
  1. 01dragonslayer

    14 Sneaky Offenders That Cause Weight Fluctuations

    Stepping on the scale can be a stressful experience when you’re trying to lose weight (or even just maintain your weight). Every little up and down can feel like it makes a big difference. When you’re working toward a weight-loss goal, it’s normal to be watching the number on the scale like a...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    14 Sneaky Offenders That Cause Weight Fluctuations

    Stepping on the scale can be a stressful experience when you’re trying to lose weight (or even just maintain your weight). Every little up and down can feel like it makes a big difference. When you’re working toward a weight-loss goal, it’s normal to be watching the number on the scale like a...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Water Sports to Torch up to 800 Calories

    Whether it’s swimming laps in the pool, playing a sport or skiing around a lake, there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself out there. The best part: You can do so while burning a bunch of calories, which is great news considering we’re in the midst of backyard barbecue season. Below we’ve...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Big Downside of Drinking Diet Soda, According to Science

    Diet soda might have zero calories but that doesn’t mean it has zero impact on your health. The artificially sweetened drinks have been linked to Type 2 diabetes and cancer. Drinking diet soda could also lead to weight gain. Those who drank low-calorie sweetened beverages consumed an additional...
  5. Inhuman2024

    Bad news

    So i found out yesterday a friend of mine had a Heart attack. Hes younger than me and it scares me a little.
  6. M


    Sorry of this is in the wrong section, but I have some questions. I’ve never done growth but I’m seriously considering it. What are your real world experiences with it? Is it worth it for a 35 year old to do 2-3 iu’s a day for fat loss and help preserve muscle? I’m shifting away from...
  7. EG News

    Top Tips for Dropping Water and Gaining that Six-Pack

    You may watch your macros as closely as a Mandalorian binge, but for most, getting abs to pop remains an elusive and demoralizing punch to the gut—no pun intended. And it’s not as simple as doing 1,000 crunches every day. A 2019 study by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found...
  8. EG News

    The Warning Signs of Overhydration

    Too much of anything can be a bad thing—yes, even too much water. Despite warnings from doctors, trainers, and even your mother, we never seem to avoid overindulgences. We still continue to regret over partying all night the next morning. You may think at times you’re grinding, but being...
  9. Inhuman2024

    Crashed tne

    So just reheat it? Its like gelled up.
  10. EG News

    Sponsored: Three Common Hydration Myths, Debunked

    Nearly every bodily function, from sleep to exercise performance, is directly affected by your hydration levels. Along with its already mentioned benefits, staying well-hydrated helps in a variety of other vital factors, among them maintaining optimal blood pressure, promoting kidney health...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Diuretics 101: Diuretics for Bodybuilding May 31, 2016 by John Doe

    It’s no secret by now that bodybuilders have been using diuretics to help get drier and more defined leading into a bodybuilding competition and/or photo shoot. I’m going to give you my personal take on diuretics here. I have used Aldactone and Dyazide in the past to help dry out for a contest...
  12. EG News

    Northern Chill Gives Back to America’s Heroes

    Northern Chill CEO Curt Kufner had no interest in using his company’s slogan — “America’s Water” — as a sales gimmick. As the son of a Marine who served in Vietnam, Kufner instead wanted to use the slogan to ensure the brand would place patriotism and community involvement on par with...
  13. R

    Northern Chill Scores Major Olympia Sponsorship

    The fitness industry’s most prestigious event announces a deal with Northern Chill, a rapidly growing manufacturer of their premium and naturally alkaline bottled mineral spring water. As part of a 2-year agreement, the Northern Wisconsin-based company will serve as the official water of Joe...
  14. Thor


  15. J

    Arimidex makes me sick. What else can I try besides Nolvadex

    Arimidex makes me sick what else can I try other than Nolvadex. Any suggestions
  16. GRIM

    This is fucked up

    Already posted went from 236 to 253 in no time. It was actually Thursday to Tuesday not even a week Well Tuesday til today shed back down to 239 Now I know its mainly water BUT I took nothing, did nothing etc to shed or gain such an EXTREME amount Then today I get a light workout in, well my...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Importance of Water

    Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in whatever you're doing and forget to drink enough water throughout the day. But also for your home-workouts, drinking enough water around your training sessions is important! - One research review suggests that athletes should prevent fluid loss of more...
  18. Hugebro

    Overheated vials

    I moderately heat my gear before drawing it up. Heating by super low heat on a pan. I got into a heated conversation with the wife and by the time I remembered I was heating 2 vials up they were almost too hot to touch. Are the hormones cooked in these vials do you guys think (testE and to/Npp)...
  19. Dago

    No more ped's

    My kidneys are not up for it anymore guys I went to a kidney specialist and scared me a little bit. He said on average we lose 2% of our kidney function a year as we age. Mine are at 50% but I been taking 50 mg oral anavar the last couple weeks and had used deca or came off deca low dose bout a...
  20. halfnatty

    Hgh help

    How much bac water do I put in the vial? And I wanna do 2 ius eod and I assume I pull it to the number two on the insulin needle?