
  1. F.I.S.T.


    Bodybuilding…Period. September 11, 2013 By John Doe Quit being so consumed with whether a guy is natural or not. Worry about you and you only. Chances are that the guy you are criticizing for using steroids is working harder than you and would stand in front of you and make you disappear even...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    5 Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness Naturally

    5 Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness Naturally by Elizabeth Renter Posted on April 5, 2014 If working out more is part of your New Year’s resolution, you may want to prepare by looking into natural methods of soothing sore, tired muscles. While muscle soreness is simply part of working out, there...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part II

    Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part II By Ivan Nikolov 1. How to increase testosterone levels - Incorporate basic movements that involve several muscle groups in your training routine. Good ones are squats, dead lifts, and military presses. Basic...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    The tricks and lies of corporate junk science

    The tricks and lies of corporate junk science Makia Freeman The Freedom Articles Fri, 13 Mar 2015 Corporate junk science is an all-pervading presence in our society. It's everywhere. The scientific journals of the entire world, offline and online, have been flooded with so much fake science...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Cycles--Newbie to Advanced

    Just figured id post this up for the new guys to help better understand cycling.Saw it yrs ago and thought it was helpful.Give a pretty complete and basic guide to help you as you venture into the gear world.LOL Cycles--Newbie to Advanced Here are some examples of cycles for you...
  6. Kuntrykok

    Best tasting Natty Peanut Butter

    What's everyone's favorite brand of Natural Peanut Butter? My favorite is Smucker's Chunky Natural Peanut Butter, 2nd favorite is Kroger Chunky Natural Peanut Butter. Kroger brand is cheaper, but the Smucker's has a better taste in my opinion. Smucker's is still fairly affordable for around...
  7. Z82

    All natty????! [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Youngtricep98

    All "Natural" guy gets busted
  9. morrey

    Gun Control
  10. J


    Does ne1 else go numb while on hgh?

    rHGH, GHRH, and GHRP: Break down

    Growth hormone can be a very confusing subject to those who don”t truly understand how it works in our body, how it is released in our body, and how we as people can manipulate these secretions. First, lets take a look at out bodies normal GH, how it is released, and the benefits it has on us...