
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Chin-Up Project

    Gain an inch on your biceps while building a rock-solid upper body with simple chin-up progressions. Chin-Ups for Pure Muscle Growth There are two problems with most chin-up programs: They're usually designed to help you increase the number of chins you can do, not increase muscle mass. While...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    A FEW FORMALITIES Before we dive right in, there are some important things to consider prior to using this: This is in no way scientific. It's observational. Everyone is different (age, experience, sex, injury history, training style, build, etc.). Therefore, this won't be exact, and that's...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What To Eat To Boost Your Metabolism

    by K. Aleisha Fetters, C.S.C.S. If you truly want to win big in the fat-loss game, you’ve got to boost your metabolism. Burn more calories each and every day—whether you’re crushing it in the gym or chilling on your tush—and fat loss is pretty much guaranteed. But how does your diet tie in? We...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    What Are Net Carbs And What Do They Mean For Weight Loss?

    by Sarah Garone, N.D.T.R. Counting carbs can be a complicated affair. When tracking your macros for weight loss, you may feel like you need a calculator handy just to make lunch or dinner. So if you’ve heard about net carbs—a type of carbohydrates some people suggest don’t “count” on a low-carb...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Eat Like This And Grow Forever

    Evan Centopani Getting started in any endeavor is often the hardest part. This certainly holds true for new bodybuilders taking their first stab at meal planning. When you first begin training, it becomes apparent almost immediately that you'll need to eat well to sustain your energy and reach...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Determining Protein Quality

    Protein quality is typically defined as a protein’s capacity to supply all essential amino acids (EAAs) to an individual. There is a total of 9 EAAs which cannot be produced by the body and can only be obtained through eating whole food sources or supplementation. As a whole, research has shown...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Cycle

    Typical AAS usage comes in pre-planned lengths of time that a person is taking any compounds. The idea is to achieve a set of goals and then allow the body to get back to stasis and ensure that there are no medical issues before doing it again. There is also some controversy about possible...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Understanding your Testosterone Blood Work Results

    The normal range for total testosterone levels in men is approximately 300 ng/dL to 1050 ng/dL. There is no absolute consensus among different medical organizations for the exact cutoff for low testosterone. In general, the cutoff ranges from high 200s to low-to-mid 300s ng/dL. This range is...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Preparing Your Cycle(For Newbs)

    The Cycle Typical AAS usage comes in pre-planned lengths of time that a person is taking any compounds. The idea is to achieve a set of goals and then allow the body to get back to stasis and ensure that there are no medical issues before doing it again. There is also some controversy about...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond Sets And Reps: A Look At Training Volume

    What is the best rep range to use for muscle building? Well, what I am about to say might surprise you: There is no magical rep range. There are reasonable ranges, but at the end of the day as long as you aren't trying to turn weight training into an aerobic activity, most rep ranges between 5...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    How To Improve Your Push-ups in 8 Weeks

    Struggling with your ability to do push ups? No problem! This program will help your push ups and overall upper body strength by increasing frequency and intensity. Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab. The push-up must be the MOST...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The Ex-Hardgainer Workout And Eating Plan

    Tired of being a hardgainer? This program contains a detailed workout and progression scheme, along with eating advice and a sample daily diet plan. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Full Body Training Level Beginner Program Duration14 weeks Days Per Week 3 Time Per...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Combat Your Weakness Workout Program

    This program combines the concepts of training volume, progressive overload, and muscular tension in order to build strength and muscle while prioritizing lagging body parts. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Full Body Training Level Intermediate Program Duration6 weeks Days...
  14. GoPro

    Lab results.

    Just got my labs back. They sent the bloods off to lab Corp. This was from starting the cycle on the 23rd of October and the labs were done November 12th. So not that long and have great test levels. Total test: 3000 Free test: 50 Estradiol: 211 PSA: 78 Cycle currently: 1250mgs...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    5/10/20 Method: Killer Supersets for a Huge Pump

    su-per-set /‘soo-per,set/ noun a set that includes another set or sets a combination of exercises done consecutively with no rest between the best way to get a massive pump, bro Ever since I started lifting weights as a teenager, I have loved using supersets in my training. By definition...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    How To Add Muscle Without Adding Weight To The Bar

    Lifters are getting smarter. They know that it's not just about how big their bench press is; going heavy isn't the only way to make muscles grow. Being able to add weight to the bar is the byproduct of the gains you make from previous workouts—and from implementing other training strategies...
  17. SemprFi95

    Lean Diet Critique 4 Upcoming Cycle

    Evening fellow EG brothers & sisters...Lets start with stats: Age - 45 Height - 6'0 Weight - 180lbs BF - 14% Now for my planned cycle: Wks 1-12 Test E 500mg/M,F Wks 1-12 NPP 150mg/M,W,F Wks 4-12 Anavar 100mg/D Wks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5/E3D What follows is the diet I have planned to start while on...
  18. Eman

    Lab Test Funds

    PM if you would like to donate Bitcoin or sample(s) for testing. Thank you. Running Totals: Eman 150.00 @01dragonslayer 50.00 @Inhuman2019 160.00 Total 360 -95 Lab Fees -120 Lab Fees/Packaging Materials -110 Lab Fees/Packaging Materials @01dragonslayer 100.00 Anonymous 250.00 Total 385.00 -110...
  19. EG News

    The Total-Body Workout to Get Spartan Fit at Home

    The definition of adrenaline rush for more than five million endurance athletes is rope climbing, Atlas stone carrying, and pumping out burpees over long and rough terrain. The definition of ingenuity is trying to replicate the adventures of Spartan racing on a phone app. The OG’s of OCR had...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    What do you think of this 'Total Body Repair'

    Tell me whatcha you guys think of this protocol. I just suffered and elbow injury last week but I figured why not help some of my other small ailments while I'm at it. Loading Phase Week 1 - Week 4: Monday: TB-500 5mg / BPC-157 500mcg Tuesday & Wednesday: BPC-157 500mcg Thursday: TB-500 5mg...