
  1. RockShawn


    OK, This is about my wife. I don't understand shit anymore. Here's the breif history to the current RANT: After we had kids she basically lost all sex drive and we would go months with no sex, like fuckin 6 and 8 months and stuff. It killed me. I developed a porn addiction and started to see...
  2. A

    Daily struggles to live..

    Does anyone here ever look at their bottle of insulin and think....what a nice sleep that would give me? It would make all of the pain, suffering, and memories just go away... :(
  3. H

    Ghrp 2 Mod Grf 1-29 run

    Going to begin a run here pretty soon. Any of you brothers have any experience with these peptides? I know what my protocol will be. Was just wanting to hear some of your results/experience.
  4. Torres

    Test E or Test C ???

    Alright bros serious question. I've always been a Test E man, love the strength, aggression, and how versitile it is. As you all know I love to bulk, and in meeting up with one of my old friends yesterday he swore on the better effects of Test C compared to E. I did some reading on both , AGAIN...
  5. RockShawn

    **Myostatin Human Propeptide LOG**

    OK, before I run the Methyl tren, I wanted to get in the Myostatin HMP I got from LabPE. I originally wanted Follistatin, but they were sold out and I still had 2 Myo's in the freezer so this is the Myo inhibitor I'll run. Run is short. gonna go 10 days straight at 100mcg IM ED Because I...
  6. C

    Not 405,...

    .... but im happy with my progress. Pulled 355 for three, and 365 for one today. Super excited and proud of my old ass for yanking it up. I love this sport, you can celebrate a win at any point in time. Sometimes these little victories just pop up outta nowhere.
  7. S

    give this a read maybe you will enjoy it and get motivated from it like i did

    Something thats always stuck in my head. I thought i would share it with my new family. "Want to be a freak? You're in luck. I'm drunk and going to tell you but let's face it. You don't really want this do you? Want to be a FREAK? Really? Want the girls dropping thier jaw when you walk in...
  8. S


    Well, ive been on it for about 2 weeks, Im actually keeping carbs lower than previous ckd, just because I have no real craving for them. I think I can attribute it to the coconut oil. No set solid meals but an example is 0900: Bullet proof coffee (coffee with 2 tbs of coconut oil) MAYBE add a...
  9. W

    Grim goes for a jog

    There was this really buff body builder running down the beech one day and noticed that no one was paying him any attention. He also noticed that all these really hot girls were just poring themselves over this really scrawny nerd. One day the body builder had enough of it and asked the nerd...
  10. homegrown

    Homegrown gym time..

    Going to start a log on here of my lifting and extras that I do at the gym on a daily basis. Unfortunately I left my notebook in the car and really don't want to walk 4 blocks to go and get it so I will add stuff in tonight. So I do a lot of rest pause work with pretty slow negatives with a...