
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Deca & EQ Together

    Deca & EQ Together Found this article from many yrs ago and thought it was a great read to bring over.What are everyone's thoughts on this? Now the thing to remember is the author of this has been cycling for many many years so only after that long a time cycling does he or I think it's...
  2. RockShawn

    Why does this happen?

    Has anyone experienced this? You draw from two diff vials each containing a diff compound and maybe even from diff vendors and the pin hurts like hell, but when you pin the exact same vials separate there is no pip. One product in particular I just had trouble with is a blend and has EO in it...
  3. N.O.V.

    Which wolf are you feeding?

    This is an article from Tnation, by Chris Shugart. I thought it was a good read and wanted to share for those who don't visit their site regularly. An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My child, there are two wolves inside of every man, battling one another every day. One wolf is evil. He is...
  4. 49ER

    Good bye bros

    I honestly can say I love this place and have love for all you guys. Im making this thread so there is no speculation and rumors this forum drama is becoming a headache. I warned us about a possible scammer to protect us I didnt know it was gonna turn into this. I dont like being involved in...
  5. V

    Gym Invaded

    So today I was working out at my gym as usual. Nice and not packed as usual. Then comes in the manager from the other location with approx. 20 kids, the high school track team. They are all over the gym in the way using every piece of equipment there is damn near. So I ask the manager at that...
  6. Torres

    Bostin Loyd & Dallas McCarver ???

    Which of the two do ya think has the best physique ??? I was watching some YouTube vids about them both and how they have either a rivalry or just hatred of each other . I have to say I admire the balls of Loyd for speaking the truth when so many others talk shit and lie thru their teeth . From...
  7. jshredz

    Bloods while on other compounds

    So I went to see a doc a month ago about possibly getting on trt. I knew I would have to get blood work done so I had stopped taking test a month before. I was only taking 300mg/wk of tpp so I figured one month off works be plenty of time for my levels to drop. The only thing I was taking before...
  8. S

    SnW's intro

    Hello to all. I've been here for a little over a week but just getting around to my intro. I think many of you know me or at least know my name. I see a bunch of names I recognize from other boards here. So fare the board def seem great. I'm from BOP......in know.......& S-F, GH-15, CM, PM...
  9. RockShawn


    There are many different approaches to taking HGH. The right approach for your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, HGH is a general supplement to help maintain low bodyfat percentages and reasonable levels of lean body mass. For others who have reached their genetic...
  10. LBM200

    gun controll

    lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. TSizemore

    Anti E's and Gyno Suppressants

    I got this doing some research, Jamoliv posted this up awhile ago. It was so good, I'm bringing it here. You're best bet is to just skip to whichever compound you're interested in. A few questions about help with gyno symptoms have come up.. here is a list of some of the compounds that can help...
  12. Gibbit

    Advice on primo?

    Hey fella's, I have been wanting to do a cycle now for sometime w primo. I have have ran jst about everything but, do to the fact that alot of counterfeit or it being something else other than primo. Anyways what I'm looking for is what source possibly has real primo w reviews. Thanks guys for...
  13. C

    What are you doing?

    We post alot on safety of cycles, how to care for your body through PCT, and preach aas safety very frequently. But, what are you doing to protect yourself from other risks? How are you ensuring your longterm safety? I am using multiple vpn locations and changing them up at inconsistent...
  14. H

    Heavy Hitter Mod

    Hello everyone. Most of you know me already. But some of you don't and I don't know everyone. I Used to Mod for Gri m a while back. I had other priorities at the . He has decided to give me another shot at it. I will tell you a little about myself. I am 6'0'' 230lbs I am a strongman but...

    DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol)

    DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol), an industrial chemical with various applications, has gained steady popularity as a fat loss tool. Boasting an astounding 50% increase in metabolic rate, it is able to contribute to reported fat losses of 10-12 pounds in 8 days of use. Classified as an “uncoupler of...

    Deprenyl (Selegiline)

    Selegiline hydrochloride (sold under various trade names Deprenyl, Eldepryl or Anipryl [veterinary]) is a drug used for the treatment of early-stage Parkinson’s disease and senile dementia. It is also can be used (with reasonable efficacy), as a cognitive enhancer, and many “life-extentionists”...
  17. sportsfreak

    Hello EG

    Hello all. New to the site but not new to AAS. I have done several cycles in my life and now on permanent TRT. I have been on several boards with IJ being the latest. Turbo informed me this is the new place to be so I figured I'd come by and see what's up. So far this place looks great and I...