
  1. F.I.S.T.

    How GMO Foods Feed Junk Food Profits – Not the World

    How GMO Foods Feed Junk Food Profits – Not the World by Christina Sarich Posted on March 18, 2015 Leading to obesity, diabetes, and more. Obesity used to just be a problem of the West, but our insidious Coca-cola culture has spread worldwide along with our junk food habit, so obesity is...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    World Series of Fighting Signs MMA/”Crime” Fighter Phoenix Jones

    World Series of Fighting Signs MMA/”Crime” Fighter Phoenix Jones Now that he’s been profiled by ESPN, it would be safe to say that Phoenix Jones (aka Ben Fodor) is quite the hot commodity right now. His recent Twitter postings seem to back this notion, as does the fact that he’s recently gone...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Why It Matters If the Dollar Is the Reserve Currency

    Why It Matters If the Dollar Is the Reserve Currency By Patrick Barron | | March 7, 2015 The dollar's foundation from which the term “reserve currency” originated no longer exists. We refer to the dollar as a “reserve currency” when referring to its use by other countries when...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Sustainability on Steroids: Organic Farmer Grosses $100K an Acre

    Sustainability on Steroids: Organic Farmer Grosses $100K an Acre by Christina Sarich Posted on March 4, 2015 We need GMOs to feed the world like a fish needs dry land. A controversial farmer in California is proving that a veritable bumper crop can be had using new farming methods that don’t...
  5. J

    Disney World

    Disney World Author: jdb Disney world is hell, a hell on earth that has become a great reality. Let me paint the anxious reader a picture of the inevitable doom that you will one day take children too. Humid, hot, heat, miles and miles of endless walking on hard hot concrete, holding your...
  6. dowork

    Band Of Brothers

    I know this is an old show, but if you haven't seen it or its been a long time - watch it in its entirety. 10 episodes I think. I had seen it years ago, but recently I watched all 10 episodes again. Very moving. And seriously, in light of everything we did for the free world in Europe and in...