
  1. K

    Test/Tren/Eq Cycle Question

    Would like some advice on the current cycle I am running. Wanting some opinions on frequency of pinning. I've never used EQ and after doing some research a lot of people who have ran the same cycle seem to split dosage into 2 shots E3d... This seems hard to believe since there all long...
  2. krustus

    EQ and estrogen... how much aromasin?

    EQ can and does convert to estrogen right?... i think i read at about half the rate of test... so running 600 a week how much aromasin would be needed if you are running only 125mg of test with it?
  3. B

    Caber or Prami?

    Hey guys, I'm super prone to both kinds of gyno, I'm currently running 400mg tren e/week, 300mg test e/week, 40mg var/day and 50mg win/day (win just added in 2 days ago) I'm in week 8 of 10. I've been running 20mg nolva 4-5 days a week, and .5mg caber 1-2 times per week. got some nice knots lol...
  4. MuscleAddiction

    Whatcha running/cruising now?

    So figured we would see who is running what here on EG currently...I am currently 8 weeks into a cruise of the following... 300mg EW of AY Test D 300mg 150mg of AY Deca 300mg 50mg AY Proviron 25mg 100mg Aventia TNE (2x EW on leg/chest days) 1mg E3D AY Adex I am gearing up to my next blast that...
  5. LittleTom

    Mental health

    Hey guys. I know the only way to tell for sure if things are good is blood work. Latley I have been having horrible mood swings and depression. Been on cycle since Late dec Superdrol, only three weeks on super, deca, test at 600mg now mast and winny and bold cyp. Gonna stop everything except a...
  6. F

    Starting T3/T4 for first time along with HGH

    I'm about to start 2iu/day hgh along with either T3 or T4, also will be running 500mg test c/wk. I have questions concerning the T3 and T4. I have 25 T3 tablets and a bottle of Liquid T4. I have never taken either one. I have taken stimulants such as ephedrine, clen and albuterol. I have done...
  7. G

    Gym owner accused of running domestic UG steroid lab.

    Gym owner accused of running domestic UG steroid lab. Source: Gym owner accused of running domestic UG steroid lab.
  8. Kuntrykok

    Ready to try NPP

    Never ran NPP, ran deca in the past but didn't care for the bloat and water retention associated with it. I hear NPP doesn't have that effect. Like to stay lean year round so I think it will be a perfect addition to my current Test, Mast and MDHT cycle that I am currently running. Any...

    need some advice and help

    Ok well without going into to much detail. So I had an episode today lol... short and simple I came home today and my neighbor came to check on me to see how I was doing.. after about 3 min of talking to him I passed the fuck out. I went to the DR.. So here is my issue I have self...
  10. Buck

    For the 40 + guys

    Any of you over 40 guys end up with breathing issues while on. .
  11. J

    Not feeling horny lately?

    My last blast I ran plenty of test, some deca, dbol then some tren. all thru my blast, I was always horny. then I took a break for a while and just cruised on a low dose of test. Now my current blast, I skipped running the hcg, (no reason, just didnt do it) but I'm running plenty of test and...
  12. krustus

    my tbol, npp, masteron experience so far

    me and lith are both running a similar cycle.. i'm only running 150mg a week of test (trt dose) along with 300npp and 900 mast e, and 60 a day of tbol. the results so far (6weeks) have been amazing. this is my heaviest cycle ever and it's really changing my physique. i'll hopefully have some...
  13. 49ER

    Interesting news on lab corp

    I read on another board that there was several misreadings on estradiol tests when tren was involved. Therewas several guys that had ooutrageous estradiol levels while running tren and using lab corp. Makes me wonder both my tests one was 857 other was 700 something. Both times I had tren ace in...
  14. Akhusker

    Want to start my next cycle....

    Ok everyone, So I ran a Test E 250, Mast E 200 cycle for for 14 weeks (inject every 3rd day at 6am) I have been off now for 6 weeks ( 2 weeks running nothing, 4 weeks of PCT) Soooo.... I want to start another cycle here soon but want everyones info and if I should wait longer or if I am ok to...
  15. lith56bigguy

    NPP whats your results

    Planning my next bang which as of now is going to be 800mg sust/400 npp weekly. with a kickstart of 50 mg t-bol daily I just love what I get out of 14 weeks of deca and test so Im hoping to achieve results sooner with npp due to the shorter ester. This will be my first run with npp...
  16. D

    Pct for a long cycle

    What would be recommended? I cycled quite a bit longer than planned, about 6-7 months on test, sust and tren and I need to come off now, what would be the best protocol? Thanks!
  17. Akhusker

    What do you guys think about running long and short esters

    Sooooo...I have like a gallon of test p in my stock pile (yes I am a hoarder too) but I am low on sust and test e and would have to make an order to get more to do my next cycles! Now my next two cycles consist of using DECA in one and mast e and TREN e in another (both for 12-14 weeks each). I...
  18. gearbender

    new cycle

    thinkin of running a cycle of 900 Test, 600 Mast, 500 Eq, and 200 Deca a week, split up in 2 pins per week. anybody have any thoughts or experience to share on combining these compounds... thanks. gearbender
  19. morrey

    Next Blast

    In September im goin to use EQ for the first time. I was thinking 500 mg/week What can i expect from it and do you guys think that dose is sufficient?
  20. F


    How many Mgs should I run if I need to run caber w/tren?