Alright well everyone knows that AAS is just one part of the equation when it comes to BodyBuilding !!! U have to have the body and nutrition hitting on all cylinders to make gains . I for one know how important nutrition is for the body and how key it is for making gains .
As for...
Keeping Muscle From a Steroid Cycle
Why You Lose Most Of What You Gain
It’s a vicious cycle. No , that’s not a reference to an awesome steroid cycle. It’s the ‘going around in circles’ process of using anabolics, losing the gains, using them again, and losing the gains...
Bodyweight Training Vs Weight Training
Posted by begadsaeed
Is One Actually Better Than The Other?
First of all though, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both training methods.
Progressive overload is achieved through incrementally adding small loads to...
I will be running 50mg dbol 50 mg anadrol50 ed 1hour before workout. Then I will be pinning 200mg tren E and 250mg sustanon Eod. I will be taking nova 20mg a day throughout the cycle. My current weight is 230lbs Im trying to get back to 265 by the time this cycle is over. I would love for my...
Someone posted about superdrol being off the chain anabolic but low on androgenic.
does that mean that you keep your gains easier with superdrol than say anadrol or dbol?
ive always read that anabolic gains stick around much better than androgenic gains
I made this post the other day, but I either didn't post it right or couldn't find it after I posted it due to all the other topics. Here is my issue...
I weigh around 255
Don't know my BMI, but can assume it's not great.
I started hitting the gym hard last October, before then, I had...
Just figured id post this up for the new guys to help better understand cycling.Saw it yrs ago and thought it was helpful.Give a pretty complete and basic guide to help you as you venture into the gear world.LOL
Cycles--Newbie to Advanced
Here are some examples of cycles for you...
This list seems like a good start for discussion so I thought I would post (cut and paste) it up here and see what the boys here say!
1. Lack of a proper base
2. Dose too low or too high for your size weight height and experience. We all build up a little resistance. We all get different side...
Muscle gains are a topic that will bring opinions from every angle, everyone has a solution to this issue. Eat more of this, and less of that. Exercise like me, not like him. You need to live this lifestyle or you can't be like me. Then you have the supp. market targeting the hard gainers, take...
I'd like to touch on a sensitive subject for many guys...the fact that some are taking thousands of dollars in gear/working their ass off in gym/eating eating eating...BUT not getting any gains.
Their are guys here with WAY more knowledge than me, I'm not gonna pretend I have the answers for...
So boys, I have used insulin for about a year now on and off. I usually do a 2 week cycle (only one dose of 10 units a day pre-workout) and take a 3 week break. I have used it in combination with Gear and have had awesome results. But with quite a bit of bloat and it was slow to come off, i am...
So Its time for me to blast again, Im about as Endo as it gets, what are some good cycles for lean mass gains? I read keeping the test low, and hitting other steroids like EQ, and tren higher? Just wondering if any other endos have good cycles that they have ran. Thanks!
Im 5'11 200lbs.
My next cycle im running for 10 weeks.
Test E 200mgs
Tren A 50mgs ED
Mast P 50mgs ED
My gf really wants me to start working on my abs bc i dont have any as of right now.. I know abs are pretty much all about diet.
And the thing is im still wanting to bulk. But im wanting...
I was looking into Proviron as something I can take when I'm off cycle.
I thought about staying on Test-e but I don't know if I should do that. I'm 25 right now and that seems like if I start it now it would be a life long thing or a hard recovery. Not sure if I want kids but I don't think I...
Sent from my LG-MS770
would it be a good idea to run peptides between cycles to help keep gains, or do they need to be run year round?
And what peptides do you think balance costs with results?
Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) is very comparable to Clomid, behaves in the same manner in all tissues, and is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist of the same type as Clomid. The two molecules are also very similar in structure. It is not correct that Nolvadex reduces levels of estrogen: rather...