aromasin for 16 years old



is there anything wrong with 16 year old male taking aromasin to slim down a bit?
Anyone read any research about teenagers taking aromasin?

and before anyone complains about this being anonymous, i didn't want to get flamed, bcuz it's probably a stupid question.
Ok, all judgement aside.... Why not just diet and exercise? I don't know who you are, so I cant really tell if you are a noob or an experience bro.

If I remember correctly, grow plates close when excess estrogen is detected in the system, on males is around 21-22 when the test production is high and the body is compensating with estro. In theory he would slim down and by an unbalance reaction his teat be raise.

Now, the problem I see, is a 16 year old kid not recognizing the effects of hard work and relying on drugs to reqch a level that honestly can be reached with work and dedication...
I agree with everything he said above. A friend of mine started taking steroids at 15 and he now regrets it at 30. Research steroids and effects on teenagers and see for yourself. It might be aromasin today but next week it might be Test Prop at 100mg every other day...
Anonymous said:
is there anything wrong with 16 year old male taking aromasin to slim down a bit?
Anyone read any research about teenagers taking aromasin?

and before anyone complains about this being anonymous, i didn't want to get flamed, bcuz it's probably a stupid question.
Nothing wrong with this being anonymous.
I think teens should stay anything that messes with their hormones, simply because they haven't fully developed.
It's a coin toss they could be fine, but there is always the possibility of screwing things up for life.

Man at that age food is so anabolic and hormones are abundant. With proper guidance great results are easy to obtain.
Bad, bad idea and Aromasin to lose weight? Doesnt even make sense
I think T3 would be okay though to use to lose weight. Possibly even clen. But again I wouldn't suggest anything else.
How about ZERO compounds, diet and exercise he's 16 god sakes.
Anonymous said:
Bad, bad idea and Aromasin to lose weight? Doesnt even make sense
Actually, it does. You just don't understand the mechanism behind it. Instead, try asking "Why aromasin?"
You know what,when I was a kid,had I known what the fuck was going on with me,and what I know now,I would have had me a bottle of nolva or something for sure,I was chunky and used to wake up with my nipples tingling and leaking clear fluid,specially during any kind of extreme physical exercise.If I would have known about nolva or aromasin back then I might have had a lot better teenage years.I dont know the age aromasin and nolva are able to be used it,but I coulda used it at the ages of 15-19
Anonymous said:
You know what,when I was a kid,had I known what the fuck was going on with me,and what I know now,I would have had me a bottle of nolva or something for sure,I was chunky and used to wake up with my nipples tingling and leaking clear fluid,specially during any kind of extreme physical exercise.If I would have known about nolva or aromasin back then I might have had a lot better teenage years.I dont know the age aromasin and nolva are able to be used it,but I coulda used it at the ages of 15-19
AnonymousI'm right there with you man. I had problems with my nipples being extremely sensitive and tender to the touch. I was 18 and not even close to over weight. Now that I cycle (28 yrs old) it's a constant peoblem. I'm looking I to surgery now. It's a shame. I even went to the doctor and he didn't do shit. Said it was normal......
woe said:
I'm right there with you man. I had problems with my nipples being extremely sensitive and tender to the touch. I was 18 and not even close to over weight. Now that I cycle (28 yrs old) it's a constant peoblem. I'm looking I to surgery now. It's a shame. I even went to the doctor and he didn't do shit. Said it was normal......
Same here on all accounts....Surgery to correct something that could have been easily prevented earlier in life...WHY!?
I believe that a lot of general practitioners i.e. your physician assistants a arnps and not very well versed on hormonal adversities in males. As a matter of fact it's a well known fact that any kind of medical practitioner isn't knowledgeable on that kind of thing unless they are specialized .
estrogen closes the bone growth plates so reducing estrogen can make you taller, not sure it would be shit for fat
That is true, when I had a falling out with the doctor that prescribed my trt and started to visit with a new one- supposedly 30 yrs experience- he was terrified of testosterone or any trt experience. I mean literally totally against it. He was also afraid to adjust my thyroid meds to match my bloodwork in what I needed. I basically ended up calling him a pussy and told him outright I would not be seeing him anymore. He responded by telling me he don't have time to research low test in males and thryroid meds. I said doc, you are way way off. This is very common in today's needs of medical patients and what you have shown me in a short time ought to make you embarassed to even look yourself in the mirror. He is also fat and was terribly jealous of my physique as the comments were always made. He told me I need to work on my bmi. I told him he needs to give up cheeseburgers. He then replied we were there to talk about me not him, I said practice what you preach there tub a lub. And I ended up going back to my old doc. So yes, I do believe alot of todays doctors and practitioners are behind the eight ball when it comes to this stuff.

This is Lith
interesting post and perfect for anonymous.

I'd like the OP to explain the situation a little further and explain why aromasin is in the thought process. I have a guy that I can bounce this off of to get a clear cut answer.

GP's are very ignorant of hormones. Now the fact that the OP has asked the question, to me, means that this is an ongoing issue and this has been thought about not just an impulse quick fix. It also means, to me, that they will go ahead with the treatment, my goal is to make sure you have the best possible info about it so I will relay this if you can elaborate.
Thanks Rock for being the voice of reason!

he plays competitive basketball and practices 4-5 day/wk, so he is not a couch potato. Not even close.
It just happens that he is built more like a football lineman, but LOVES basketball, not football.

my thought process is this. aromasin would lower the esto thereby reducing the bodyfat which would also lower his body weight, giving him a higher strength to weight ratio, making him quicker.
And if it makes him grow taller, by reducing the estro(which I haven't heard of before now), that would be great!

yes his diet could be cleaner, by bodybuilder standards.
but for a 16 year old young man, his diet is incredibly clean.
He doesn't eat much junk, but he does have a big appetite.

an example is this:
1st breakfast, reasonable bowl of honeynut cheerios and milk.
2nd breakfast, 4 eggs and an orange
lunch, ham and cheese sandwich or hamburger(all made at home, not fastfood), or a couple of yogurt cups and fruit
pre-practice, pack of granola bars(not the kind loaded with sugar)
dinner, we eat home cooked meals, made with natural, local farm, meats(no hormones or antibiotics)
usually tacos, meatloaf and taters, spicy beef and rice, baked chicken and potatoes
dessert, orange or apple

so for a teenager, it's clean, I think.
But what do you think?
and btw I definitely DO NOT want to do anything that would cause him any problems at all!

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