Supplements can be a mystery. Add up all the different types of supplements, and possible supplement combinations, and it's enough to send rocket scientists to the medicine cabinet for some aspirin.
So what should you take? What supplements are essentials, and the best buy for your hard-earned...
Bodybuilding is indeed a tough job. It involves smart strategies and hard work that shows result only after a lot of compromises and time. Steroids are a magic ingredient of bodybuilding. Many may consider it not to be safe while others do like to incorporate steroids into their bodybuilding...
The next time you’re on a playground, take a look around and see if any kids are jotting down data in their fitness logs about monkey bar distances or pullup attempts — or checking their trackers for optimal heart rate after sprinting over to their friends.
Seems ridiculous, right? That’s...
Fifty grams. That’s the daily cap on added sugar recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the average American. And unfortunately, it’s easy to not only meet that cap but skyrocket past it. Many of our favorite, beverages, condiments, and snacks or loaded with added sugar...
When we discuss diet plans we can typically put them along a spectrum where food quantity is on one end and food quality is on the other.
Diets like If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) fall as far to the food quantity side as possible while clean eating falls as far to the food quality side as...
Discipline and dedication are principles that you are going to have to master if you are serious about bodybuilding, being consistent with your diet and training will help you succeed in achieving your goals. Don't have tunnel vision in thinking you will only build muscle if your taking AAS...
Karen Culp / Shutterstock
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CBD and Exercise
No question about it, CBD is the wellness product of the moment. Scientists are researching how CBD may be effective in supporting the body’s natural regulation of exercise-induced inflammation. CBD also is being studied...
I did blood work and Dr. saids that cholesterol is higher than she would like it to be.
Before I go on Statins, which is what she wants me to do, what natural supplements are good for lowering cholesterol??
Fiber ???
Photo provided by Strong Supplements via Getty Images
The Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2018 see continued innovation and growth as more compounds are identified and introduced to the market. Natural Anabolics have surged to the forefront of the industry due to impressive customer results and...
BREAKING: CDC confirms Natural News 100% CORRECT on report of African Green Monkey kidney cells used in vaccines
Thursday, March 09, 2017 by: Mike Adams...
Reversing cancer – An overlooked solution
Wednesday, March 08, 2017 by: Jonathan Landsman
(Natural News) Dr. Robert Kleinwaks was battling stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma – and losing badly. After trying a long list of alternative and mainstream therapies without success, Dr. Kleinwaks – who...
Did you know about these natural, highly effective substitutes for ibuprofen?
Thursday, November 03, 2016 by: Isabelle Z.
(NaturalNews) No one enjoys dealing with pain, whether it's something mild like minor back pain or something much more intense like an excruciating migraine. However, many...
The government is working to ban self care, as regulations on self defense and natural healing become insane
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 by: J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) For decades, governments in the West – supposed democracies, all – have been working to steadily deprive citizens of some basic...
Massive FDA crackdown coming on natural product companies: New FDA head Robert Califf to unleash sweeping nationwide surprise inspections under 2011 FSMA law
Sunday, March 13, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) Following the confirmation of new FDA head Robert Califf, I have...
Scientists find way to produce industrial quantities of beneficial natural compounds in tomatoes
Scientists at the John Innes Centre have found a way to produce industrial quantities of useful natural compounds efficiently, by growing them in tomatoes.
Source: Scientists find way to produce...
As Effective as the Pill
Posted on: Tuesday, September 29th 2015
Written By: Holly Grigg-Spall
Advanced tech draws on 30 years of research to create a natural rival to hormonal contraceptives.
With evidence mounting of the adverse effects of the birth control pill and hormonal...
7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs to Reduce Stress
by Christina Sarich
Posted on October 1, 2015
In the documentary created by National Geographic and researchers from Stanford University, Stress, Portrait of a Killer, experts outline just how deadly stress can be. (Watch the documentary below.)...
Could This Oil be a Natural Treatment for IBS?
by Alexandra Preston
Posted on September 27, 2015
While boosting total immunity.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition involving attacks of abdominal cramping along with constipation, diarrhea, or both...