
  1. EG News

    Low vs. high volume triceps training

    QUESTION You had some of the craziest triceps I’ve ever seen. I know you’re all about low volume, but can I do extra sets just for triceps to get them like yours? ANSWER Thank you for the compliment, I think. Crazy triceps are a good thing, right? First of all, I want to clear up...
  2. EG News

    4 Exercises for Tremendous Triceps

    Photos by Per Bernal AKIM WILLIAMS HAS A PROBLEM MOST OF US WOULD LOVE TO HAVE: HIS BICEPS ARE TOO BIG. For a top-level IFBB professional bodybuilder, this is a real issue in terms of symmetry and muscular balance. If the judges’ eyes are continually drawn to your biceps and not your physique...
  3. EG News

    Phil Heath’s 50 Incredible Arm Training Tips

    Do you want an arm-training secret from Mr. O? How about two? Forget that. Go big or go home. We're going to give you 50. These 50 (yes, 50!) arm-training tips helped Heath bring home six Sandows, so far. And he used his own advice as he prepared for the last Mr. Olympia. 1 | Train biceps and...
  4. EG News


    If you're looking to take you're triceps to the next level, then follow along with the training tips and routine of IFBB Pro Brandon Curry! TRI TIP #1 EXTEND/PRESS “The bulk of my triceps workout is a variety of extension movements. Every now and then, I throw in close-grip bench presses —...
  5. EG News

    Menacing Arms

    dennis-james-arms.jpg Photos by Ian Spanier “I pyramid up on each exercise. For the first set, I’ll do 12, then 10, then the last set I’ll pick a weight with which I’ll probably only be able to get eight. I train by myself most of the time, so I just go to the point where I feel there’s no...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    45-Degree EZ-Bar Skullcrusher

    45-Degree EZ-Bar Skullcrusher Target Muscles: All three triceps heads with emphasis on the long head. THE START Lie face up on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor. Your body should be fully supported from your hips up to your entire head. Have a partner hand you an EZ-bar and grasp...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Killer Triceps Routines

    I found this yrs ago and thought it was great for beginner to advanced to give a try.Used these workouts many times. Killer Triceps Routines Beginner's Program All beginners belong on a basic, three-times-a-week workout program for at least three to six months. This program has...