High Reps vs. Heavy Weights: Which Is Better For Muscle Growth?
I think this was in MMI.I can't remember.Don't quote me.Great read though.
“Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift heavy-ass weights!”
Ronnie Coleman
Muscle growth is a complex process; professional...
I figured I would entertain you all by telling you what I've been up to recently. I have this goal of being able to bench 450 lbs raw. Back before I tore my biceps things were going rather well and I did the sloppiest bounce with 405 off my chest(lucky I didn't hurt myself). Now...
I hit legs hard today and hit my new personal best on the leg press. I did 4 sets total with the last set being my max. I did 1003lbs for 10 reps, then second set I did 1183lbs for 8 reps, third set I did 1363lbs for 6 reps, then I did a set just to see how much I could do after my three regular...
lat pulldowns (cable) warmup sets and 4 med-heavy sets rep 6-10
immediately 4 sets standing db rear delt raises med-heavy weight
immediately 3 sets Aussie pullups from Smith machine less than 45 degree angle to failure
rest 1 minute
rear delt machine 4 sets med weight high rep 15-25...
So last summer I blew my back out pretty bad, and just within the past Couple months have been trying ti dead lift heavy and get my dead max back up, however every time I start going up in weight I tweak something and feel crappy for days or lose strength by the next week.. so im considering...
I found when I push heavy on the bench I wrap my wrists. works great.
Ive seen a guy wrapping his knees to leg press but I couldnt see how it helps.
So does anyone here wrap ur knees and does it really help?