Anadrol and Women


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Anadrol and Women
By Bill Roberts

While it’s common for bodybuilders to suspect that Anadrol would be an even riskier choice for use by women than most anabolic steroids, actually the reverse is true. Medically, once per day dosing of 50 mg/day over extended periods has shown only a moderate rate of virilization problems. The same certainly cannot be said of Anavar, Dianabol, or Winstrol (stanozolol.) While not necessarily sufficient for high level female bodybuilding competition by today’s standards, such a dose actually is considerably more than needed by most women for excellent results in adding muscle, losing fat, and generally improving their physiques. Half this dose — 25 mg/day, preferably taken as divided doses — is very effective and is so far as I know the lowest-risk way to obtain this degree of benefit from anabolic steroids.

Even 12.5 mg/day in divided doses can be remarkably effective.

Anadrol and Virilization

This is not to say, however, that at even these reduced doses there is no risk of virilization. As seen from the fact that some women with time develop facial hair and voice hoarseness simply from their natural androgen levels, it’s possible for an individual woman to be on the threshold of virilization in the first place. In these cases, any added androgen, even oral DHEA supplementation, can trigger virilizing side effects. So it must be understood that risk does exist.
Here's more on this from Bill.............

What are the Best Steroids for Women?


Q: What are the best anabolic steroid for women? Are Anavar and Primobolan the best bets to minimize masculinizing side effects?

A: It may seem surprising but IMO Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.

I dont specialize in cycles for women and dont choose to involve myself with it” it almost only happens when the wife of someone Im working with wants to use some anabolic steroids as well but I havent seen 25 mg/day in divided doses go wrong yet.

Medically, youd be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.

That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.

Primobolan up to 50 mg/week, divided injections, is a common and reasonable choice, but has some risk: not a particularly high rate though.

I first learned of [Anadrol for women] from Dan Duchaine. In the earlier parts of Denise Rutkowskis career, he had her on 25 mg/day Anadrol. I dont think Im disclosing a secret here because he also published this. She obviously did very well with it and at that point she was not virilized at all. So from him mentioning this to me, I looked further into it.

The medical doses are pretty astonishing. The reason that 50 mg is the tablet size is because thats the standard minimal medical dose, including for women and children! It used to be used extensively for improving red blood cell count.

Im sure I could find it again, and Ive posted it before, but theres at least one paper in the literature reporting doses used for quite a large number of women and reporting low incidence of any side effects. And these doses were often more than 50 mg/day. Sometimes much more.

And further, personally Ive never seen 25 mg/day go wrong.

Im not saying it cant: you see some women developing hoarse voices and facial hair naturally with time, so there must be some women that are right on the edge. But generally speaking, this is a conservative dose, yet quite effective.

The mg amount that women can tolerate of Anadrol is markedly higher than any other anabolic steroid. However, that said, its also true that effect per mg is less, but not enough so to make up the safety difference IMO. I would put 25 mg/day Anadrol (in divided doses) up against 50 mg/week Primo any time for effectiveness and its at least equally conservative.

Another thing about Anadrol thats remarkable is that other anabolic steroids are very easily disruptive of the menstrual cycle. Even dosages such as 2.5 mg oxandrolone 2x/day commonly raise issues. Anadrol however medically has shown often only moderate effect on the menstrual cycle at 50mg/day, and in my too-limited experience with it (as I generally dont work with women on steroid cycles) 25 mg/day only lightened and shortened the cycles slightly. Remarkably less disruptive.

As a rough rule of thumb: take a dosage that would be quite moderate for a man, nearly the minimum likely to be recommended that could still give reasonable results for a novice, then divide by 10 to have something thats moderate but effective for a woman.

(I dont mean effective in the womens pro bodybuilding sense.)

For each individual steroid, my suggested mild-but-effective dosage range may differ from the above slightly, and of course the above also is only approximate because there will be diffferent opinions as to what would be moderate for a man. But if having nothing else to work with, if you see or are considering a dosage and want to do a quick reality check, the above can help. For example, say that someone is proposing EQ at 100 mg/week. Multiply by 10, and our comparison would be to 1000 mg/week of EQ for a man. Thats well above being a mild cycle. So we can see at a glance that this EQ dose is off, without having had to remember specific values for each steroid.

Id also take Winstrol out of the equation, as its possible (Im not certain) it has a somewhat worse benefits/risk ratio for women than most other anabolic steroids.

Also in general Id forget stacking for women.

Returning to the stacks you asked about, and in general to anabolic steroids other than Anadrol for women:

I cant say that it couldnt possibly be that some stacking method might give better ratio of muscle gain to side effects, but as to whether we know what that is, thats another question entirely. The best understood uses are single-drug, and single-drug works fine. Primo or Anadrol are my top two choices for bodybuilding and fitness; oxandrolone is also acceptable but must be lower dosed than those two; for quality of life enhancement, very very low dose testosterone works fine.
Women..drol...? It seems like drol always makes me hairy...i hate to think what it would do to a woman? Lol.
tkasch30 said:
Women..drol...? It seems like drol always makes me hairy...i hate to think what it would do to a woman? Lol.
well remember like it said this drug was invented to give to women and children with anemia , so if we knew a safe protocol id see if my GF wanted to try it, before I eat all the pharma anadrol
misterB said:
what is the length of the cycle ? 4 weeks? 6 weeks>?
From those I know that have used it they say they run it the same as men.So 4-6 wks is correct.With that said though,im sure just like us guys,there are those who run it longer than recommended.LOL
TSizemore said:

A link to that study would be nice. 😉

I'll see what I can find.All I know is what ive seen from women who use it.I believe IPL was another supporter of drol use in her cycles.For those that don't know,IPL is/was a competitive female bber and once on many boards in the community.
i bet my GF would love it, nothing touches the strength increase from Anadrol, unfortunately it can go away just s fast
misterB said:
i bet my GF would love it, nothing touches the strength increase from Anadrol, unfortunately it can go away just s fast

Agreed.I love drol and choose that over dbol any day of the week.

