
  1. EG News

    Get to know squat

    Per Bernal Somewhere along the way, the squat—always the kind with a heavy barbell against your traps—became the demarcation line between hardcore and softcore. Make them the foundation of your leg days and you were serious. Avoid them and you were just taking up gym space. That line has grown...
  2. millenium girl

    Just wondering

    Do you guys workout (cardio or weights) when not feeling well? I have flu like symptoms (I had a fever last night but not anymore).
  3. EG News

    Shawn rhoden has something to say

    Joe Weider's 2017 Olympia weekend is just around the corner, and as you can imagine, things are heating up! Shawn Rhoden, last year’s Mr. Olympia runner-up, unloads on the reigning Mr. O. You gotta read it to believe it. BIGGEST PET PEEVE People who try to be something that they’re not. HE’S...
  4. GRIM

    Quad Injection
  5. Daredevil

    Trump & WorkForce & Meds

    Damn Trump isn't even President yet, stocks are soaring and a lot of companies are coming back into America. If your not following the News and what all he's accomplished so far I'll post what's happening. Also the greatest thing is, he's stating that he will lower the price of prescription drugs!
  6. T-bar

    I could use some direction

    Some of you may remember that my last test results showed my Estradiol levels being over 3,000! I just got back my re-test and as I suspected there was an error in my lab results. My Estradiol...
  7. vrod2002


    Having to find a new doc for TRT after mine blew his head off.. been cruising on test e of 200 a week. How long to run clean before I should draw bloods ? Ten days ?
  8. I

    Need some pointers

    Alright here we go, I am about to come off a long 20 week cycle of test cyp and primobolan, i wanted to cruise and stay on test low at 250 a week but im deciding to try and do the right thing and let my body recoup and let me receptors clear up a bit. I want to know since i have my peptides on...
  9. I

    Coming off advice

    I have been on cycle now for 19 weeks idk if I should be regretting it or not but here it goes, Test cyp 500 mgs a week for 19 weeks now Primo depot 600 to 800 mgs a week for 19 weeks And mast E 400 mgs a week for 5 weeks now I'm thinking I should come off completely because I never wanted...
  10. JuicedVenom

    Hgh storage. Before recon.

    Ok looking for opinions. I been using AAS , Hgh ,slin, peptides etc for a little while. Lol [emoji23] So I know people with 50 kits of serostims just sitting on a shelf in a closet. ( room temp). Then fridge after recon. There's different answeres on this topic. Most say fridge...
  11. Thesuperwallaby

    gyno issue

    upped me to 10mg of tamoxofin everyday and the lump still getting bigger going on the 8th to get my boobie checked.... anybody have to go through this before? usually tamoxifen clears it right up but doesnt seem to be helping this time around.... i wonder if it has something to do with the...
  12. Troy

    First time trying tren need as much help as possible!!

    So I decided to run a simple test prop and tren ace cycle to try tren. No idea how my body will react to tren but this is what I have in mind. Week 1-2 tren ace @ 420 mg per week (see how my body takes it) Week 3-12 tren ace @ 525 - 700 mg per week (adjust per tolerance/sides) Week 1-12 test...
  13. Kai1432

    Need Advice On Current Blood Work

    Last Friday have done blood work, Drawn bloods on Just couple of things. I'm on my 8th week of PCT '3 weeks blast on HCG at 30000iu and following the protocol of Aromasin - first two weeks, Clomid 100mg ed and Nolva 40mg ed. Just taper down the dosages on both Nolva and Clomid. Sunday where...
  14. krustus

    per sityslickers advice...i'm keeping cephalexin around

    sityslicker advised in a thread that all us juice heads should be ready in case of an infection and should always have some keflex (cephalexin ) on hand... dude seems damn smart to me so i'm getting some from Kai to keep around.. we all should consider it
  15. M

    Blood tests for beginners

    I'm new to steroids and have no idea what I'm doing comes to blood testing. I need my bloodworks to see how pure the GH I'm going to purchase is. I live in UK. How do I go about getting it tested over here? And will it tell me specifically and in simple terms about my GH levels, T4 etc...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Austrian newspaper: It’s Time To Discuss Whether Islam Should Be Banned In Europ

    Austrian newspaper: It’s Time To Discuss Whether Islam Should Be Banned In Europe Speisa - March 30, 2016 "Now we must permit discussions about whether or not Islam as such should be banned in Europe." A statement by Wolfgang Fellner in the daily Austrian newspaper “Österreich” has created...
  17. Kai1432

    What'll be the best PCT after a huge cycle

    Basically I have run a 20 week plus huge cycle, have used multiple compounds and now on a first week of HCG My theory is to have a blast on HCG and then added clomid, nolva with aromasin which is been from the start to end. On first week HCG 2500iu Eod for 3 weeks Then 4 to 8 weeks...
  18. GRIM

    if this is broke

    sign me up...
  19. Chief swole

    Igf1 test protocol

    What would be protocol on getting an igf1 test dont.. how long into cycle. how much and where to pin? How long before test ect
  20. Paulrockr

    WTF wildwings

    I dont reckon ill be eating there anymore