
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Effective Strength Training for the Time-Poor

    It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your goals are, there are going to be times when your strength training has to take a back seat. It could be for a week, a month, or perhaps even a year or more. There are going to be seasons in life when you simply have less time and attention to devote to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Magnifying Glass Effect

    By Aadam | The Magnifying Glass Effect is when we “zoom in” on a fuck up and become so hyper-focused on only that one fuck up that it becomes totally blown out of proportion and seems much worse than it really is. In this post, I’m going to show you why a few ‘bad’ days aren’t as bad as you...
  3. EG News

    3 Reasons Why Every Runner Should Never Skip Lower-Body Workouts

    Have you seen those “runners” who run on the side of the road, who seem to run solely to lose weight? The pained expression on their face as they struggle with every step because they believe that running is the best way to lose weight. This article is not for them, but if you’re serious about...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How Many Sets for Muscle Growth?

    By Aadam | In 2010, James Krieger conducted a Meta-analysis to find an answer to this question 1 James’ analysis found multiple sets were associated with a 40% greater hypertrophy response compared to single-set training. However. As Brad Schoenfeld pointed out 2: So, James and Brad...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Training Frequency for Muscle and Strength?

    By Aadam | In 2015, Brad Schoenfeld (and colleagues) investigated the effects of training muscle groups once per week and training muscle groups multiple times per week on muscle and strength gains in well-trained men 1 This is what they did. 19 men were split into two groups: Volume was...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Does Fasted Training Burn More Fat?

    Many moons ago when I first decided I wanted to transform my body, I stumbled upon the idea of fasted training in a book. Yes, a book, because back then the internet was still new and awesome fitness sites like this weren’t around to disseminate good fitness info to the masses saving them from...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    (Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Programming Resistance Training

    By Aadam | January 19, 2023 This post is taken from the Vitamin. Every Thursday, I drop some knowledge bombs on your face to help you reach your goals faster while avoiding all the bullshit. I’m biased, but I think everyone should be resistance training. Obviously exercise in all forms is...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons to Avoid Training to Failure (+1 Reason You Should)

    By Aadam | Last Updated: April 14th, 2023 This post is taken from the Vitamin. Every Thursday, I drop some knowledge bombs on your face to help you reach your goals faster while avoiding all the bullshit. When it comes to building muscle, there are a number of factors and variables you need to...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Can Resistance Training Improve Range of Motion?

    By Aadam | September 8, 2023 This post is taken from the Vitamin. Every Thursday, I drop some knowledge bombs on your face to help you reach your goals faster while avoiding all the bullshit. When you think of resistance training, the word ‘flexibility’ likely doesn’t come to mind. But what if...
  10. EG News

    3 Mistakes You May be Making when it Comes To Fat Loss

    Despite what you see in your social media feeds of dramatic fat loss results, training and eating for fat loss is hard. Like really hard. Ronnie Coleman said that everyone wants to get big, but no one wants to lift heavy weights. Something similar could be said for fat loss. Everybody wants to...
  11. EG News

    Active Recovery for Improved Athletic Performance

    From rigorous training regimens to precise nutrition plans, athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always seeking ways to push their boundaries and achieve new levels of success. Amidst the intense workouts and competitions, recovery is a crucial yet often underestimated aspect that can make all...
  12. EG News

    Boxing’s Rising Star Richardson Hitchins Explains the Importance of Interval Training

    Hot super lightweight boxing prospect, Richardson Hitchins represented Haiti in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, and has racked up seven knockouts since turning pro the following year. Now set to fight for both the WBC Silver and IBF North American championships, this 25-year-old is nearing the...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The Complete Guide to the Smolov Squat Program

    What Is the Smolov Squat Program? The Smolov Squat Program, often shortened to “Smolov,” is a 13-week weightlifting program designed to increase your squat strength. It was named after its creator and “Russian Master of Sport,” Sergey Smolov, who reportedly used its principles to train the...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding: Which Is Best for You?

    Bodybuilding vs. Powerlifting: Overview Powerlifting is a sport that involves competing to lift as much weight as possible on the squat, bench press, and deadlift for a single rep (a one-rep max). As such, powerlifters generally spend the bulk of their training time practicing these...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The Four Horsemen of Optimal Recovery (Part 2)

    Rest Days Believe it or not, our bodies recover on the days AWAY from the gym, not while we are actually training. To better understand this, think of your muscles like a cut. When you cut yourself, you leave the wound alone so that your body has the time it needs to repair the damaged...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    The Four Horseman of Optimal Recovery (Part 1)

    Recovery is one of the most underappreciated components of the overall training plan, yet it’s arguably the most important. Training provides the stress that creates an environment for the body to adapt (and become stronger, bigger, faster, you name it), but it’s adequate rest and recovery that...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    7 Training Rules to Break for Big Gains

    I really dislike being told what to do. Always have, probably always will. Therefore, I have a natural tendency to break rules. I recognize this is not the best trait to have. Being like this can make things unnecessarily difficult in your life. However, some rules are made to be broken. I...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Common Mistakes Advanced Lifters Make

    In fitness, time on task should be worth a lot. However, sometimes experienced people still struggle with their fitness goals. Why is that? We all follow the same pattern with any new skill we learn. We start by wanting to get better at something, gather information from a book, website...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    What to Eat Before, During, and After Workouts to Build Muscle and Improve Performance

    Nutritional Layers of Importance Before we get too deep into what to eat around the workout, it’s important to point out where it fits into the layers of nutritional importance. #1: Energy Balance / End of Day Calories As you have heard many times before, when it comes to building muscle and...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Guide to Daily Undulating Periodization [DUP]

    Daily Undulating Periodization is exactly what it sounds like (surprising huh?). Let’s break it down: Daily: literally we are talking about days. Undulating: Ok now we are getting into some technical sounding terms. Don’t be afraid, undulation simply means a flowing motion, up and down in a...