
  1. luckyluke

    Summer Cycle help

    So. I was hoping I could get some advice on a good spring/summer 12-14 week blast. I have different stuff so would love peoples input on past cycles and they have done. Here is my goal....get in 8%-10% BF. Currently at 14%. Add strength and some mass. 6'1 218lbs Here is what I have Test E...
  2. 4everstrong

    HGH mixing.

    How much bac water to add to serostim? 1 vial 126iu 6mg for 4iu 6iu 8iu
  3. D

    liver and kidneys

    whats the best supplments for liver and kidneys???
  4. ajdonutz

    Mountainside medical question

    Have any of you ever had to sign for the pack for bac water from them? I don't remember having to last time but its been a while. My pack tracking says "attempted delivery but no one there to sign". So its sitting at the post office. Anyone?
  5. Dago

    Mixing orals

    Obviously mixing orals 17aa steroids isn't a great idea due to liver kidneys etc...my question is this. Mixing dbol that brings on a lot of water retention or anadrol for that matter with say winny or tbol I've read guys doing this. This combo I don't understand as one is a dry cutting steroid...
  6. RockShawn

    Water manipulation to get you stupid lean!

    THIS IS ONE METHOD OF WATER AND CARB DEPLETION. This article may seem like it only applies to the small number of you who plan on competing at some point. This is not the case. Anyone who is sitting at a reasonably low body fat percentage (<12%) and wants to go from simply “lean” to “holy...
  7. Dago

    Water base winny

    I just got 5 jugs of this friend sent me haven't had water base inject for awhile. Just to be clear oral winny is in and out 8 hrs correct ? But a 50mg shot I'm goood for 24 hrs right ? I know guys say its a waste injecting but I always thought it was easier on the liver and good for 24 hrs ?
  8. V

    Need newbie advice on HGH reconstitution

    You see the title. I need help here. I've reconstituted hcg no problem. I need help here guys. Want 2-3iu a day. Help a brother out!! How much bac water etc
  9. J

    Lets talk about Hydration

    Ok, so we all know as bodybuilders that we should be at least taking in a gallon of water per day. But here is my question. It really gets old drinking plain water like that all the time. Trust me, there are times when it is good tho. So I have been buying the Gatorade powder sticks, and the...
  10. rboy101

    same syringe?

    Alright bros, I'm in a dilemma and need need to pin tonight and my pins were supposed to come in a few days ago. So my question is, I still have unused needles but I only have syringes that I've used. So how bad is it to use the same syringe but different needles?
  11. S

    Dialing a lagging muscles appearance pre-contest

    Im not in contest prep now, nor have I ever been but I do plan to and I have gotten quite lean in the past. Ive noticed my hamstrings tend to hold on to fat moreso then the rest of my body. In general its difficult for me to avoid that soft look in my hamstrings. 1.- What should someone do in...
  12. TSizemore

    Acetic Acid Recipe for Recon of Igf

    Can't take credit for this, as I've never tried this. But, the need for this recipe has presented itself, so here it is. Description: Recombinant Human Long-R3-IGF-I produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 83 amino acids and having a molecular mass of...
  13. Swampjuice

    Hangover help!

    Well i havent drank in probably 5 months and i typically never have been a big party animal but had a college buddy back in town this week and we went out last night. I didnt think we drank that much but fml do i feel like SHIT today bad. Im not running any orals only test atm, but i feel like...
  14. A

    Help With DNP

    Hey EG...I'm looking to try some DNP for the first time. I'm looking for a Fail-Safe Protocol.. any and all suggestions would be grateful..
  15. sityslicker1

    locating bac water?

    Can someone please tell if allowed or just pm in the right direction where to find bac water, preferable HG such as Hospira. Thanks.
  16. Too Small

    IGF1LR3 site injection

    I'm starting up with my IGF1L3 again. Yesterday after training upper chest, upper back and rear delts, I went home and pinned my IGF1LR3 in each pec. For the love of God....WARM that shit up before pinning IM into a warm muscle. I freeze my IGF1LR3 in the pin. I've had my bottle in the fridge...
  17. B

    Crashed gear

    Hey guys just received some test p 125mg/ml and I'm pretty sure it was below freezing in my mailbox, the gear has crashed I believe, it has kinda see thru crystals around the bottle. How do I reheat to fix it? If possible I'd like to keep the labels looking good also as its going to a buddy...
  18. T

    enlarged prostate

    So on my last cycle I noticed that I had to get up at night to Piss a lot. Like at least four times every night. Sometimes 6. I've been off for 10 weeks everything is back to normal. Hdoes this happen to anyone else? Is this dangerous? Is there anything I could take to counter this?
  19. TSizemore

    Oral Turinabol

    Chlordehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol) Profile (T-bol) Average Dose: 20mg per day Half Life: 8 hours Water Retention: minimal to zero Aromatization: No DHT Conversion: none Oral-Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed during the early 1960"s. OT has a predominantly anabolic...
  20. B

    Test Suspension

    Active Life: less than 24 hours Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection) Average Dose: Men 50-200 mg/day Acne: Yes Water Retention: Yes, high High Blood Pressure: Yes Liver Toxic: Low, except in mega dosages Aromatization:Yes, high DHT Conversion: Yes, high Decrease HPTA...