
  1. 01dragonslayer

    4 Sleep Strategies for Athletes

    Sleep like a baby, perform like a beast. Here are four cool sleep strategies to get the job done. According to the statistics, you’re probably sleep deprived. And even mild sleep deprivation can decrease performance and recovery while increasing the risk of injury. In fact, athletes who sleep...
  2. EG News

    Can You Sleep Your Way to a Slimmer Physique? Science Says Yes

    Avoiding weight gain often requires that you get enough sleep to stay alert all day to keep your diet in check, especially during those late-night boxset sessions, but what if there was a way to put yourself and the likelihood of overindulging to bed at the same time? Well, get comfy, because...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What Makes Someone a Light or Heavy Sleeper?

    For some people, the slightest noise awakens them at night. For others, the wailing siren of a passing fire truck doesn’t disturb their slumber. Just why, though, remains a bit of a mystery. Although many people are self-proclaimed light sleepers or heavy sleepers, researchers have found that...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How to Get Better Sleep: The Beginner’s Guide to Overcoming Sleep Deprivation

    Lack of Sleep: How Much Sleep Do You Need? How much sleep do you really need? To answer that question, let’s consider an experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Washington State University. The researchers began the experiment by gathering 48 healthy men and...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Science of Sleep: A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

    The Science of Sleep Sleep is one of the strangest things we do each day. The average adult will spend 36 percent of his or her life asleep. For one-third of our time on earth, we transition from the vibrant, thoughtful, active organisms we are during the day and power down into a quiet state of...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    A BIG FAT DEBATE Nutrition experts are always having the same argument: Is fat loss just a matter of "calories in, calories out" or do other things have a bigger long-term impact, like how food quality and macronutrient choices affect our hormones, eating behaviors, and ultimately our body...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Bad Sleep Makes You Fat, Kills Testosterone

    BAD SLEEP MAKES YOU FAT Have you noticed that when you get a crappy night of sleep you tend to eat more the next day? It's not in your mind. Bad sleep can be the catalyst for developing a bad body. A new study (a meta-analysis) published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that...
  8. EG News

    Here’s Why 8 Hours of Sleep Is Critical for Athletes (and Everyone Else)

    Whether you’re an elite athlete reaching for that next personal record, or like most of us who are simply trying to stay a little more focused in our day jobs, there’s a good chance that you’re doing your best to achieve that, except for perhaps the most critical element—getting enough sleep...
  9. 01dragonslayer


    In part 1 of our series we looked at evidence in whether the distribution of protein had an effect on body composition as well as whether breakfast was necessary. Today we look at whether when we eat our food, matters, with a particular focus on when we consume carbohydrates. No Carbohydrates...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    10 Ways to Change Your Sleep Schedule to Improve Your Health

    Have you noticed how we feel sleepy around the same time each night? There is a reason behind that. There is also a reason behind why we tend to wake up at the same time each morning if we forget to set up an alarm. It all has to do with your sleep schedule. A sleep schedule differs from person...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    9 of the Best Nighttime Protein Snacks for Muscle Gains

    By: Matt Weik For many people, the hardest time of day (nutritionally) is at night. What can you eat that tastes great and would prevent you from devouring an entire carton of ice cream? You need something satiating, right? You don’t want to be lying in bed dreaming about potato chips and...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Not Achieving Your Fitness Goals? Why Sleep Might Be the Answer

    By: Matt Weik How many of you are busting your tails in the gym, drinking your post-workout protein shakes, yet it still seems like your fitness goals are out of reach? Do you leave the gym dripping sweat yet the results just aren't showing from your hard work? Your sleep (or lack thereof)...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Monitor Your Sleep Each Night and If So How?

    By: Matt Weik Many things can affect your health (good and bad) and sleep is one of them. Those who focus on their health and fitness levels have a means of tracking their progress and determining factors such as weight, lean muscle mass, body fat, body measurements, strength, blood profile...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    10 Fat Loss Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

    Instead of simply trying to diet and lose fat, it's time to adopt some lifestyle changes. These tips will help you to stay lean and healthy year round. Hit a plateau with your fat loss? The following 10 tips may be just what you need. Let's face it: fat loss isn't easy. Some studies indicate...
  15. EG News

    For National Sleep Day, Hit the Hay Better with These ‘Sleep Doctor’ Tips

    We’ve all read that getting adequate amounts of shut eye is essential to our wellbeing, and yet hitting the sack at a reasonable time can be one of the hardest habits for most of us to maintain. Of course, long working hours, stressful times, and busy family lives all contribute to late nights...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Hacking Your Sleep 101: Nine Tips For Better Gains

    Struggle to keep your eyes open during class? Always find yourself dozing off in the middle of the afternoon? It's no secret, sleep is one of the most important regulators of our energy levels. We live in a culture that is sleep deprived 24/7. Teenagers, college students, working adults, and...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Circadian Rhythm: How Meal Timing Affects Fat Loss

    It is likely you have heard the common saying “eat like a king in the morning, a prince at noon, and a peasant at dinner.” This idea was proposed almost 1,000 years ago1 and still remains today. In recent years, the topic of meal timing has come to the forefront, with some believing the time of...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    How Sleep Changes as You Age

    Infants often sleep up to 17 hours per day. No, they aren’t just lazy — they need it. School kids require more sleep than teenagers, and teens need more than adults. As we age, our sleep requirements shift, as does our circadian rhythm, which dictates when we feel alert and when we feel tired...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Science Says Sleep Helps Keep High-Calorie Cravings in Check

    A lack of sleep could cause more than exhaustion: It might also affect the number on the scale. Several studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight gain. One study found women who slept fewer than six hours per night were at much higher risk for gaining significant amounts of weight than...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Is it Too Late to Eat After 8 p.m.?

    It’s common to hear the phrase “don’t eat after 8 p.m.” when you’re trying to lose weight. But when you think about it in terms of calories, the math doesn’t work out. As long as you stick to your goal and eat fewer calories than you burn, you should lose weight. Here’s what you should know...