
  1. F.I.S.T.

    12-Step Carb Loading Program

    12-Step Carb Loading Program By Chris Aceto Add the appearance of 15 lbs of muscle in one week. Flex Wheeler was known for achieving drastic changes in his physique in less then 10 days. One reason for this was the implementation of successful carbohydrate depleting and loading. The system...
  2. EG News

    12-Step Carb Loading Program

    Flex Wheeler was known for achieving drastic changes in his physique in less then 10 days. One reason for this was the implementation of successful carbohydrate depleting and loading. The system, which requires large but temporary changes in carbohydrate, sodium and water consumption, can lead...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy

    8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy 8 Reasons why sodium is not the enemy | Flex Online Is sodium’s bad rap justified? Here are 8 reasons why it’s not. Sodium has about the worst reputation of any element on the Periodic Table, especially for bodybuilders. Is this bad rap justified? Not...
  4. EG News

    How to Come Off a Pre-Contest Bodybuilding Diet

    I can’t count how many times I have heard bodybuilding/physique competitors publicize on social media what they will be devouring after their contest is finished. I have seen people buy and stockpile hundreds of dollars’ worth of empty calorie junk food, none of it conducive to bodybuilding. If...
  5. EG News

    7 Things You Need to Know About Hydration

    Hydration is as important as any other topic in bodybuilding because it affects everything else. Your health, performance, body composition, sleep, recovery, mental focus, and even joint health are all affected by your state of hydration. I’m not talking about being hydrated for your workout. I...
  6. F.I.S.T.


    F.I.S.T. STYLE EGGS BENEDICT Breakfast today in the F.I.S.T. household. Total Time: 12 Minutes Servings 1 2 eggs 2 light slices of whole wheat bread 2 slices Canadian bacon Diced tomatoes ¼ cup lemon fat free yogurt ½ teaspoon dry mustard 1 pinch salt...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Drink High Alkaline Water to Raise Protective Gut Microbiota

    Drink High Alkaline Water to Raise Protective Gut Microbiota Posted on: Monday, February 27th 2017 at 2:00 pm Written By: Keith Bell Drink High Alkaline Water to Raise Protective Gut Microbiota
  8. bstmonster

    Want to cut water weight

    Hey guys I want to cut some water weight for this weekend (Arnold classic expo) I reduced carbs (recently finished my bulk), cut sodium, got white birch extract and dandelion root and plenty of broccoli, anything else I could add?
  9. R2D2

    Going to start a bulk in a few weeks

    gonna be 500 mg of test c and maybe some npp too. what oral should i use to get things started? i'm thinking either dianabol or anadrol, or do you think i should just do 50 mg of each? that might be kinda hard on old liver tho. i also have some m1a, superdrol, and dmz/lmg mix. leaning towards...
  10. GRIM

    5 Quick Tips

    5 Quick Tips to Help You with your Diet this Thanksgiving To diet or not to diet that is the question, typically followed swiftly by a resounding no. For most people, dieting is not fun nor is it always easy to stay on track. It can be hard to stay motivated, but it’s not impossible. Diets...
  11. T-bar


    So I've bumped up my levels now that I'm half way through my cycle, but my results have totally stalled out the last two weeks. I no longer get any type of a pump during my workout. I went from 185 up to 198, but now I've dropped back down to 190. My diet and sleep are spot on. Stress is not...
  12. Troy

    600 test / 900 eq should I add in dbol?

    Currently on week 7 of 600 mg of test e and 900 mg of eq per week. Was doing 1.5 dex every week but recently bumped it to 1 mg eod. Thinking of adding in dbol at 40 mg ed for 6 weeks. Would that be too much estro? I'm at zero sides at this point besides backne. Gonna get bloods done next week.
  13. I

    Hcg mixture

    So correct me if I'm wrong but I was told by someone and I just always like to ask on here for reassurance but I am about to take some hcg. I have a 5000iu hcg vial I was told to mix 1ml of bac water into it and divide it into three taking 1333iu every 3 days. I also have a 10,000 iu vial...
  14. krustus


    to me the worst part of my physique is my love handles.... finally got them down some... got a lot of old man skin... and some fat still... but next hard cut i plan on getting them off
  15. Vw4334

    MK 677 or MK 2866

    Anyone have any experience with these, thinking about using it after i get off as part of a pct/bridge id like to know of doses and what to expect
  16. Daredevil

    Feeling tired

    Last 2 weeks maybe more I've been really drained and tired all the time. Had a health scare but nope that wasn't anything serious. I'm running 700mg sustanon a week, using arimadex three times a week @ 0.25-0.35mg each time. I take b12 shots... My diet is good. I get 7 hours a sleep a day. I...
  17. krustus

    anyone try sous vide cooking method.... my god it's good for meats

    i just bought the anova culinary sous vide cooking device.... you cook steaks or chicken, or anything really...in a bath of water. the meat is either vacuum sealed in a plastic back or using water displacement method a ziplock bag... so the meat never touches the water. the water just...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    PepsiCo to Release ‘Organic Gatorade,’ But What Does that Mean?

    PepsiCo to Release ‘Organic Gatorade,’ But What Does that Mean? by Julie Fidler Posted on December 22, 2015 Can we trust a company against GMO labeling? This might sound like an odd-sounded phrase: organic Gatorade. But it’s real, and it will soon be on store shelves. The organic Gatorade...
  19. Daredevil

    Tbol Back Cramps?

    Guys, I've been running Tbol at 60mg a day for the past 3 weeks. I plan to run it another 2 weeks. Lately I've been experiencing back cramps. Anyone have any quick solution to this? I believe in the past I read something about taurine? But I don't know what foods that is in or where to find...
  20. mig139

    Looking for Bac Water

    Running low on Bac Water... Any good sources at a reasonable price? Thanks!