
  1. Bama


    Ok EG,I have a problem on hand and need some advice. I started back running a 12 week cycle to put on some mass, which I'm not sure what to do now since I am out in the heat all day and it seems like I am not gaining as I should. My run consist of : Test blend 300 1/2 CC EOD NPP 100 1/2 CC EOD...
  2. Bama

    Midnight craving

    Alright freaks, for as long as I can remember I have always craved milk when I would wake up in the middle of the night, I can date this back to my teen years. Now it is chocolate usually Reese's cups with milk. Ok let's here yours, what do you crave when you wake up in the middle of the night...
  3. Bama

    3 weeks in

    I am feeling great and seeing super fast results. Excited about the 9 weeks left. Olympia#1