
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein are you Actually Getting?

    Ever wonder how much protein your are actually getting in a single scoop of your favorite supplemental whey protein. Well there is a formula to find this out how much you ARE getting and how much is crap fillers. Its very simple. Say one scoop has 25g of protein per the label claim. You take...
  2. Wacker

    Estrogen Total

    So I have been doing some research outside of forums on estrogen totals vs e2 only and am beginning to think the idea that all that matters in men is E2 is total BS and that taking a AI like letro or aroma will not lower your total estrogen complete bro science...maybe I am insane and someone...
  3. EG News

    Use This Workout If You Have a Hangover

    wavebreakmedia One bottle of beer is about 100 worthless calories. It offers no value—it's just junk. Throw back two, three, or four more, and you're putting an awfully big dent in your recommended total caloric intake when you add them on top of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But hey, we get...
  4. EG News

    The Total-Body Swiss Ball Circuit

    AleksZ Photo / Shutterstock Swiss ball; Stability ball; Physio ball; Exercise ball. It goes by many names, but the big ball that inhabits the corner of every gym is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment at your disposal. It’s not just for your core, either—the ball can be paired with...
  5. EG News

    Amanda Lawrence Dominated USAPL Nationals While Injured

    Powerlifting world champ Amanda Lawrence absolutely crushed it at last weekend's USAPL Raw Nationals. A force to be reckoned with in the women's -84kg category, the Minnesota native hit a 552.3-pound squat, 253.5-pound bench press, and 545.6-pound deadlift for a 1,351.4-pound total. She took...
  6. dowork

    Doc recommending trt

    Quick background... I’m 44, married with 2 kids, been cycling on and off for 11 years. Both kids were conceived very easily on heavy cycles, been trying for 2 years now to conceive a third. Wife checked out fine, doc ran my bloods and found I’m the problem (no shit right). Total Test 29ng/dL...
  7. Wacker

    Going on trt

    I know its been awhile since I posted anything here but I needed a break and life kind of kicked my ass for awhile. So I ended up coming off of everything for over a year and a half and just felt like shit but had to for health and personal issues. This is a long post but know there are some...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Private md labs-body builder testing

    Body Builder Testing Before starting any Hormone Replacement Therapy regimen a baseline of certain laboratory tests are recommended. It is also important to have regular lab testing to ensure the prescribed therapy is working as intended. Hormone Therapy programs vary by prescriber as well as...
  9. EG News

    When Size and Symmetry Collide

    QUESTION I have a 29" waist, but my goal is to keep packing on as much size as I can to all my bodyparts. My friends warn me that I’m getting too big and am destroying my symmetry and balance. I train because I truly love iron-jaw workouts, but are they ruining me? ANSWER During my...
  10. F.I.S.T.


    BLOOD TEST REFERENCE RANGE CHART Test Reference Range (conventional units*) 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Men) 0.06-3.0 mg/L 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Women) Follicular phase 0.2-1.0 mg/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) 8-80 ng/mL Acetoacetate <3 mg/dL Acidity (pH) 7.35 - 7.45 Alcohol 0 mg/dL (more than...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Sample 4500 Calorie Bulker Diet Menu

    Sample 4500 Calorie Bulker Diet Menu Heres a sample of a 4500 calorie lean bulking diet..Eating this many calories isnt easy for many so its gonna take getting used to.Also,you can re-arrange the meals to suit your workout schedule. What do you guys think? Questions/Comments? What...
  12. F.I.S.T.


    F.I.S.T. STYLE EGGS BENEDICT Breakfast today in the F.I.S.T. household. Total Time: 12 Minutes Servings 1 2 eggs 2 light slices of whole wheat bread 2 slices Canadian bacon Diced tomatoes ¼ cup lemon fat free yogurt ½ teaspoon dry mustard 1 pinch salt...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Testosterone Thresholds and Muscle Mass Gains Needed to Enhance Muscle Strength

    Testosterone Thresholds and Muscle Mass Gains Needed to Enhance Muscle Strength and Function 06 December 2014 Written by Monica In a previous article "Combined Testosterone and GH therapy for best results on body composition and safety profiles" I covered a study showing that testosterone...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    The “Trump Effect” –Fox News Joins Macy’s On The Losing End of Anti-Trump Effort

    The “Trump Effect” – Fox News Joins Macy’s On The Losing End of Anti-Trump Efforts… Posted on May 1, 2016 by sundance CNN has the strongest surge in ratings in the past 14 years and now beats Fox News in the all important category of 25-54 year old viewership. That age category drives the...
  15. T-bar

    Ripped off

    Been buying from this supplier for years. My last order came after he had been out of product for a while. I was using test-c provided by the doctors office and had paid for several hundred dollars worth of dbol and eq. Keep in mind I've been in this game for more than 25 years, so when I saw...
  16. T-bar

    The Crash, Part 2

    So I'm over a month into this cycle; Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk EQ 200mg 2/wk Dbol 25mg/ed Arimidex 0 Sleep 8-9 hrs a night Water 92 ounces a day I've seen only the smallest of strength gains and very little size gain. I'm more...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    4500 calorie lean bulking diet

    Heres a sample of a 4500 calorie lean bulking diet.What do you guys think?Questions/Comments?What would you add or change? Meal #1 6 Whole Eggs 2 Slices Toast =35g carbs 1 Cup Oatmeal =52 carbs 2 Cups 1% Milk =22g carbs Multivitamin/mineral supplement 2 Tablespoons Flax Seed oil Protein = 51...
  18. mig139

    Looking for Bac Water

    Running low on Bac Water... Any good sources at a reasonable price? Thanks!
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Fast Food for BodyBuilders

    Matty's post about fast food made me remember this post I found yrs agin and added to it along the way with other fast food "healthy" choices. Fast Food for BodyBuilders Fast Food, Fast Nutrition by Chris Aceto Eating on the run. Unless you're Mr. or Ms. Perfect, it's become a...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Testosterone Thresholds and Muscle Mass Gains Needed to Enhance Muscle Strength

    Testosterone Thresholds and Muscle Mass Gains Needed to Enhance Muscle Strength and Function 06 December 2014 Written by Monica Mollica In a previous article "Combined Testosterone and GH therapy for best results on body composition and safety profiles" I covered a study showing that...