Primobolan Depot and all its glory
September 17, 2013 By John Doe
Primobolan depot, those two words almost give me an orgasm every time I hear them. There are a lot of mixed reviews on primo, most from newbies or guys who don’t realize the true benefits of primo.
But take it from...
Supercharge your physique with Paleo dieting
January 7, 2015 By John Doe
Forget what you see in mainstream bodybuilding for a minute. I’m here to tell you straight up that you aren’t going to look that way unless you dedicate everything in your life to drugs, drug, drugs, bodybuilding...
The Deadline Diet: Skip The Bulk And Stay Shredded All Year – A Simple Approach To Nutrition!
Author: Erick Minor
I’m paid to be the guy with the answers. People part with their hard-earned dollars in exchange for me to tell them how to exercise, eat, and sleep, and it’s an honor to have...
Let's see who ya think the best Bodybuilder is of the 21st Century ???
And not because of how many Mr. Olympia's they've won, Overall !!!
I'm interested in seeing the responses.
I for one think Jay Cutler is def one of the top 5, and also Phil Heath & Dennis Wolf !!! Fuckin monsters in the game !!!