12.5mcg daily of T3 for a few months....

I ran T4 for well over a year and have had bloods done two weeks after coming off and then two months after T function was in normal range at the first and second test. I was using for replacement while on HGH one of the sides of HGH is a reduced production of T4/T3 so I used 100 a day.
I don't remember where but recall a dose of .25 will result your body should produce when normal, so just using that will only shut your normal down and keep you in normal range, to see fat loss it needed to be supplemented above normal ranges.
T3 actually aids in protein synthesis and nutrient partitioning in general. Low dose t3 has been shown to be pretty beneficial offseason as long as proper caloric intake is achieved. T3 will not burn muscle at really any dosage used by bodybuilders as long as protein is high and proper aas is involved. However I'd suggest 25mcg, I don't see 12.5 doing much of anything for ya bro.
i think this protocol is going good... been off blast since july 12 or so... so 5-6 weeks... and i have been eating between 2800 - 3500 cals daily... been very easy to hold my current condition

i feel like i'm at least the same leaness as the end of my cut blast... maybe a little leaner?

got a doc appointment soon... will see where my thyroid numbers are.


  • krustus  flex aug 30 2016.webp
    krustus flex aug 30 2016.webp
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Still holding strong man and you look just as good as your last pic. May have to look into a bit of T-3 myself. Keep killing it.
only running the 12.5mcg of t3 in the mornings... and 125mg of drakons test u weekly.

very happy with how well it's letting me hold on... i don't compete so to get much leaner if i can't stay there seems pointless to me.. i'm gonna try to cut a hair bit more and see if i can hold it long term.... just needed a break from dieting for a few weeks...
Looking good Krustus. Clearly this low dose is working for you.

Look forward to seeing your blood work to see what those numbers look like.
Do you think you will ever consider adding more size or are you pretty happy? I know you said you may try to cut a bit more next go around.
LT. .. if I add size just by doing what I'm doing .. I won't be upset. .. but if I stay the same weight and muscle I won't be upset either... I'm getting to old to go for serious mass... rough on the old joints...lol

I would like to maintain somewhere in the ballpark of this condition ... leaner would be nice... but I would need to balance that with the cost ... to me and burden on my family. .. I won't make their life revolve around my body goals

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I second that krustus, I did the math on my size and what I'd like to be and I'm trying to spare muscle as I lean down... us working in refineries outside in the heat... as well as my joints, all determine how big I will be... btw would 25mcg be too much a day if I'm running 250mg cyp a week to lose fat and spare muscle? I'm also thinking of adding by at 4iu a day
btw would 25mcg be too much a day if I'm running 250mg cyp a week to lose fat and spare muscle?

i'm new at this T3 thing ... but 25mcg will be a little more suppressive on your thyroid .... i was trying the 12.5 a day because Bill Roberts says he did that dose with zero side effects for months... and got a good little fatloss boast with out the suppression.

maybe someone will chime in... but 25mcg should still give you results... just taper up to it from 12.5... lots go much higher than 25... so you could taper up to 50mcg then when you're ready to stop taper back down
at 25 mcg's i feel good, have reasonable energy, don't fall asleep after lunch, brain works.. seems like a good dose coming out of strict dieting
I always thought it's not worth suppressing your natural production for such a low dose... that you produce roughly 25mcg a day so by taking 12.5mcg you're actually shutting down your thyroid production for a dose lower than what you produce anyway... you're actually in a deficit now..

I got this from gh15.. this obviously is a very simple summary of the post I read but I pretty got the main point... it said at 25mcg you're just about breaking even more or less..

I'll try to cut and paste the post on here....
pattyd... i got the idea from bill roberts... he said he ran 12.5mcg for months... got checked and no suppression ... but the small amount gave him a boost in fat loss...

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