
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Clenbuterol FAQ | Dosing

    Originally Written By: PerfectBeast2001 @ forums.steroid.com Clenbuterol FAQ After reading and answering the same questions every week I decided to write this FAQ. Hopefully it will answer the most commonly asked questions about Clen and also dispel some of the myths and untruths associated...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Make it Happen While You’re Away on Travel

    Busy professionals like us have a laundry list of excuses of why we are justified in abandoning our fitness goals while on travel, and some of them are actually pretty good! But, for the most part, it really isn’t all that hard to make it work. I wrote a piece earlier on eating right on the...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Protect Your Pump by Putting your Cell Phone Away

    Cell phones certainly have made life a lot easier and more convenient in many ways. And, as technology continues to improve, it’s been playing a much bigger role in helping people live a healthy lifestyle. There are apps for absolutely everything in the fitness world – apps for bodybuilding...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Have You heard of the 80/20 rule of Fat Loss?

    Many of you are likely beginning exercise programs to get in shape or lose some body fat. And, as the age-old saying goes, your weight loss goals will be approximately 80% diet and 20% gym efforts. Let that sink in. Your results will be predominately driven by your dietary habits – not how much...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Stay big while getting shredded with Metformin

    How many times have you heard people say when they are dieting for fat loss that they are flat, weak, losing muscle, or all of the above? Usually the people who say such things do not have a proper grasp on how to effectively construct a diet for extreme fat loss while maintaining muscle tissue...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Music’s Effect on Intense Training: Should you be Head Banging or Tranquil?

    I always find it fascinating how there seems to be a certain type of music connected to respective castes of gym-goers: Step Aerobics Enthusiasts/Soccer Moms: Techno Powerlifters: Death Metal Recreational Lifters: Alternative and Punk Rock Cardio Bunnies: Pop Bros: Mainstream Rap Olympic...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    5 Simple Research-Proven Ways to Lose More Fat

    Fat loss is a little more than just “calories in versus calories out” While it would be asinine to believe that total energy intake is not the major determining factor in whether an individual will lose or gain fat (or muscle, for that matter), it’s not the only determinant. The main reason is...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Can’t Get Your Calves to Grow? Here’s The Fix You Need

    Today we are going to pounce on a topic that has been grazing my mind for a while – the calves. Why is it that so many gym goers train their calves with halfhearted effort? Or worse yet, they don’t even train them at all. Growing the calves into thick slabs of striated muscle is arguably one...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    What About Other Liver Protectants?

    TUDCA and UDCA should be considered first above all else when using hepatotoxic anabolic steroids, as they treat the mechanisms specific to cholestasis. NAC is very beneficial as well. The other options, are just secondary aids as they are not nearly as beneficial for C17aa. Choline & Inositol...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    5 Tips to Keep on Track with Your Diet and Training While Traveling

    For better or for worse, life can get pretty chaotic at times, especially if you travel a lot for work (or leisure). The stress of not knowing where to train or where your next meal is coming from regularly causes avid gym-goers to disregard their health goals when they?re away from home. After...
  11. EG News

    This Bodyweight Workout will Get You ‘Strong and Lean’ in Under 10 Minutes

    Mark Lauren’s professional career and personal development has amounted to a life-changing series of teachings that has garnered more than 1.7 million book sales and continues with the release of the highly anticipated “Strong and Lean;” offering up valuable training sessions that can be...
  12. EG News

    This Quick (and Sorta Subtle) Workout at the Office Can Help Your Health

    Living an anti-sitting lifestyle is difficult and sometimes you cannot get away from work or have no time to train before or after work due to early mornings, late nights, or a lack of energy. You go straight from the car to the office chair, back to the car, and home to bed or the couch...
  13. EG News

    Maintain a Healthy Diet without Draining Your Wallet with These Tips

    You shouldn’t have to drain your bank account to fill your fridge. Although you may be experiencing this now. According to recent research, in 2022, 83 percent of consumers have noticed an increase in food prices. Paying almost double for your regularly scheduled healthy groceries can put a...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Stay big while getting shredded with Metformin

    How many times have you heard people say when they are dieting for fat loss that they are flat, weak, losing muscle, or all of the above? Usually the people who say such things do not have a proper grasp on how to effectively construct a diet for extreme fat loss while maintaining muscle tissue...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    How to Build More Muscle Using Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training

    Dr. John Rusin describes what blood flow restriction training is, the benefits of adding it into your workouts, and how to implement it into your plan! Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is nothing new in the world of muscle and strength. However, recent application of this training method in...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    10 Best Bicep Building Exercises of All Time

    Building big biceps is the goal of most lifters when they start training. Learn which exercises are the top 10 all-time best for targeting the biceps. There are Top 10 lists for almost everything – plays in sports, songs, best-selling books, and movies are among the most popular. So why not...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Losing Fat: What It Takes To Look Your Best

    ose fat, look great. Learn how to maximize calorie intake, high and low intensity cardio and training to shed fat, save time and get shredded. Some individuals like to look good so they can walk around without a shirt on, while others are trying to impress a significant other with a great body...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    How to Set Up Your Diet Based on Your Goals

    Your diet is just as important to accomplishing your goals as training is. Learn exactly how to set up your diet to accomplish your current goals. Training and diet are two sides of the same coin. Your training creates the potential for change and your diet will dictate if you reach that...
  19. EG News

    iFBB Pro Lacey Pruitt Is a Three-time Cancer survivor

    Lacey Pruitt earned her IFBB Pro card in 2018 by winning the women’s bodybuilding light-heavyweight title at that year’s NPC Nationals. While the title of NPC National champion is one that many hope to achieve, she has another that is more meaningful – cancer survivor. Pruitt told Alina Popa and...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    The Unlimited Diet Plan: A Surefire Way To Build Muscle & Burn Fat

    Want to pack on lean mass & lose body fat without lowering your daily calorie consumption? Check out the unlimited diet & learn the best fat loss approach! Practically everybody knows the key importance of protein for boosting muscle growth and recovery. While there are some common myths around...