
  1. 01dragonslayer

    This Is The Best Time Of Day To Take A Protein Supplement

    by The Editors of What's Good If you’re looking to get fit, lose weight, or build muscle, you know that progress is made in the kitchen as much as in the gym. So you buy yourself a big ol’ tub of protein powder to fuel your muscles—but when, exactly, do you slug the stuff down? To make sure...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    8 Simple (And Tasty!) Ways To Add Coconut Oil To Your Diet

    by Lauren Del Turco, CPT Spend more than 10 minutes online and you’re bound to come across something about coconut oil. People use the sweet-smelling goop to style their hair, moisturize their skin, and remove makeup, along with about a billion other things. But it also happens to be great for...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What are back off sets?

    Backoff sets is a word used often in the weightlifting and powerlifting fields. While the phrase may be absolutely evident to some, it is not totally clear to novices to the sport, and it may signify various things to different people. Understanding backoff sets and how to use them may...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Squat Tutorial with Proper Form

    The first thing to go over is appropriate trunk posture, not foot position or stance breadth. Assume you're a soldier, and the meanest, ugliest sergeant in history has just informed you, "TEN-HUT!" You'd naturally straighten up and draw your head and shoulders back. This is the appropriate spine...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    How important is intensity in regards to bodybuilding?

    Intensifying your workouts may help you meet your calorie and strength objectives. For example, if you rest less between sets, your heart rate will remain raised throughout the exercise, resulting in a higher calorie burn. Increase strength and power by increasing intensity by explosively...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Who else thought this was inappropriate...... Scroll down to watch the video.
  7. 01dragonslayer

    9 Simple Habits Successful People Follow Everyday

    Life can take its toll on mental and physical health. Here are 9 simple habits successful people follow daily. Choose single tasking over multi tasking… Declutter your space. Make your bed every morning. Start reading books Practice and express gratitude 6.Practice Journaling Develop a morning...
  8. puff88

    Clen Question

    Is rebound expected after discontinueing clen use? Rebound in regard to fat storage or slowing of metabolism? I just started some low dose clen today and will be used for only 15 days prior to a vacation, just adding it on to help with some last minute water loss and fat loss around belly. I...
  9. EG News

    10 Things You Need to Know When Starting a New Diet Plan

    How many times have you gone into a new diet, or any change for that matter, with high expectations only to crash and burn within weeks? This is way more common than you realize. So many people go into a new diet plan with an all-or-nothing mindset. Not only does this set you up for...
  10. GRIM

    so i found out today

    I had another major stroke last year and didn't even know it!
  11. EG News

    Top 6 Instagram Gym Hits and Misses

    Everyone is looking for motivation before going to train. In most cases, that inspiration can come courtesy of Instagram. Seeing some of the notable people that you follow moving weight or an average Joe doing something crazy could be the mental pre-workout that you need before taking the...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Calculator for different compounds release rates

    This is kinda of a neat tool to different release rates during your cycle. Found this on another site. Just fill in the drop downs and it tells you how much compound will be in your bloodstream during your cycle.
  13. EG News

    8 Micronutrients Important for Performance and Where to Get Them

    Micronutrients play important roles in supporting your performance. They can directly affect your energy levels for output, muscle recovery and maintenance, and potentially reduce your risk of illness or injury (1). While all nutrients are important, here are the top micro you should be paying...
  14. EG News

    How to Train Effectively on a Low-Carb Diet

    If you’re one of the millions of people on a low-carb diet and you work out, you might know these symptoms all too well: tired, sore, unable to focus, and/or not enough energy to muster to rumble through your usual lifting and cardio sessions. Obviously, while cutting carbohydrates out of your...
  15. EG News

    The Ultimate Skin Care Guide for Men

    A day spent in the sun may feel good for the soul—but not your skin. “It’s extremely important for men to take care of their skin in the summer because the warmer weather leads to more sweating when exercising,” says dermatologist and Dove expert Terrence Keaney, M.D. “Sweat and friction can...
  16. EG News

    Low-Carb Holiday Recipes That Won’t Make You Fat

    Mashed potatoes cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie—these holiday staples are indeed tasty, but if you’re trying to keep your carb intake in check, well, these dishes can send the needle on the scale in the wrong direction. Save for the turkey, holiday feasts are frequently a carbohydrate onslaught...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Fun Facts That’ll Actually Make Your Life Better

    Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories. Alternatively, you can walk your dog for 45 minutes, which also burns 150 calories – and is much less painful.
  18. EG News

    The 6 Worst Things You Can Do For Bigger Biceps

    If you’re planning on selling tickets to your own personal “gun-show” you better make sure the crowd will be impressed. The last thing you want is to throw up a biceps pose (with a big grin) and get booed off the stage. Unfortunately, while almost everyone in the gym tossing around the iron is...
  19. Eman

    Special shout out

    To everyone that commented in my thread after my accident and to @Jinko @Thor @GRIM for checking in with me everyday even when I didn’t respond. That’s good people right there thank you all Monday I’m going to go back in the gym start real light as I’m not sure my hand is ready for a lot of...
  20. EG News

    4 Ways to Get Your Lower Abs to Show

    Crafting a killer six-pack takes weeks, sometimes months, of hard work and dedication to your training, eating, and sleep. If you’ve been hitting the gym, maintaining a caloric deficit, and hitting all your other checkmarks but still not seeing the midsection of your dreams it’s probably because...