I'm perplexed. I'm running a cycle that has worked incredibly well for me in the past;
Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk
EQ 200mg 2/wk
Dbol 25mg/ed
Arimidex 0.5mg/eod
I received new product the first week of February. I'm starting my...
Fuck me getting old sucks! Towards the end of Oct I started getting severe pain around my AC joint, my delt would start having spasm's and pain would shoot up my neck and down my arm. I went to ortho doc second week in Nov and he said its very common in guys that lift, apparently the joint is...
i have gear from 2 different EG vendors... that are top notch ...and i have ran their stuff before with no issues.
but now i am getting pip and knots... had the flu symptoms til i dropped the doses. can my body suddenly have reactions to gear that it didn't have before.
i'm rotating glutes...
The Poor Man’s Guide to Getting Shredded
June 28, 2015 By John Doe
So you’re poor and you want to get shredded.
Look, I’ve been there. A lot of us have been there, and sometimes it’s just life.
I’ve been poor before, and I can remember certain weeks where I was forced to try cutting up...
So what is the big difference between a pharmaceutical HGH and a UGL? If you are getting the correct amino acid sequence, how can it matter. I can't figure out if the extraordinary dollars spent are worth it. Any real world advice out there guys?
I (F.I.S.T.) have personally used them many times with NO PROBLEMS WHAT-S0-EVER.
Getting bloodwork done, whether it be on-cycle or post-cycle, is always strongly recommended when running any type of AAS cycle. However, many people often...
Sitting for too long can do harm to your body
The Mind Unleashed
Wed, 15 Apr 2015
With the continuous progress of technology, we need to put less and less effort to get the things done. And it's not only about jobs which are getting more and more computerized every day; it's about our...
Here are 3 pictures of me, side tri was about 2 yrs ago, the shirtless was i believe 2 summers ago , probably the leanest I've been [I have a hard time getting lean, even that wasnt easy for me and isnt impressive lol, I know], The other photo is the most recent (about 6-7 months ago)...
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs
Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so...
Moved over to a new topic so I don't completely hijack the other thread started by Blue.
I'm still in my bulking season but recently I have been losing weight instead of gaining.
I went from almost 220lbs to about 211lbs in the last month. I have about 6-8 cheat meals per week and the rest of...
I'd like to touch on a sensitive subject for many guys...the fact that some are taking thousands of dollars in gear/working their ass off in gym/eating eating eating...BUT not getting any gains.
Their are guys here with WAY more knowledge than me, I'm not gonna pretend I have the answers for...
Alright guys Im new to this board. I have been on many others. I had a friend give me the inside scope on this board and so far i like what i see. A little bit about myself. I've been lifting for about 5 solid years. I've been up and down with weight and body fat %. I've been 215 at about 9%...
Hello all, excited to be here. I am 51 and have been lifting on an off for many years. My last "breaK' was for about 8-9 years (yeah, life happens). One day I looked at a photo of my 6'4" body and thought I was a skeleton at 175 pounds. I had started running and got my weigh down for speed...
Ever since manpower was busted Ive been getting unsolicited emails from "new" or "partner" companies. Be careful, these could easily be LE. Even as we are dealing with PAiN in desperation, he has the ability to scam through a new business.
This is the latest email I got
Hello from...
Alright people does anyone know a place to get my hands on some antibiotics I get tonsalitis at least once a month. Its such a pain in the ass and cash to go to the doc and get a script when I know exactly what I need anyway. And yes I know I should look into getting g them out but with me being...
I was just recently ripped off. I bought $450 dollars worth of fake gear. I recently got rid of a lot of my stock pile so i am about to run out. I need to get some more but I'm a broke ass college student that cant afford to get scammed again. Did getting scammed ever turn anyone of you off of...
I found when I push heavy on the bench I wrap my wrists. works great.
Ive seen a guy wrapping his knees to leg press but I couldnt see how it helps.
So does anyone here wrap ur knees and does it really help?
So I downloaded a calorie counting app. I cant tell you how much it has helped me to get my diet in check. I thought I was getting about 7000 calories a day. Turned out it was just a little over 5000. I am able now to go back and see what I ate, when I ate it, fats, carbs calories, protien. I...