Yes it does exist!
HEALTH AND FITNESS: Tomorrow is Healthy Lunch Day | Features |
Tomorrow is National Healthy Lunch Day, an event promoted by the American Diabetes Association to raise awareness about the need to make healthy choices at lunchtime.
We all know that eating...
got this off another forum, same question here, is this going too far or did he nail it . Im sure its not healthy but damn to be there for a week on contest day. id do it
I always hear bros complain about dieting and eating out at restaurants. So...1 solution... I eat 7-10x a week...
Olive Garden
Order 1 kids meal pasta with whole wheat linguini (sauce--evo and garlic) add grilled chicken 2x ($1.00 per 6oz) and a side of steamed brocoli and all you can eat...
This CA School is GMO-Free and Saves Money Serving Healthy Food to Students
by Christina Sarich
Posted on October 26, 2015
An essential step for future children.
Kids that go to this Trinidad, California school enjoy healthy, locally-grown, pesticide-free, non-GMO fare that actually saves...
Curry Dilates Arteries With One Serving
Posted on: Monday, September 7th 2015
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
Did you know that a single culinary serving of spices in the form of curry can dilate your arteries, preventing the cardiovascular harms associated with eating common foods?
Don't Buy Into This Miracle Food Myth
Posted on: Wednesday, June 17th 2015
Posted By: Vic Shayne, Ph.D.
Superfoods alone are not enough to prevent disease; lifestyle factors must also be considered.
If you are a visitor to Facebook, subscribe to natural health websites, or receive emails...
My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author of best-selling program: The Truth about Six Pack Abs & The Fat Burning Kitchen
Remember, if you don't have junk around the house, you're less...
Avocados: 5 reasons to eat one today and every day!
Tuesday, June 09, 2015 by: Antonia
(NaturalNews) It wasn't too long ago that avocados were on the "never eat" list of many diets. Back in the days of the low-fat craze in particular, avocados were considered downright sinful...
What's so healthy about avocado oil?
Mark Sisson
Wed, 22 Apr 2015 07:05 UTC
It doesn't take much digging to figure out that most of the oils we eat in this country are fantastically poor choices. There's the heavy processing to consider as well as the GMO sourcing, the rancidity, and dramatic...
Coca-Cola Caught Paying ‘Health Leaders’ to Say Soda is ‘Healthy Snack’
by Anthony Gucciardi
Posted on March 17, 2015
Would you like a healthy dose of high-fructose corn syrup with that organic salad? If you’re listening to one of the ‘health experts’ on the payroll of Coca-Cola, this...