I best she would.Many women that have gotten past the myth that its too powerful a drug for a woman and tried it have been happy.Does this apply for everyone? Of course not,man or woman.
25mg per virilization...Thanx Bill
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tunaman7 said:
25mg per virilization...Thanx Bill
tunaman you jackass. I had a date night with the wife tonight... Had a few beers.... Come home log on as I take a big drink of water and see your post and I spit it all over the screen lol........ Paybacks are a bitch bro lol
tunaman7 said:
25mg per virilization...Thanx Bill
this is the kind of post thread spreads misinformation and is harmful to woman and guys who have chicks that run gear.

once again most aas can be used safely by woman with little sides ( yes all aas cause sides) its up to the girl what sides she is okay with and what sides she is not. my wife has ran drol and she doesnt have a dick or a beard. her voice is still soft and she is still very feminine looking. my wife is fucking hot! lol

tunaman i dont know you so i dont know if youre joking or if youre really trying to say that woman shouldnt use most compounds because it will turn them into dudes but either way posts like this could scare woman away from trying new things for fear of becoming a man. theres already enough bs out there concerning woman and anabolics, we shouldnt be adding more. this site is supposed to be elite and only deliver the truth.

p.s. i didnt read fists post so i dont know if the protocol he posted is correct or not, im just saying that woman can run anadrol and other aas without turning into a man
Dear was a joke. Fucking lighten up. My wife runs Var and I monitor her for sides (even tho I would be wary of her running A-Bombs).

Have a good day!
Wifey has done great with 150npp wk and 25 var day. Will try this soon.
bender said:
this is the kind of post thread spreads misinformation and is harmful to woman and guys who have chicks that run gear.

once again most aas can be used safely by woman with little sides ( yes all aas cause sides) its up to the girl what sides she is okay with and what sides she is not. my wife has ran drol and she doesnt have a dick or a beard. her voice is still soft and she is still very feminine looking. my wife is fucking hot! lol

tunaman i dont know you so i dont know if youre joking or if youre really trying to say that woman shouldnt use most compounds because it will turn them into dudes but either way posts like this could scare woman away from trying new things for fear of becoming a man. theres already enough bs out there concerning woman and anabolics, we shouldnt be adding more. this site is supposed to be elite and only deliver the truth.

p.s. i didnt read fists post so i dont know if the protocol he posted is correct or not, im just saying that woman can run anadrol and other aas without turning into a man

Absolutely correct and very accurate.Well said.

Seems to be some disagreement by the females in the aforementioned thread. I'll keep my wife on var it seems.
heavy iron shows it's safe in recomended doses and post the study, so that's supporting not the people who never tried it stating bro science and hearsay
sportsfreak said:

Seems to be some disagreement by the females in the aforementioned thread. I'll keep my wife on var it seems.

Actually most of the disagreement is due to never running it and saying what they've "HEARD" about it makes their decisions for them.Also,the real concerns are with HIGH doses.Same as with men.No different at all.If used PROPERLY it can be perfectly safe.If ABUSED then you have to accept the consequences of that choice.
Here's the post from IPL I was talking about on her personal experience and use with it............

Anadrol for women~

Women can have nice results from anadrol as well. Usually taken in a dosage range of 25-30mgs. More experienced AAS users can combine it with Test Prop, for even more dramatic effects. Also stacks well with Primo, EQ or NPP. Although keep in mind more is not always better when it comes to AAS use.

I would always recommend choosing one AAS and seeing just what type of gains and results you achieve from its use. Then if you chose to stack, combine AAS's you;ve used previously and know how your body will respond, again I would keep the attitude of less is more.

Usually cycles are only for 6 weeks on the anadrol, just to keep things on the safe side, keeping sides to a minimum, as well as protecting the liver.
Its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Since it is I 7-alpha alkylated it is very liver-toxic. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. An increase in liver values of both the enzymes GOT and GPT also called transaminases, often cannot be avoided. Elevated GOT and GPT values are indications of hepatitis, i.e. a liver infection. Those who discontinue oxymetholone will usually show normal values within two months. Longer intake and/or higher doses can cause a yellow discoloration of fingernails, eyes, or skin 0aundice). This is because oxymetholone induces an increase of biliburin in the liver, producing a bile pigment which causes the yellow discoloring of the skin. The liver enzyme gamma-GT also reacts sensitively to the oxymetholone, causing it to elevate. If high dosages of Anadrol 50 are taken over a long period, there is an increased risk that the de-scribed liver changes could end up damaging the liver. During the intake of Anadrol 50, the liver values, GOT, GPT, bilirubin, gamma--GT and alkaline phosphatase (AP), as well as the LDH/HBDH quotient, should always be checked by a competent physician. Anadrol 50 (representing all oxymetholone-containing steroid products) is the only anabolic/androgenic steroid which was linked with liver cancer.

So its a really strong AAS that should be taken with care, and total body awareness.

But you can make some really dramatic gains in very short periods of time, which is a big plus for most who chose to use this. Like any AAS some are more prone to sides than others, I've seen women who swear by this AAS and Have a total love affair with it, having no problems what so ever!!

With any AAS remember that time on equals time off!! Keep it safe!

Stay Strong~~!!!


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