
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Gambling Addiction Enabler — ‘Fight Night 61: Bigfoot vs. Mir’ Edition

    Gambling Addiction Enabler — ‘Fight Night 61: Bigfoot vs. Mir’ Edition By CP Reader Sam Stilson UFC Fight Night 61: Bigfoot vs. Mir is another top-heavy card that we’re starting to see a lot of on Fox Sports 1 and UFC Fight Pass. It’s also a card that’s been compared to “a dumpster...
  2. GRIM

    Anyone ever try a SARM?

    If so, what were the results?
  3. tunaman7

    Tren E / Super T Ratio

    Brothers and Sisters I have some Tren E on the way from Dr A (Aventia). I was considering 200 per week of Tren. I have heard keep the test high...others say test even...and yet there are some who say test low. So which is the right approach. Currently running 400mgs per week of Aventia...
  4. 49ER

    how many of you are guilty

    Of eating pussy on the very first night you meet a chick? I was just thinking im really lucky I always dive down with chicks I dont know also fuck with no protection. And the worst ive had is chlamydia im glad I have a chick now to keep me out of trouble lol
  5. Swampjuice

    Hangover help!

    Well i havent drank in probably 5 months and i typically never have been a big party animal but had a college buddy back in town this week and we went out last night. I didnt think we drank that much but fml do i feel like SHIT today bad. Im not running any orals only test atm, but i feel like...
  6. L

    Night sweats without taking Prami

    Current cycle: 600 test C and 800mg Tren E. Currently 6 weeks in I have done Tren before so i know what to expect, at the most i get is insomnia and night sweats. What's new for me is that i didn't have any caber on hand this time, so i picked up some Prami. I have been dosing it at .5mg at...
  7. back4more

    Best Tren for bulking??

    Do you prefer Tren A. or Tren E. for bulking?
  8. B

    Super Saw Palmetto with Beta-Sitosterol for enlarged prostate symptoms

    ok guys pretty sure i have an enlarged prostate based on frequent urination, inability to empty bladder completely, etc life extension Super Saw Palmetto with Beta-Sitosterol, thinking about trying this? would love to hear first hand experience