Myostatin dysfunction may impair muscle function, says research
Written by Administrator
New research finds myostatin inhibition may be detrimental to muscle.
Because the 'double muscling' of certain breeds of cattle, such as the Belgian blue, are thought to originate from a myostatin...
100-Rep Sets
By Greg Merritt
How to use marathon reps to fast-track new gains.
One hundred. It’s crazy, right? It’s the length of a football field in yards. It’s a century. It’s enough miles per hour to earn a painful fine. In those contexts, it’s big. But in regard to reps per set, it’s...
Body Building Stretching Routines
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by the majority of people.
However, when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually speed up your muscle growth.
Of all...
Why My Back Is Whack
Posted by Envium
Sometimes A Back Strain Is MORE Than Just A Strain.
Hello everyone! I thought I should give a brief explanation of what got me into lifting. My name is Brady Turner. I am a 15-year-old powerlifter who has been lifting competitively for eight months as of...
Viagra and Bodybuilding
Getting A Different Kind of Pump With Viagra by Brian Haycock
Until now, getting an outrageous pump was hit or miss, seemingly impossible to predict. There may now be a simple way to enhance your pump when it counts the most...right before stepping out on stage...
Flexing your muscles does burn some calories, and there's actually a name for this type of exercise: isometrics. However, isometrics alone aren't enough to cause significant weight loss. To shed fat, create a multi-pronged plan that includes a reduced-calorie diet, regular aerobic activity and...
About a week back I posted an article on site injections, still researching articles and reviewing the great debate "injecting steroids and other compound in specific muscles promote localized growth"
Article was written by: Shady Eid ( certified personal trainer, writer and competitive...
Is it ok to use clembuterol while im in a bulking cycle?
Im in my first cycle of test e 300 &deca 300
Just about at 4th week seein cool gains but wanna lose fat
I found this on Fox News.........
MILFORD, MASS. – Don't tell Popeye. It turns out you don't need to eat your spinach to get the world's biggest arms.
Massachusetts bodybuilder Moustafa Ismail eats seven pounds of protein, nine pounds of carbohydrates and three gallons of water each day to...