If you’re planning on selling tickets to your own personal “gun-show” you better make sure the crowd will be impressed. The last thing you want is to throw up a biceps pose (with a big grin) and get booed off the stage. Unfortunately, while almost everyone in the gym tossing around the iron is...
To everyone that commented in my thread after my accident and to @Jinko @Thor @GRIM for checking in with me everyday even when I didn’t respond. That’s good people right there thank you all Monday I’m going to go back in the gym start real light as I’m not sure my hand is ready for a lot of...
Crafting a killer six-pack takes weeks, sometimes months, of hard work and dedication to your training, eating, and sleep. If you’ve been hitting the gym, maintaining a caloric deficit, and hitting all your other checkmarks but still not seeing the midsection of your dreams it’s probably because...
The time has finally come: the week when you realize that Halloween is upon us, but you’ve been too busy making gains in the gym to even think about putting effort into a costume. Maybe you’ve had a few fleeting thoughts—if that—about how you’re going to dress up, and maybe your girlfriend has...
We’re all adults here, but let’s face it, sometimes we forget some of the simplest lessons we learned as children. One of those is manners. Next time you’re at the gym, take a look around and you’ll notice it’s rife with infractions.
From the guy who spends too long texting while hogging the...
There once was a time when you woke up each morning raring to go, eager to seize the day. You were able to get through a 9-to-5 schedule and get a grueling workout in with energy leftover to meet friends for happy hour, go out to dinner, and maybe even enjoy a nightcap. You were tireless...
Typically, when someone aspires to having a better six-pack—or a six-pack, period—he or she does it with a sense of urgency. We assume this applies to you, too. You want a lean, shredded midsection ASAP. But how long does it take to lose belly fat and get the abs you’ve always wanted? A few...
When people think of bodybuilding, the first thought that goes through the mind of many people is either someone hitting a biceps pose or a most muscular, which also can feature the biceps. When little kids are asked flex their muscles, the biceps are the first body part they try to accentuate...
No matter how good your antiperspirant is or how lightweight your workout clothes are, sweating while you work out is just about as inevitable as death and taxes. Ask most trainers or athletes, and they’ll tell you that they know they’re getting warmed up once those first beads of sweat start...
If you want to maximize your potential with nutrition, you need to know a lot more than a few key ratios and when to eat what. Breaking down the science of nutrition is confusing and wisdom about what’s good for you and what’s bad for you is constantly evolving—remember when we were supposed to...
The man who wants bigger triceps cannot live on pressdowns alone. Too often, guys in the gym — and maybe you’re one of them — work their triceps to death at the cable pressdown station. Ten sets, 15 sets… whatever it takes to get them sore.
But what the pressdown-happy masses don’t seem to...
Slathering on sunscreen every day is not a step most dudes are apt to do, because skin health isn’t something they think about…until they start hitting middle age. When the wrinkles and crow’s feet start to creep across our faces, vanity rears up and offers a sobering slap. As our bodies’...
Once you’ve set some goals, it should be easy to get in the gym, dial in your nutrition plan and hit them, right?
Well, that’s not always the case. Getting in shape requires dedication and commitment, and it’s not a process that happens overnight.
Obstacles creep up and if you’re not careful...
Protein is essential for your own muscle growth and development, but is it safe during pregnancy? Research is slim on this topic, but here are some solid guidelines to help navigate your nutritional needs while your baby grows.
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After your heavy lifting is done, strip off the weight strategically to prime your nervous system for the rest of your workout. It's simple, fast, and even makes it easier to clean up after yourself in the gym.
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....about the most beautiful woman in your world.
Definition of a Mother(muth-er)n.:
One who loves unconditionally. Best friend, Superwoman, heart healer. Maker and keeper of life-long memories. One who is loving caring and devoted. One who deeply loved and admired by all.
......when God...
Improvisor / Shutterstock
There's something intensely satisfying about lifting with barbells. After all, there's nothing like loading up a bunch of steel and conquering a new personal best in the deadlift. But when push comes to press, dumbbells offer a lot more versatility. They don't need...
I can't wait to see the result, and I'm starting a mini cycle for now. I am a pro- heavyweight bbuilding athlete in Socal area and my goal is to increase lean muscle mass. I am using The Snakeman's products. He has an excellent timing and I'm very excited!
My friend, girl in black in 230lbs and...
So as some know I got fucked up in the army and got fat and now I been on a weight loss transformation and Iv dropped 21 pounds so far
Just need more work on my gut lol, lower back fat is what’s fucking me up! But here is a pic of me now