleged anabolic ratio of 20:1(deca is 12:1, test is 1:1). The data looks...
anyone have any experience with using
metformin hcl? Im not diabetic, My peptide source started carrying it in 500mg caps, any one have a protocol to follow or experience with it ? im 240lbs with low bf% already i wanted to have another tool in the toolbox to help utilize my carbs and nutrition...
From the 2017 Olympia lineup, we’re talking about Big Ramy (second), whose dimensions morph into a walking eclipse; Roelly Winklaar (sixth), who had been somewhat wayward earlier in his career but has in his time at Oxygen Gym maintained his knockout body parts while streamlining his midsection...
I’m looking for a great total-body muscle-building workout. I can train five or six days a week, and one of those being a Sunday isn’t an issue. After two years of training, I need something to jump-start my muscles and give me a great pump.
I have just the thing! It’s a...
So you’ve got dough, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and turkey pepperoni. The prospect of eating each individually, cold and uncooked, is not very appetizing. But stack them together and apply heat and you can bake the perfect cheat meal—pizza. This is the logic of giant sets, which combine...
Run and Gun AAS Cycling – A power approach to success.
- OldSchoolLifter
Over the years the use of aas has evolved into a direct science, more is known now of what each compound does compare to when Arnold was practicing. In the day, cycles consisted of very little if any test, high amounts of...
I've run NPP in the past and have had good results. I haven't run it for a full cycle though. I'm a deca head by choice however my dick just don't like to work on deca. Tren has been my friend for awhile now. Been off cycle for a few months. I just started ramping up my training af ter...
So I've bumped up my levels now that I'm half way through my cycle, but my results have totally stalled out the last two weeks. I no longer get any type of a pump during my workout. I went from 185 up to 198, but now I've dropped back down to 190. My diet and sleep are spot on. Stress is not...
I'm thinking of running my next cycle after a long time off.
I want some lean gains for the spring months and i'll do a cut right before summer (July)
I'm wanting to run a longer ester with E3D Pins
Currently 185lbs 5'6" at about 20% bf
Thinking Test E/ Tren E/ and EQ 200mg each E3D
Testosterone Thresholds and Muscle Mass Gains Needed to Enhance Muscle Strength and Function
06 December 2014
Written by Monica Mollica
In a previous article "Combined Testosterone and GH therapy for best results on body composition and safety profiles" I covered a study showing that...