
  1. Daredevil

    Sleep Apnea

    So getting a CPAC machine tomorrow for sleep apnea reasons. The word is is that by using that machine I won't be so tired during the day anymore. So does anyone have any prior experience with this issue? Does the machine help greatly or will I be downing coffee all day still? I'm looking for...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Workout Ive Used with Success.

    Workout Ive Used with Success. Here's a 5 wk workout routine ive used through the yrs with great success.Its a 5 day a week mass building routine with 2 rest days at the end that has worked for many people ive had try it so if you guys are looking for a new routine that you may not have used...
  3. R

    TMM cycle log

    I will be running 50mg dbol 50 mg anadrol50 ed 1hour before workout. Then I will be pinning 200mg tren E and 250mg sustanon Eod. I will be taking nova 20mg a day throughout the cycle. My current weight is 230lbs Im trying to get back to 265 by the time this cycle is over. I would love for my...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow!

    I found this workout yrs ago and can tell you firsthand,its a killer that you have to try if you are having trouble getting results with your regular calf routine. Make Those Stubborn Calves Grow! Here's a great workout to get those calves pumped up quickly.Great for pumps in the...
  5. S

    Need some brains for my Dbol caps

    Ok, I made Viagra 50mg caps a few years ago and don't remember it being this complicated as far as the math goes. I got the capsule machine and "00" caps from med lab supply. Works great and simple to use. I remember loading my filler, tamping, loading again till full then dumping the filler...
  6. MattyIce

    My shoulder routine

    SHOULDERS Internal and external cable rotation (rotator cuff) 2 sets 20-25lbs max reps 30-40 4 sets total Upright rows (Smith machine) wide grip 4 sets med weight 12-15 reps or failure immediately 3 sets standing DB flys med weight high reps 12-20 immediately 3 sets upright rows (Smith...
  7. MattyIce

    My Back WorkOut

    MONDAY lat pulldowns (cable) warmup sets and 4 med-heavy sets rep 6-10 immediately 4 sets standing db rear delt raises med-heavy weight immediately 3 sets Aussie pullups from Smith machine less than 45 degree angle to failure rest 1 minute rear delt machine 4 sets med weight high rep 15-25...
  8. RockShawn

    This author thought he was clever

    but his readers turned out to be much more clever. This analogy burned me up, then I saw the comment and he freakin nailed it. I STOLE THIS, BUT IT'S AWESOME **************************** "So, Imagine that the company you work for held a poll, and asked everyone if they thought it would be a...
  9. Boltbreaker

    ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol.. NEW PICS****Update

    Ok guys here it is. I am switching my cycle up from Mass to Cut and am currently running 325mg Sustanon Per Week 600mg Mast E 600mg Primo E and 4iu Hyges ED ( Muscle Booster) (only been on GH 3 mo).. Been on this for a couple weeks now but just now got my Andros down from the Sust 650 down to...
  10. Kuntrykok

    Thinking of capping some orals

    Looking for any info of what types of caps to buy, type of scale needed, type of filler recommended and inexpensive capping machine? Will be making Aromasin, nolvadex, winny, and provirion. I looked through the forums but didn't see anything so I thought some of you home brewers may be able...
  11. mig139

    Trapz to grow!

    I need new movements to grow my traps, right now in doing 135x12 (2 sets) 225X12(2 sets) and 315X12(3 sets) my hands dont really like it pass 315. I usually do a set on the close grip shrug machine (hands on front) and one set on the wide grip(hands behind my back) any other movements I can do?
  12. J

    Splurgen Pre-Mid-Post cycle log

    This place looks a little lonely, so I'm going to copy my log over here too. Right now it's pre-cycle, I may not log every single workout from now to the end of cycle, but to get at least a full week or two's numbers down, so I have a good basis of comparison once I'm "ON". 11/11/2012 I'll...