4 Lies Trainers Tell You
Training Diagnoses That Just Aren't Right
by Lee Boyce | 08/05/20
I'm quickly approaching a decade and a half in the fitness biz and I've come to the realization that it's an industry that struggles with an identity crisis.
It wants to come across as more scientific...
Go into almost any gym and you’ll see people doing exercises like sit-ups and leg raises. They believe these are the best exercise for abs. But they’re not — it’s crunch exercises.
Here’s an experiment. Stand up and hold onto something for balance. Put your other hand on your abs. Now, raise...
I was a big fan of the late Nasser El Sonbaty. He was a big, strong, pro bodybuilder, winner of several Grands Prix and the Arnold Classic. Good as he was, I noticed on weakness in his physique: Nasser had huge lats, but when he hit a back-double biceps post his upper middle back seemed...
Even beginner lifters usually have a pretty good idea how to pump up the “show muscles” like the biceps and the pecs. Attaining six-pack abs is fairly straightforward, as long as your body fat percentage is low enough. But ask a beginner what quad exercises can build big, powerful quad muscles...
What causes, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)? Why does it usually get worse the second day after you train?
It was once thought that DOMS was caused by the buildup of lactic acid after a hard exercise session or when the trainee was unaccustomed to training and ?overdid? it. Newer research...
When it comes to weight training there are generally 2 schools of thought when it comes to exercise form. There are the typical personal trainers who say you should use slow and controlled movements. Then there are the power and strength athletes who like to use more explosive movements and...
I just came across this. I agree for the most part. It's great because it is short and sweet.
Some might argue 9.
1. Get Stronger.
The best bodybuilders that ever existed were strong. They knew more strength is more muscle. Increase your Squat to 140kg/300lb, Bench Press to 100kg/220lb, and...
milanzeremski via Shutterstock
We’ve written plenty about the bench press, and thought we were giving you some pretty sound advice for building up your pecs: back firmly on the bench and feet flat on the ground. But perhaps we, and most other weightlifting coaches, have it all wrong.
A study...
Petrenko Andriy
There's a common misconception that you're doomed to a certain muscle fiber type for life, but the opposite is true. You can get jacked or be diesel even if you have slow-twitch or fast-twitch muscle fibers right now.
For the uninitiated, your muscles are made up of thousands...
[Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/1109-woman-flexing-arm.jpg?itok=Mf3cEG54
Jay Sullivan / M+F Magazine
Don't let your busy schedule keep you from getting your...
Veerasak Piyawatanakul / EyeEm
Nothing kills a workout quite like the pain and tightness a cramp can bring on. And whether you’re lifting weights, running sprints, or doing laps in the pool, you can cramp up. So how do you prevent cramps from happening during your workout?
“A cramp is when the...
Kevin Horton
By incorporating more than one body part in a team effort, you can use more weight than when a muscle goes alone. Generally, the more complex a body part, the easier it is to work with compound lifts. On the other hand, simpler body parts, like calves...
Chris Lund
You got your eight hours of sleep. You consumed all your meals on time. You took your favorite pre-training supplement about 45 minutes before hitting the gym, and you were all hyped and ready to go the second you took hold of the first dumbbell. The workout was insane! You crushed...
In bodybuilding, it’s not about moving the weight, it’s about building the muscle. In order to do that you have to isolate the muscle, so you can really focus on each contraction and achieve maximum motor unit activation.
A muscle can be fully activated...
In the legendary lm Pumping Iron, Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about how creating an intense muscle pump compares favorably to the euphoria brought about by having sex! Now, while I am not sure I can quite get fully onboard with that thought process, I...
Should I bother doing core-specific training, or just choose exercises in my training that also hit the core?
A strong core (the deep-abdominal and lower- back muscles) is important for overall strength. Therefore, it’s crucial to do core-specific work...
Photos by Christopher Bailey
Each month I bet you pick up FLEX, see all the incredible physiques, and ask the same question: Why aren’t I changing? I spent many years thinking exactly the same thing. I tried all the workouts, switched up my programs, plowed through vast...
Recuperating is supposed to be the easy part. You lie on your couch hypnotized by your television or you’re snug in your bed and dead to the world, and all the while you’re growing. That’s the plan, anyway. Workouts tear down muscles; food nourishes muscles; rest and sleep let muscles grow...
Back Workout Tips with John Doe Bodybuilding (Video)
October 25, 2015 By John Doe
This post is the first of a new video series here at John Doe Bodybuilding. In these videos, we will be taking an in depth look at some excellent routines to help you grow and...