You’re Injured—Now What?
By David Allen
Train long enough and hard enough and eventually something on your body will break. This is the inevitable result of pushing your body to the limits every day. But an injury doesn’t spell the end of one’s lifting career unless you let it. There...
Hey all, I've been a member of this board for a long time. Took a break since I had a nice stock of test plus trt and I've basically researched till I was blue in the face about every compound so everything seemed redundant after a while. Well dr took me off TRT and I'm low on test. Not looking...
I found this yrs ago and thought it was great for beginner to advanced to give a try.Used these workouts many times.
Killer Triceps Routines
Beginner's Program
All beginners belong on a basic, three-times-a-week workout program for at least three to six months. This program has...
So fellas the time has come where I have to get the old ball sack cut in to...YAY for me! Not looking forward to it.
So my question is.... should I tell my doc that im blasting AAS right now? How many guys here have a vasectomy and how many did it while on gear? I dont particularly want to tell...
There are many different approaches to taking HGH. The right approach for your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, HGH is a general supplement to help maintain low bodyfat percentages and reasonable levels of lean body mass. For others who have reached their genetic...