
  1. Dago


    How many of you guys have ran NPP and what were your results. If you had labs done what were the results. How many mgs per week etc...ty
  2. GRIM

    Running t4 thoughts?

    doing lots of reading lately while some drs claim t4 or t3 unneeded and broscience when using gh, anabolics etc Others blood work shows t4 supplementation keeps you naturally burning fat on hi, t3 at max natty levels wo the rebound effect when dropped. t3 can cause castabolism and should only...
  3. EG News

    Is a nonmotorized treadmill worth the investment?

    Over time, the treadmill has received upgrades such as built-in monitors, science-backed training programming, and borderline-AI (artificial intelligence) coaching. Sometimes, however, the greatest leaps (or strides) forward come as a result of taking a calculated step back. Enter the motorless...
  4. sityslicker1

    Reliable trt question

    Hey any of you fellas using any sources here strictly for TRT only? I prefer sustanon, but open to test e and test cyp options. There are so many sources to choose from its overwhelming. Also, I want to minimize any risk of crashing my system, so if anyone could offer any advice or point me in...
  5. GoPro

    Not on cycle, but looking good!

    so I am not on cycle but still looking pretty damn good off I may say so. I am currently 186lbs and gaining. In the middle of my winter bulk naturally. I tend to not need AAS’s during the winter because I am eating more and working out a lot more because the weather sucks. But I will be...
  6. millenium girl


    I bought a treadmill a few months ago and do quite a lot of cardio. My Achilles is sore and swollen. Just wondering if stretching will help ... I asked the physio to do shockwave therapy, it hurts like hell ....
  7. millenium girl

    Running shoes

    i need a good pair running shoes. What are you all wearing?
  8. T

    Coming off completely

    Hey guys. It's been a while. I don't really come on here very often anymore. Just wanted some feedback on your experiences with coming off gear altogether. I've basically been on for the past 4.5 years straight. Started on TRT, did a bunch of blasts and cruises during that time, but mostly...
  9. D

    Losing my boners again :(

    Started doing about 275 test e/275 test prop a week, and 30mg dbol a day. Recently started going limp. It comes back but takes a long time. Fucking sucks. Im running about 1.5mg adex per wk. one friend who is a personal trainer and very big told me drop the prop, run enan at 500 a wk and drop...
  10. Daredevil

    Daredevil's Log

    I plan to start my cycle Sunday, June 5th. Currently just running 150mg test cyp. The cycle will be at least 14 weeks long. Week 1-14 - Test Cyp @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Deca @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Mast E @ 400mg/week Week 8-14 - Anavar @ 50mg/day Currently I'm 178.5 @ 12% body fat, maybe...
  11. keyk240

    Looking for input

    I'm thinking of running my next cycle after a long time off. I want some lean gains for the spring months and i'll do a cut right before summer (July) I'm wanting to run a longer ester with E3D Pins Currently 185lbs 5'6" at about 20% bf Thinking Test E/ Tren E/ and EQ 200mg each E3D Dbol...
  12. LittleTom

    More on Tren

    I have posted my thoughts on A and E and how much I am enjoying my run with E. That being said I can't deny the difference between the two in terms of body composition. I think the main problem with Tren A was the highs and lows I would go through. I got these to subside for the most part by ED...
  13. LittleTom

    Less sides with Tren E?

    I have alway been scared from people's horror stories with Tren E. This is my first run with Tren E and I am now done with week four. I have been running it at 400mgs. The first couple weeks aggression was up. Now sides are all but non existent. Strength is way up. I'm holding muscle while in a...
  14. RebelMachinist

    Advice on puffy nips

    Okay so I had developed gyno last year got rid of it using aromasin and nolva but I still have puffy nipples that won't go away, tey aren't itchy and I feel no signs of gyno at all. Was looking for suggestions as to what would be better if its possible to get rid of the puffy nipples. My only...
  15. A

    HELP sore nipples and small lumps

    Can someone give a protocol for combatting this. I've been on 400mg testE and 400mg DECA for 4 weeks now. I also have a little oozing out of one nipple. Thanks for any help given.
  16. W


    So I dropped the NPP and just started running tren. BP is always a concern of mine and I'm always proactive in my supplementation and monitoring. First thing this morning, 117/68 What concerns me is my pulse . It's high.... really high. And all day. 140-150. Any ideas ? Donate blood?
  17. W

    Test P and NPP

    So it's the weirdest thing.... It's my first time running NPP. I'm definitely leaning out a lot and am loosing a lot of abdominal fat. But, I'm holding water like a mofo. Most especially in my feet, hands and face. Any advice? Comments ? I'm running 300/300
  18. A

    Noobz TRT question

    I have a question on TRT... So I'm thinking about hopping on trt and blast and cruising. However I remember reading all the time that receptors get overloaded, and this is the reason alot of people come off for a while. If this is true, wouldnt you constantly need to bump up your TRT dose...
  19. mig139

    NPP/Tren A /Test

    OK, planning summer cut.... I'm thinking NPP/Tren A and some Test. I have plenty of Pharma Caber so that won't be a problem. Low calories, high reps. I know is 2 19s together but I want to try it. Test be minimal. Any ideas hoe to laid this out. Tren A 600mcg a week..... Maybe more...
  20. G

    Gym owner arrested for running undergound steroid lab.

    Gym owner arrested for running undergound steroid lab. Source: Gym owner arrested for running undergound steroid lab.