
  1. Chicken_hawk

    Another run with high frequency training

    So, I have fiddled with HFT before and I tend to believe from what little I know about physiology and observation of life in general that we respond better to HFT. That's not to say other methods don't work and this isn't intended to be an argument for that rather my experience and thoughts. I...
  2. M

    Methyl-tren review

    There is a quite interesting review going on other major forum on this product - MT1Crin (MethylTrenbolone) (US domestic delivery) - sciroxxonline.com It's done by someone who is considered a GURU for steroids, I'll share with you his reports, his reviews are detailed, interesting and based on...
  3. EG News

    The essential steroid slang and terminology you need to know

    David Arky We’ve already broken down the definitions for the major steroids and assorted PEDs, but that’s only a part of the conversation. Those who use these performance-enhancers also have a world of unique slang and terminology associated with the drugs. To understand the culture, you have...
  4. Chicken_hawk

    Update on hardcore gym

    For those not in the loop I'm opening a hardcore gym with a buddy. Not a spot in the floor place, rather 4000 SF of just free weights and plate loaded stuff for people sick of the commercial gym scene. Well, have a chalk bowl, bumper plates, monolift, 3 power racks, 2 DL platforms, comp bench...
  5. halfnatty

    Test e vs cyp

    so I had a buddy telling me he was running test e for awhile and he lost his sex drive on it so he ended up getting cyp and his sex drive went trough the roof and it’s from the same company and everything, what do you guys think about this? Now it’s funny cause when ever I tried to use test e I...
  6. EG News

    Don't let dehydration negatively affect your gains

    Water serves many functions in the body, and it’s particularly critical for bodybuilders because training and nutrition regimens really increase the need for it. Here are the primary benefits of drinking enough water. HYDRATION Bodybuilders often underestimate the importance of keeping...
  7. dowork

    Tren-cough (with other compounds)

    Does anyone get tren-cough from other compounds? I've had actual tren-cough a few times so I do know what it feels like. I haven't done a tren cycle in over 5 years. Very often I get a very mild tren-like-cough, specifically that "rush" feeling in your lungs, from most anabolics injects...
  8. J

    Ever seen this

    Anyone here ever do this? Or know anyone that has? Met this guy at the gym the other day. Good build, fairly lean yet still thick and wide. He eats 4500 calories, bulking or cutting. The difference is were the calories come from. So bulking he wont skip pizza, cookies etc. but wont go over...
  9. Dago


    Sleep is number 1 on the list right up there with h20. There are different levels of sleep we all know this. Like when your sort of sleeping but still aware of the noise and shit going on around you. Then there is the deep sleep at night when your body has totally shut down and healing growing...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    How Big Pharma gets away with selling crystal meth to children: By renaming it '

    How Big Pharma gets away with selling crystal meth to children: By renaming it 'Adderall' (NaturalNews) In a recent appearance on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, drug abuse and addiction expert Carl Hart of Columbia University made a shocking claim: There isn't much difference between the...
  11. T-bar

    It's all about the members

    Some of you know I recently ran into an issue measuring out the correct dosage of Melanotan. Rather than ordering the usual 1cc insulin pins I somehow clicked on the 3/10cc pins. Totally my fault. What a great reminder this was for me. Members from this board immediately jumped in to help...
  12. D

    HELPPPP! Estrogen sky high

    What do i need to take? Ive had ED for a while and severe depression. Never thought the depression would of been eatrogen holy fuck. On bright side my test levels are sky high so proof TMM has awesome juice. Ps I believe ive always had high estrogen. Had gyno at a very young age Attached...
  13. Daredevil


    Last two days this board has went from a family oriented brotherhood to a free for all shit talking match. Seriously the foolishness needs to stop. Back and forth name calling, ranting, members disrespecting other members and mods. I just checked another board where TMM isn't even a vendor...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. Since Paris Attacks: 911 Muslims, 4 Christians

    Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. Since Paris Attacks: 911 Muslims, 4 Christians CNS News | Patrick Goodenough - March 30, 2016 (CNSNews.com) – The federal government has admitted 916 Syrian refugees into the United States since the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) attacked Paris...
  15. Dago

    Mast prop mast-e

    Im bout to order some gear mast 8s another one I don't have any experience with. My understanding is its a lot like winstrol. I was also told if my bf% wasn't low enough I wouldn't see much results. Is there much muscle growth or just hardening up ? Which is better mast prop or mast-e and what...
  16. JACKED

    Question about a LAB

    It's definitely not for me because I don't steer away from my home EG. I don't get gear for anyone other than one of my best friends but guy from work is talking about getting an order from D- labs has anybody ever heard of them I believe I have heard of them but I don't know much about...
  17. Dago

    Funny pic thread

    I see pictures on fb and here there everywhere. They say picture is worth a thousand words. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  18. I

    The Journey to cycle 2

    well hello EG fam, I'm on the drawing boards for what i want to do for my next cycle. My first cycle was test cyp 250 at 500mg for 16wks and var. I had solid results and was very very happy, i am new here so to fill you in when i was a little younger i experimented with some strong Pro...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Companies begin planting microchips under employees' skin

    Companies begin planting microchips under employees' skin Monday, March 09, 2015 by: Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) The technology has been around for some years now, but the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips and other beneath-the-skin implants has only recently become more...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Marijuana may be ‘More Effective than Adderall at Treating ADHD’

    Marijuana may be ‘More Effective than Adderall at Treating ADHD’ by Julie Fidler Posted on November 4, 2015 While Treating numerous other ailments. Researchers in Germany say marijuana may treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) better than the popular drug Adderall...