
  1. EG News

    Here’s Why Creatine Remains One of the Most Popular Wellness Supplements

    Creatine is a naturally occurring source of energy for our muscles. It is not a steroid and it does not directly affect a users’ testosterone levels. Around 95% of the creatine in our body is stored in skeletal muscle but small amounts are also found in the heart, brain and other tissues. The...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Everything You Need to Know about Nitric Oxide Supplements

    Until you have achieved “the pump” you haven’t fully lived. If you have never walked out of the gym with your biceps feeling like they are going to explode, your whole life has been a lie. I’m only half kidding here. Well, actually I am not kidding at all; the pump is the best. In fact, there...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    11 Supplements To Optimize Your Mass Gaining Plan

    1. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine monohydrate is a chemical naturally produced in the body, found in food, and produced in a laboratory for supplementation. Creatine is a rock star during a bulking phase as it can improve exercise performance, increase muscle mass, improve anaerobic...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    5 Proven Benefits Of Beta-Alanine That Will Power Your Performance

    What Is Beta-Alanine Before we get into what beta-alanine is, we need to first understand how beta-alanine works. Unlike any of the 20 amino acids, beta-alanine is a bit of an outlier. Beta-alanine is classified as a beta-amino acid, due to its unique molecular structure. Conventionally, amino...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    11 Supplements To Optimize Your Mass Gaining Plan

    The purpose of this article is to list the top 11 supplements, provide a description on what they are and why they’re beneficial during a mass-gaining phase. 1. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine monohydrate is a chemical naturally produced in the body, found in food, and produced in a laboratory...
  6. EG News

    These 6 Hypertrophy Finishers Will Help Build Lagging Body Parts

    Doing a cardio finisher at the end of your strength training routine is great for fat loss and mental toughness because your energy stores are low (glycogen) and you’ll be training fatigued. But when you switch your emphasis to hypertrophy finishers to bring up a lagging body part, you’ll get...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Simplest Way to Keep Moving Up In Weight

    Use the "2 for 2" rule when deciding if it's time to increase the amount of weight you're lifting: When you can do 2 more reps with a given weight than you started out with for 2 consecutive workouts, increase the weight. Say, for example, you can do 225 lbs for a single rep on the bench press...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    When Weight Gain Is Good

    Gaining weight is often perceived as a negative concept and is avoided at all costs. This is because of the stigma body fat has against the perception of an ideal “healthy” and “athletic” body, plus potential negative effects to health and athletic performance. However, there are times when...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Four of the best supplements for fat loss and lean muscle growth

    Four of the best supplements for fat loss and lean muscle growth If we had the choice, 9 out of 10 of us would have a much bigger and more muscular body, with much smaller body fat percentages. Many of us would ideally like to be at around 10% or less body fat, with large amounts of lean...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Add These Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Your Diet

    If you want to lose weight, gain weight or even just maintain weight, you probably know calories in versus calories out is the key to success. However, the total amount of calories you burn comes less from exercise and more from your metabolism — the process of converting calories into energy —...
  11. EG News

    Research Shows a Nitrate-Rich Diet Can Increase Athletic Performance

    Looking to add speed and distance to your next run may require a run over to your grocery store’s vegetable aisle, a new study claims. According to research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, a diet consisting of nitrate-rich foods, including vegetables such as leafy greens...
  12. halfnatty

    My friend wants to bulk

    hes on 250 test but cant eat for shit and iv never had that problem, what eles cam he take that will make him super hungry
  13. EG News

    Science Determines Eating One Egg Per Day Is Safe

    Vastram There seems to be a different study on eggs every week, with some claiming they’re good for you and others saying they’re dangerous for your health. Even more have said they’re OK, but only if you limit the number of eggs you eat each week. Figuring out just how much is egg-ceptable...
  14. S

    One of the best noob articles ever for lifting!

    I just came across this. I agree for the most part. It's great because it is short and sweet. Some might argue 9. 1. Get Stronger. The best bodybuilders that ever existed were strong. They knew more strength is more muscle. Increase your Squat to 140kg/300lb, Bench Press to 100kg/220lb, and...
  15. GRIM

    Are steroids bad for you? Are Steroids Bad for You? Uses, Side Effects, and Dangers To increase muscle strength and power beyond the natural limit, some people turn to substances like anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Anabolic refers to growth promotion, whereas...
  16. EG News

    Kick some mass: 12 week mass-building workout

    A majority of the workout-centric advice and tips in this issue center around fat-burning and workout routines that’ll help you get or remain lean all year. But we know some of you are already itching to plan or make a transition to getting bigger and stronger and packing on size. You’ll use...
  17. EG News

    How a former bodybuilder learned to expand his definition of ‘fit’

    Sponsored Content Performix House Trainer Angelo Grinceri had a very narrow idea of fitness in his youth. For him, aesthetics took center stage. “My background originated from the world of bodybuilding…I force fed myself on a day-to-day basis. I spent two hours in the gym every single day...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    Viagra and testosterone: could the blue pill really increase testosterone levels?

    Viagra and Testosterone: Could the Blue Pill Really Increase Testosterone Levels? By Ali Kuoppala It’s of course the magical erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra, with the active ingredient sildenafil. There’s little to no doubt that anything with sildenafil will help men suffering with erectile...
  19. EG News

    5 of the most common reasons you’re not building muscle

    Sponsored Content Building significant amounts of muscle mass is a difficult venture regardless of your background and ability. Add in any number of different variables and sometimes it can feel downright impossible. Luckily, this guide is here to help. We’re going to take a look at some...
  20. EG News

    Increase Your Bench Press

    QUESTION I’m a bodybuilder first, having trained hard for three years, but I still want a big bench. Can you give me a few months of bench-press specialization workouts that won’t compromise my size? ANSWER I am all for bodybuilders getting strong. Franco Columbu and Arnold Schwarzenegger...