
  1. EG News

    Your Role in the Healing Process: From Force to Movement

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness Key to understanding your role in promoting healing is learning how your body is naturally designed to regenerate and heal itself. Did you know that in 49 days, your body will make all new red tissue (muscles) and in 210 days, it will make all new...
  2. EG News

    The “Why, What & How” of Fitness Warm-Up Routines in 2020

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness Fitness pros (professionals for whom health and performance matter) ALWAYS warm-up for their training sessions. Here’s why… Warm-Up Fundamentals There are four elements that can be trained in any human with regard to fitness regimens: the spirit...
  3. EG News

    Getting Technical: Tying Fitness Goals to Conditioning Approaches & Metrics

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness In this 3-part series, we have reviewed: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning In Part 2, we discuss how to tie fitness goals to your conditioning strategy… Most fitness goals fall into two main categories (1) improved musculoskeletal system...
  4. EG News

    “Conditioning” Your Body: What You Need to Know – The Essentials

    Conditioning is the process of introducing, accustoming, training, and tolerating new physical characteristics or states; broadly speaking, conditioning is making those seeking to be more fit, BETTER! In this 3-part series, we review: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    You'll need a sled with straps and a lifting belt. Put the straps through your belt and attach the belt to your waist. Do this in a power-walking manner with an aggressive heel-to-toe action and slight forward lean. The sled pull is a great way to develop the posterior chain without even...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    Use whichever grip is most comfortable for you: arms crossed, clean grip, or strapped clean grip. Set the box or bench just below parallel. Lower each rep for 3-4 seconds. Pause on the bench for 1-2 seconds. Lean forward slightly and contract your glutes and hamstrings to initiate movement off...
  7. 01dragonslayer


    All you need is one dumbbell and a hefty amount of mental fortitude. High-rep finisher sets have their place in bodybuilding. And they're not just for building mental toughness. They also create metabolic stress (the pump) which is one of the primary drivers of muscle growth. Just finish off...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need More Fiber

    Eat more fiber. We’ve all heard that advice, but what does it really mean? Most people think of fiber as being in a bran muffin or cereal. In fact, dietary fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Also known as roughage, fiber includes all parts of plant foods that your...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Carb Consumption

    Just when you think you have carbs all figured out, more information comes to light. Conventional wis-dom has recommended tapering carb intake through your day (consume more in the morning and fewer as the day progresses), but a study out of Israel has shown some impressive fat-loss results from...
  10. EG News

    9 Achievable Fitness Goals For the New Year

    Creating workout goals feeds motivation. But when you set your sights too high and have no clear plan of attack, those goals can become intimidating and demotivating forces—especially when you’re not making progress as quickly as you hoped. GET SMART A way to avoid being overwhelmed when...
  11. 01dragonslayer


    The goal of your warm-up should be to prepare you for your workout by priming the central nervous system and primary movers, as well as increasing core temperature. It's also possible to include mobility and correctives in your warm-up, and do it all in 15 minutes or less. In this lower body...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    An intense isometric contraction is terrific for muscle growth for two reasons. First, it quickly recruits the largest motor units because it's a maximum voluntary contraction. Second, isometrics increase the neural drive between the motor cortex in your brain and the trained muscle. Gymnasts...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Tip: Do this Exercise to Build Biceps and Abs

    Any time you go unilateral on an exercise – using only one arm or one leg – you're challenging your ability to control rotation via your core musculature. The angle of pull from the low cable provides constant tension on the biceps while the bilateral stance with unilateral pull challenges your...
  14. 01dragonslayer


    Dr. Stuart McGill changed the game with his outlook on core training to save the spine. He provides a great blueprint on bracing the core and all of the muscles that help stabilize your spine from just about every direction, which can improve performance. The "stir the pot" exercise is great...
  15. 01dragonslayer


    I thought I invented this exercise, but I've since heard there are photos of Franco Columbo doing a variation back in the Muscle Beach heyday, but for now I'll take the credit. These are a modified version of a one-arm dumbbell row, using a T-bar instead. HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE Stand on the...
  16. 01dragonslayer


    Get rid of the slouch. Research actually shows that a closed posture is less attractive to the opposite sex... which means less sex. And you've probably tried all the commonly prescribed recommendations: do pec stretches, train your traps harder, add more band pull-aparts, etc. But have those...
  17. 01dragonslayer


    TAGS EXERCISE COACHING, GLUTES, TIPS Double up a pair of power bands and attach them to each end of the bar and to the band pegs on each side at the base of the rack. Position your supporting foot so that it lies directly under the middle of the barbell and in between the front and back...
  18. puff88

    Couple Questioms on Dose Frequency

    For those that run Test E or C either on cycle or for TRT, anyone actually dose 1 shot per week (every 7 days)? Is there any real physical or mental downside to this? Anyone ever notice really shitty bloodwork around day 6 or 7 right before the next shot? Can you get away with pinning Mast P...
  19. 01dragonslayer


    The key with the assisted Cossack squat is to spend as much time as possible being active in the position to make it more familiar to your body, then ditch the weight and try to recreate it under your own core strength. Depending on the severity of your mobility restrictions you may need to...
  20. 01dragonslayer


    Set up a short step platform slightly in front of a racked barbell. Attach bands to each end of the bar and to the band pegs at the base of the rack. Start with both your feet on the step and place the bar in a high bar position on your back. (Make sure the box is positioned so that it affords...