
  1. Dago


    We all know orals are bad for your liver and kidneys. Last blood work my kidneys were u 78% so they have gotten better but i havent used much orals for awhile now maybe couple times in the last 3 years. Im drinking lots of water using 100mg of var a day with 250 sust a week and 200 test cyp...
  2. halfnatty

    Injectable Winstrol pip

    How bad is the pip from it? And is their any sources that don’t have very bad pip to theirs? Asking for a friend cause I never took it before
  3. halfnatty

    A good source for bac water for hgh?

    and insulin needles to thanks :)
  4. EG News

    The rock's new home gym is every bodybuilder's dream

    Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson often talks about taking trips to his Virginia farm to recharge and reset himself mentally. He’s posted photos of himself unwinding at the property, whether he's fishing or hanging out with horses trained by his friend and Olympic equestrian Will Coleman. View this...
  5. GRIM

    Tennis elbow

    Got that damn tennis elbow again, still working through it but lightened up the weights and changed routine. To top it off sprained my bad legs ankle, bahh if only I could stay healthy!
  6. GRIM

    Any tips...

    For the night before a meet/day of? Im weak as fuk atm, #1 just getting back to it for like 2 months and my gimpness. But doing a charity thang I was begged to do because I 'look' strong on one side lmao... Im gonna be dead lifting less than the 120 pound females, squats I cant even get bar...
  7. Tyson13

    Dnp cycle

    I am considering running a DNP cycle. I have done a bunch of research before I came to this decision. Would 400 mgs for 10 days produce results or do I need to be more in the 500 range? Also, how long does it take for the water to come off so you can see results? I've read 4 to 14 days...
  8. halfnatty

    Gh and mk677?

    so I been doing research and people seem to like this mix a lot and saves money Do you think 2ius of hgh in the morning and then mk677 split 25mg evening And the 25mg before bed would be very effective? Was thinking of doing this during my bulk In March with 500 test a week
  9. EG News

    Pro sports nutritionist breaks down tom brady's crazy diet

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/TomBrady.jpg?itok=VQNdS8gI&timestamp=1548859210 Kevin C. Cox / Getty Super Bowl LIII at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta...
  10. EG News

    30-minute protein pasta

    Brian Klutch Anchovies contain lots of iron, which helps with the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. No Directions: Boil a pot of salted water. Coat sauté pan with olive oil on low heat. Add tomatoes, capers, olives, garlic, ancho- vies, and tuna. Simmer, stirring occasionally...
  11. GRIM

    Making bac water

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieHuQXh_6gM
  12. Tyson13

    Ba water

    Does anyone know what is the deal with BA Water right now? Almost everyone is out of stock and if you can find it, it is running around $30 for 30 ml. It use to be cheap. I am just curious if anyone knows what is going on?
  13. S

    Feedback please

    So my natural test level is 500 without any supplementation. I started a diet where I dropped 20 pounds. Not supplemented for at least a year. I am in the beginning stages of supplementing my natural test levels. I have not really changed my diet that much. Maybe bumped up protein intake a...
  14. EG News

    Don't let dehydration negatively affect your gains

    Water serves many functions in the body, and it’s particularly critical for bodybuilders because training and nutrition regimens really increase the need for it. Here are the primary benefits of drinking enough water. HYDRATION Bodybuilders often underestimate the importance of keeping...
  15. EG News

    Ab-solutely ripped

    Water is key for your health, but carrying excess water weight can make you look bloated and soft. This is often caused by several factors, including excess carbs, sodium, or sugar in the diet. So how do you drain extra water weight in a hurry? Besides exercise, which boosts blood ow and can...
  16. O


    Never ran it because A It’s extremely toxic and B gyno is possible but not through aromatizing which makes it a mysterious beast to conquer. However, I really really want to try it out. Asking for reviews here on how you’ve ran it, and how it went.
  17. Dago

    Cold weather and animals

    A friend of mine let his dog out to do his business and the poor guy tried to get a drink of water out of his frozen water bowl and his tongue stuck to the ice and he panicked ripping his tongue out had to be put to sleep. I have heated water bucket outside and keep my dog inside at night.
  18. EG News

    Fluid facts

    QUESTION WHAT’S THE LOWDOWN ON HYDRATION WHEN WORKING OUT? ANSWER The best time to hydrate is before your workout. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t be drinking during the workout; rather, you should be heading into your workout fully hydrated on a cellular level. Drinking during the...
  19. EG News

    8 reasons why sodium is not the enemy

    Sodium has about the worst reputation of any element on the Periodic Table, especially for bodybuilders. Is this bad rap justified? Not even close. You might think sodium is bad for a bodybuilder because it causes water retention. Plus, no less than the Institute of Medicine and the American...
  20. GRIM

    water manipulation

    lets hear some water shedding tricks