
  1. Thor

    TRIBUTE To Jessica Nagle (Marathon Runner)

    A Diet for Female Runners Written by Andrea Boldt 17 October, 2013 Female runners have specific nutritional needs. Poor nutrition can lead to poor performance, tiredness, injuries and disillusionment with training, reports the Estronaut website. Women often take up running in an...
  2. A

    Here Are Some Changes You Might See in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines

    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are published every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and provide valuable information on how people can live healthier lives and prevent diet-related diseases such as diabetes. Included in...
  3. V

    The 10 Craziest Diets You’ve Never Heard Of

    People will do just about anything to lose weight — except for eating whole foods, exercising regularly, and getting 7-9 hours of sleep, that is. As a result, countless diets have claimed to be the quickest and easiest ways to shed fat throughout the years. There are the popular eating...
  4. J

    Pregnancy and hgh or supplements

    What can my girl continue to take. Is hgh ok during pregnancy. Should she stop everything else. Does the way we work out need to change. We do high volume training. Pretty heavy weights. Well as heavy as can do 8 reps with.
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Injection FAQ's for newbies

    Posted by Fayde at Intense Training syringe/needle/injection FAQ for newbies For many of you, this is common knowledge, but I'm sure that some of you still have a few questions about this subject. If you are new to steroids, this FAQ should answer your injection questions. We will start from...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Rules for over 40 training

    Sooner or later...we all face it. Your joints are a little achier than those of your younger bro's and your reflexes aren't as spectacular, but you've still got most of your game. Now tell me, should you, as an aging athlete who wants to continue to compete at a high level, or an even higher...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Lean Vs. Dirty Bulking

    Lean vs Dirty Bulking Lean bulking is a smarter approach and here’s why. For bulking to be successful, you need to eat in a caloric surplus meaning you eat more calories than you can burn over time. This then begs the question; how big should this surplus be? A lean bulk suggests a small...
  8. M

    Powerlifting meet in June

    I need some advice. I’m entering a powerlifting meet in June, one I’ve been passing up for years due to injuries. I just starting training again and brought my pause bench up to #445 no shirt. My deadlift is at #635 at the moment. I’m thinking I can get that up in 6 months as I don’t so it...
  9. Southerncross

    Help now

    Holy smokes.....first off let me say im taking a mere dose of 400mg week test c...mon/thur split...been on this for months..... NO AI. When i was younger (alot younger) id run 750mg a week no sides nothing.... Now...i guess after time estro has built up or some shit...idk....but...
  10. GRIM

    Got my bloods back

    All normal but thyroid... BUT thyroid levels are the opposite of causing fatigue Dr says I should have excess energy!
  11. EG News

    The ultimate workout for wider, stronger shoulders

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Tauseef Asri / M+F Magazine Olympic and professional athletes have...
  12. GRIM

    Running t4 thoughts?

    doing lots of reading lately while some drs claim t4 or t3 unneeded and broscience when using gh, anabolics etc Others blood work shows t4 supplementation keeps you naturally burning fat on hi, t3 at max natty levels wo the rebound effect when dropped. t3 can cause castabolism and should only...
  13. EG News

    Should eggs be in your diet? examining the most controversial food on the breakfast table

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Vesna Jovanovic / EyeEm After a recent study published in...
  14. EG News

    Should i care about my one-rep max?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Westend61 / Getty It’s been around forever, and while it may seem like an...
  15. jolter604

    Super sets for the shocker

    So you want to burn fat, get super lean and have a great six-pack, right? Then you must determine the quickest, most effective means to achieving this: A clean diet, yes. Sufficient cardio, definitely. And the lifting? That’s easy: supersets. There are a lot of bodybuilders who think that...
  16. halfnatty

    Got my testosterone checked again

    it was at 264 this time and from what I read that’s still low cause most people should be in the 600 range can anyone acknowledge this?
  17. J

    Pct question

    Buddy of mine is running TPP/NPP mix 300mg of each for 10 weeks and 400mg Mast E for 12 weeks. He started the Mast E 2 weeks prior to the TPP/NPP mix. What should he do for PCT and when should he start?
  18. EG News

    Judge's table: day of reckoning

    QUESTION What is the ideal schedule for a bodybuilder on the day of a show? I’m about to do my first contest, and I’d like to make sure I maintain my condition and don’t mentally “peak” too early. Do you have any dos and don’ts for those final hours before going onstage? ANSWER STEVE...
  19. Bama


    Hello EG!!! We are seeing a glimmer of hope that the cold weather is over!!! Time to change up routines. What is everyone gonna be running for their spring/summer cycles? I have started back and pretty much been in a cruise due to having to watch after my wife here lately, now she is doing...
  20. krustus

    My latest blood work

    been on dyel test d... dropped to around 75mg a week for my trt... test results have total T at 403 .. which is ok with the low dose i'm on... but i'm gonna go back to 100mg or even 125mg to hopefully get in the 800 range. my greatest concern is my free test is very low....3.9pg/ml.... range...