Choosing high-quality whole foods is a key component of successful weight loss and overall health. But portion sizes — how much you’re eating — are equally important and can be easy to get wrong. In fact, we often overdo it on foods that sound healthful (i.e., acai bowls) without considering the...
i think i'm being slow-play ghosted by this woman i've been talking to off/on for almost a year, and I have no idea why. I just got my 2nd vaccine shot and thought we were about to start dating too. It's getting very frustrating as this or something similar keeps happening to me every time I...
Whether you’re packing dried fruit to take on a hike or enjoying an ice cream cone, it’s important to keep portion sizes in check. “Once you have a concept of the right portion sizes you can log your intake more carefully, make better choices and support your health goals,” says McKenzie Jones...
Exercise is supposed to be a stress reliever, not something that creates more tension in your life. If all goes well, you leave the gym feeling refreshed and proud of the work you put in for that hour or two you spent cutting through heavy iron like a hot knife through butter.
But stress and...
Taking time off from the gym is something no ever wants to do, but sometimes, it’s inevitable. Whether it’s due to an injury, an extended vacation, or something like the global pandemic we’re going through, there are times when making it to the gym just won’t be an option.
I just started to take apart the motor I my Jeep getting ready to pull and rebuild it.
Any of you on here car Enthusiasts also??
I am going 010 over on the Main and Rod bearings and having the cylinders bored 040 over. Going to do a gasket match and port and polish on the heads. Doing...
Once you’ve set some goals, it should be easy to get in the gym, dial in your nutrition plan and hit them, right?
Well, that’s not always the case. Getting in shape requires dedication and commitment, and it’s not a process that happens overnight.
Obstacles creep up and if you’re not careful...
What changes if any will you be making when you return to the gym? Will you be taking your gym bag? Will U be showering at the gym? Using other amenities like steam room and sauna?
If the name Kirill Tereshin sounds familiar to you, it's probably because the Russian "bodybuilder" and self-proclaimed "synthol freak," known for his massive artificial biceps, recently made headlines for getting destroyed in an MMA bout against a fellow internet star and getting knocked down...
You shoot for most sets?
I still use the 10 count even if I dont get it, when that weight is 2 easy to hit 10 reps it basically becomes my warm up.
Never been one for 4-6 reps, dont get me wrong I do sets of 6 and under but in my mind always shooting for 10
Gabriel Vergani / EyeEm
How are you getting your protein? Are you loading up a shaker full of whey powder, or are you going for a plant-based alternative, like hemp, peas, and rice? The plant-based method is growing in popularity, but some people might not be convinced that it will yield the...
Are any of y'all getting the connection download & upload speed your promised via your internet provider? Mine says 200 mbps download & 20 mbps upload. I'm barely getting 20/18.
Just curious. I feel internet companies are very deceiving.
I have read so many mixed reviews on taking accutane, I'm starting to experience acne on my shoulders, I hate the way it looks and I was thinking about getting myself some EGH accutane. I did some research and found that it can cause depression or even suicidal thoughts? Sometimes I heard it...
I couldn't express more that dieting is the most important part of fitness and getting the results you want. Without proper dieting your not going to get results you want, plain and simple. You can juice, lift, and take whatever supplements you want but you won't get far.
I want to keep this...
in my experience a true change in your body is not so much about being hardcore..killing it ... as its about doing the things every single day that you need too... dull ...boring consistency... the nutrition and getting cals and macros daily are the worst... you can get some good and fun...
It's definitely not for me because I don't steer away from my home EG.
I don't get gear for anyone other than one of my best friends but guy from work is talking about getting an order from D- labs has anybody ever heard of them I believe I have heard of them but I don't know much about...