
  1. 01dragonslayer

    8 Drinks That Can Help You Lose Weight

    Is what you drink affecting your ability to lose weight? The short answer is yes. Liquid calories play a huge part in our health, and the amount you consume is directly related to your ability to control the number on the scale. Beverages go down quicker and easier than food. But that’s also...
  2. A

    Marraige woes and decisions

    Hey everyone I've been a longtime member here but been absent due to life and running my business which has kept me on my toes. I usually don't like to discuss my private life online but I know here we're all brothers/sisters and try to stick together. So currently I'm married and 51yrs old. I...
  3. GoPro

    BAMF Ricnixon

    I just wanted to say that EG is a close knit group of people thats more like a family than any other Board. That being said.....Ricnixon is one hell of a guy. Definitely selfless and cares about people on this board. Brother helped me out. Thank you bro.
  4. Z

    What is the fastest, most effective way for a woman to lose weight and keep it off

    I'm sure that this question has been asked a million times, but I'll ask it again. What is the fastest, most effective way for a woman to lose weight and keep it off? My wife is just over 50, and HATES to workout, but wants to lose weight. I, on the other hand, LOVE to train and do train like a...
  5. puff88


    What's up fellas, Been trying to do my research on these 3 drugs to fully understand when and how to use each, and each ones benefit over the next. I think I am pretty clear on arimidex vs. Aromasin, but still trying to get fully comfortable with letro's place and purpose over the other 2. Is...
  6. Thor

    Man On A Mission

    This information is from an article/ interview with Micheal Mooney back in Nov 2002 in Muscle Media 2000, he wrote a book called "Built to Survive" involving Mauro Di Pasquale, MD and I am sure most of you have herd of the DR so I won't go into that. back in Muscle media 2000, November of 2002...
  7. MotorCityMuscleMachine

    Official Intro

    Hopefully I got this right, board format is a Lil' diff from what I'm used to at other forums. MotorCity here, Invite by @Ricnixon, thx brudda. Seems like a nifty place, just need to get familiar w/navigating. New here, def not new to forums, or the game of AAS & Training. 55 past August...
  8. GRIM

    Is your gym back

    To normal? Mine is but isn't lol No showers, bubbler a fill station only, cardio every other treadmill off limits and others moved More emphasis on being clean 90 minute workout time Not 24/7 are the major items All and all its not bad of course I go over 90 minutes plus am official closer...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Meat Eaters vs. Vegetarians

    Meat Eaters vs. Vegetarians Both Sides Are Annoying As Hell by TC Luoma | 01/29/20 Dickish Diets Vegetarians should 'fess up to being a little dickish about the whole not-eating-animals thing. If you've ever had the misfortune of inviting one to dinner, they come to your house like they're...
  10. GRIM

    How to stay safe!

    SHUT UP AND LIFT!! But posting this anyways https://vitals.lifehacker.com/how-to-stay-safe-when-you-go-back-to-the-gym-1843568135 Now that gyms are starting to open back up, it’s tempting to go back. However, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should. So before you...
  11. Dago

    Thought this was cool

  12. 01dragonslayer

    List of common Abbreviations

    Thought this may be a little helpful for the newbs.... AS = Anabolic Steroids AR = Androgen Receptor BB = Body Builder or Body Building BRO = People on this board who help each other out by exchanging knowledge CLEN = Clenbuterol CNS = Central Nervous System CYP = Testosterone Cypionate DART...
  13. Thor

    Photo of Second Surgery

    As everyone knows the first Dr screwed my arm up and left a mess, shit load of scar tissue to clean out and had to have a replacement tendon added (Achilles). Here is a picture 5 days after surgery, Dr had to cut over the old incision and then up onto my upper arm so he could get to the...
  14. J

    Arimidex makes me sick. What else can I try besides Nolvadex

    Arimidex makes me sick what else can I try other than Nolvadex. Any suggestions
  15. TSizemore

    Dead Lift Max gains

    Alright peeps, everyone has hopefully set "Goals" when the New Year came around instead of resolutions.... Well, I set mine. I'll be 50 cone Jan 1, and I thought it would be awesome to pull 500 for my 50th! Problem is, I need a valid protocol that I can follow. I've pulled 465, but my realistic...
  16. EG News

    Practicing Yoga Might Keep Your Brain Healthy

    Oleh_Slobodeniuk / Getty Yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years and boasts some pretty impressive health and fitness benefits, but a new review of 11 scientific studies suggests that it may be even better for the brain than previously thought. Scientists analyzed five studies done on...
  17. GRIM

    The China Ban...

    Appears full well to be happening.. Because of this with the help of the great staff here I'm attempting to get a list of known raw suppliers that wont be effected, I'm sure we wont get them all but just incase a lab can't find raws we can point them in the right direction!
  18. EG News

    Men Spend More Time Staring at Guys' Chests than Women, a New Study Says

    BigLike Images / Shutterstock If you’re chasing an upper-chest pump thinking it’s going to impress your lady or gym crush, think again. A study published in Evolutionary Psychological Science found that men tend to stare at the upper-chest of other men longer than women do. In other words, your...
  19. halfnatty

    Has anyone ran primo ace

    Like to know how you liked it and cycled it, thanks
  20. EG News

    Classic physique competitor dani younan's go-to shoulder exercises

    View this post on Instagram Stop WAITING for things to happen and GO OUT AND MAKE THEM HAPPEN A post shared by Dani Younan (@daniyounan_ifbbpro) on Dec 29, 2018 at 11:18am PST If you’re looking for an out-of-the-box delt routine, don’t ask Dani Younan. The 5'8", 195-pound Californian’s...