
  1. T-bar

    Proper testosterone levels

    How to tell when your testosterone levels are spot on; You know you've nailed it when you are a happily married guy who would NEVER cheat on his wife, but you find yourself not getting out the door and headed to the gym just in case some hot sexy woman may stop by the house to give you a...
  2. T-bar

    Girl of my dreams

    I know some of you guys prefer women who are locked up in prison, and others like the ones who barely qualify as female, and quite frankly I've been a little envious of you sick bastards and your even sicker love lives. But that all changes today. Today I received an email from the girl of my...
  3. Hogslayer

    Shout outs to some solid Bros

    What's going on guys I just want to take a couple minutes to say what's up and to thank some a couple of the solid Brothers we have on EG. F.I.S.T it was really good to hear from you man I really appreciate your articles as always and I hope that you don't work too hard remember you're getting...
  4. DaKajun

    Caber dosage

    What would be a good starting dose while running DECA? .5mg e2d? Pharm grade.
  5. halfnatty

    does t3 raise bad chorestrol? oh and labs came back my test levels are low

    Just wondering. I can't take any roids, but ima run some dnp to burn this winter fat off and I read dnp will not effect my chorestrol levels at all but do in even need t3?
  6. LittleTom

    Your Welcome Guys

    Can't stop watching this
  7. Dago

    Whats going on here ?

    Why can't I access the sources ? It logs me out says I can't get in ? i have no problems on the board with anyone I'm aware of ? I do owe an apology to someone for missing his pm way late I checked couple times for a response then got busy and was not on for about 2 weeks. Still I owe nobody...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Overhead medicine ball slams

    Overhead medicine ball slams Written by Administrator Strengthen your abdominals while burning fat with these high intensity exercise. How to Stand up straight with your feet placed approximately shoulder-width apart. Hold a soft medicine ball with both hands directly in front of your...
  9. morrey


    Anyone have any dextroamphetamine or methylphenidate? Moved to a different state and new doc wont continue my prescription
  10. Paulrockr

    GOT TRAPS??????

    Lets show em brothers Post em up
  11. Bigdog6693

    Eq should i take it out

    Trying to get that shredded look, been on Eq for about 18 weeks, should i take it out? Im also running Test Prop, Tren A, and Mast P. Was thinking about adding npp, What do yall think? Will i lose my vascularity when i come off Eq?
  12. ElChango

    Did Cocaine

    did cocaine for the first time. Damn, holy shit.. this drug is fucking great! not going to do it anymore, but i had to try it to feel what its like. Did a line and it was just fucking awesome. Felt invincible! not only that but since I'm alittle bit yoked the chicks are scared to talk to me. LOL.
  13. F.I.S.T.

    10 Ways To Know You've Had Good Sex[

    10 Ways To Know You've Had Good Sex 1. Your mattress has turned into a giant sponge. 2. It takes five minutes to unknot your bodies. 3. An earthquake of 3.4 on the Richter Scale is recorded in your area. 4. The cat's exhausted from just watching you. 5. A trampoline...
  14. A

    Passing an AAS urinalysis

    Any ideas?
  15. Torres

    Orals Vs. Injectables !!! Rich Piana !!! Truth !!!

    Another vid I found, IMO spot on about the orals & Injectables !!!
  16. J

    LOL (Guy at work today)

    So one of the guys at work today tells me to "Take a breath" LOL. If you know what that means in the BB world. In other words, I'm holding in me breath and trying to expand out my body to look jacked! hahaha I must be getting bigger. The funny thing is, I'm on a new awesome bulk diet, and I'm...
  17. Junky87

    knocked down..but wont stop me from getting back up.

    Hey guys...I almost got crushed by a 1200lb rack at work on Fri. All I got was a sprained left shoulder/elbow/wrist...I'll be down for about two weeks hopefully then I can bring it back up in the gym..