
  1. krustus

    quick pic of mrs. krustus

    she was doing something on the laptop and i said damn your ass is poppinf off that stool so she struck a pose for me...lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Wacker

    Wackers and Paxton 11 wks Out

    Starting this a little late been real busy with kids, work, and well life in general. The plan is to try out my first and most likely only masters show. I really suck at bulking but this winter did get up to 194lbs which was 3 weeks ago. That is when I started started my cut to 176lbs the top of...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    The real deal with HGH

    The real deal with HGH October 15, 2014 By John Doe Everywhere you look now, someone is talking about the benefits of HGH. People are talking about improved sleep, better looking skin, more energy, and increased energy and sexual function with HGH therapy. We hear of men and women using...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    The real deal with HGH

    The real deal with HGH October 15, 2014 By John Doe Everywhere you look now, someone is talking about the benefits of HGH. People are talking about improved sleep, better looking skin, more energy, and increased energy and sexual function with HGH therapy. We hear of men and women using...
  5. GetnBig

    getting ready for the 2015 season

    Ive been away for a while due to,some unforseen circumstances that have prevented me from competing last year. Now that everything is back on track i have a full,schedule this year. I am not to pmeased with where im at currently but within the next 8-10 weeks I should be where I need to be...
  6. J

    Need ideas for next cycle please

    Ok, after months and months of blasting, I have come to the conclusion that I need a cruise break. I'm 15 months back into bodybuilding, and have made excellent progress. Some of you have seen the before and after pics. But my body is telling me that no matter how much more I blast it is a waste...
  7. D

    Pics of me

    Here are 3 pictures of me, side tri was about 2 yrs ago, the shirtless was i believe 2 summers ago , probably the leanest I've been [I have a hard time getting lean, even that wasnt easy for me and isnt impressive lol, I know], The other photo is the most recent (about 6-7 months ago)...
  8. Wallycn

    Bloodwork for life insurance

    I'm going to have to take a urine analysis and bloodwork for a life insurance policy. Currently I'm on Test P, Tren A and Dbol. Are they going to be able to detect any of this?
  9. mig139

    Looking for some Winny

    Looking for some Winny to add to my cut! Any sponsors have some good affordable stuff? Please only recommend Winny that you personally used! Not really looking for "Sponsor X has some good Test E so his Winny must be on point" Thanks guys!
  10. J

    Some pics from tonight

    Nothing fancy, but I am making steady progress. I been really trying to hit my lats. I'll post some leg pics sometime soon. I'm sitting at 197.5 dry as of this AM [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. krustus

    krustus shoulder pics

    my wife snap this during my workout... not bad for 45 and i'm just starting my new blast cycle.. can't wait to see how it turns out. would like to be ripped this summer [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. N.O.V.

    Which wolf are you feeding?

    This is an article from Tnation, by Chris Shugart. I thought it was a good read and wanted to share for those who don't visit their site regularly. An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My child, there are two wolves inside of every man, battling one another every day. One wolf is evil. He is...
  13. J

    A little vein-age pic for ya.

    Left fore arm was popping today. Actually, I'm starting to get a lot more vascular. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. TSizemore

    TSize, RockShawn, JuicyJay.....contest Prep

    Don't give me any Shit Juicy......Post you pics!!! :P Rock's making me post mine :-X This is me T-12 weeks out from show. Not sure where I'll be coming in at, hopefully as heavy as possible. Right now, I've cut down to 177lbs. I just added Tren A in (week 12, 100mg eod) on top of Prop...
  15. krustus

    krustus off cycle on peps

    been off cycle for a few weeks and upped my peps to 3x a day 100mcg of each (ipam and Modgrf) results are going great... eating like crazy .. lots of carbs and still seem to be dropping a little fat... i was gonna do a cut around march and hope to get down in the single digits. pretty happy...
  16. 49ER

    I still got it

    Just leaving the gym there was a bad ass little freak in there. Ive seen her 1 other time I was on the lat machine she was next to me she works out crazy all intense and shes got little pink shor5s on showing her whole pussy. Her fucken ass cheaks were showing to. I just did my thing always...
  17. D

    A few pics real quick

    Here are a few pics. I have come along way for having both my shoulders operated on. I had my last surgery in August of last year, rotator cuff tendon and bicep long head tendon(slap lesion), took 7 months to recover. I got back in the gym in March of this year and was on light weights(10 lb...
  18. GoPro

    Latest pics @ 200lbs

    Here is my latest pics of me. I finally hit 200lbs. I was on cycle for about 30 weeks!!! I don't stop cycling until the gains stop coming. I'm taking a 3 month break for now, just cruising on 250mgs test eth a week now. [attachment deleted by admin]
  19. krustus

    krustus trying to get jacked at 45

    been doing the strongest cycle for me yet... 50 tbol a day, 300 npp a week, 600 mast e a week, 150 test a week. happy with the results after 3 weeks... strength is going up and fat is going down... at 45 yrs old i'm pretty happy. [attachment deleted by admin]


    Here i am at Jacked City AKA THE TORTURE CHAMBER on the cables. Cables are 1 of the best parts of the workout on chest day. I start from the top and work my way down right below the.waist. 3.sets of 15 a piece. Comment if you like bros! All comments welcome. Also any suggestions for your...