To stop the 'cut' I was on, reduce my workouts severely and up calories,
Trying to maintain current shape but heal and be prepared for bulk.
Its a mind fuk thats for sure but thinking it for the best
How to look like Brad Pitt from the movie Troy
January 26, 2017 By John Doe
I can remember back when I started working out, my goal was to be 175 lbs at a height of 5'9″ with some decent definition.
I wasn't trying to get on a bodybuilding stage or get as low as single digit bodyfat, I just...
So as many of you know I'm going through a divorce which is tough and can be expensive. Today I was doing a lot of thinking on life. I'm 34 years old with 2 young kids.
My concern is that I only have $13K saved and I'm still working towards my retirement. I will be able to retire in 18 years at...
Sonoma County, CA Working on GM Ban: More GMO-Free Wine to Come
by Christina Sarich
Posted on December 6, 2015
Lend your support!
Some of the best wines in the US come from California, with more wineries in the state working to become better by going organic. Now, Sonoma County is taking...
7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working
Posted on: Monday, September 21st 2015
Written By: Jen Wittman
While there is no "magic pill" for thyroid disease, some factors may influence the effectiveness of your thyroid medication.
When you are first diagnosed with a thyroid condition...
Can Fewer Sets Produce More Gains?
Brian Schwab May 04, 2015
When Dave Tate first read the title of my ebook, The Minimalist Method, I know he cringed at the sound of it and thought it was too gimmicky (thus the M2 name was born). The truth is there is no gimmick. Based off two working sets...
Turmeric boosts working memory in one small dose
Sayer Ji
Thu, 30 Apr 2015
One small dose of turmeric powder was found to improve working memory in pre-diabetic patients.
Interest in turmeric as a tonic and regenerative agent for brain conditions is growing rapidly. Given...
Stop Being "Good Enough": Build The Mentality Of A Champion
Cliff Wilson
Are you working as hard as you think? Natural bodybuilding expert and coach Cliff Wilson talks about the "next level" of training, and what it truly takes to be a champion and succeed.
Do You Have “Good Enough”...
So okay, there is this Asian guy in the gym I always see that always like to put his input. The dude is 5 foot 1 weighs like 110 lbs and he's always telling me that im working out wrong. But he tells me in a way where he acts like he's a trainer or whatever. LOL
Last time he told me doing...
So today I was working out at my gym as usual. Nice and not packed as usual. Then comes in the manager from the other location with approx. 20 kids, the high school track team. They are all over the gym in the way using every piece of equipment there is damn near. So I ask the manager at that...
At first I was depressed felt like crap but now its nice to hit the gym twice a day. If I dont sleep well at night I can nap during the day. Ive never had the chance to be so dedicated I hit the gym early cardio make sure im getting my daily food needs then at night go back for more cardio. Of...
My chat doesnt work every time I hit new replies it kicks me off I have to keep trying I cant see pics. I already reset phone cookies cache anyone else having problems?
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So ive always been bad about not warming up before heavy lifting.. so therefore, depending on my activity level throughout the day, my lifts can vary significantly In weight. So I'm going to start warming up more thorough. How do these sound?
Squat/dead warmup (based on current working sets...
Started the Kefeis at 4iu EOD and wherever i inject it leaves a huge welt/knot that turns into a bruise. Doesnt hurt extremely but doesnt feel good either. They look bad enough that i wouldnt take my shirt off at the beach. Whats the deal? Sub q injections. Is this normal????
I know some may not go into the homegrown section. But I wanted to take this time to say a few things..
First, working with him was more than a pleasure. He was always there when questioneS needed answering..
I started out in pretty bad shape. I had a few spinal surgeries last year that left...