aromasin for 16 years old

Wouldn't clen or using T3 be a more effective measure to reduce body fat then aromasin? Yea they increase blood pressure/heart rate but not critically damaging considering it's a teenager with a decent diet.
Daredevil said:
Wouldn't clen or using T3 be a more effective measure to reduce body fat then aromasin? Yea they increase blood pressure/heart rate but not critically damaging considering it's a teenager with a decent diet.
He's 16!!!! You want to lose weight eat less, exercise more. Unfucking believable this is even a thread. Again 16 yo child here people!
I certainly don't think that I would put a teenager on clen and t3. Having his thyroid levels checked my not be a bad idea because hypothyroidism can't happen at an early age.
Let me run this by someone and I'll get back to you.
Yea we know someone is 16! We can't control what this or that teenager does or what his parent does. It's highly recommended that no one use any form of AAS until mid 20s. But no matter what we all recommend or are against or does the parent recommend, the teenager will do whatever he wants.

My suggestion was only a safe suggestion rather than see a teenager use aromasin.

But really how do we stop our children from using AAS when we use AAS? Do we check their ass for pin marks and bruises then spank them? Do we check their test levels regularly? There's no way of stopping a teenager from doing whatever he wants nowadays, they will obtain it and do it regardless of how we as parents feel or what punishment we dish out.

I'm not even sure if this is a teenager posting as OP or a parent. Either way natural is the best with a clean diet. Hook the kid up with two bisexual girlfriends, I'm sure he will burn calories off!
Ok the guy asked about this is someone i trust immensely. He is an absolute pharmacuetical genius in that he knows every drug and hormone and how they act on the human body and what they interact with. He responded that the OP is right that asin will do what he is looking for it to do, but he said nolva was a safer alternative. His son is actually on dr prescribed nolva at 10mg daily for height issues. Am i saying to do this, no, but i am trying to educate the OP on the question he asked.
RockShawn said:
Ok the guy asked about this is someone i trust immensely. He is an absolute pharmacuetical genius in that he knows every drug and hormone and how they act on the human body and what they interact with. He responded that the OP is right that asin will do what he is looking for it to do, but he said nolva was a safer alternative. His son is actually on dr prescribed nolva at 10mg daily for height issues. Am i saying to do this, no, but i am trying to educate the OP on the question he asked.
Thanks again Rock!

I'll have to research the nolva issue a bit more. (i don't particularly trust clomid and nolva after what happened to Grim.)
did your friend say how nolva is safer than aromasin?

and if i remember correctly, nolva blocks estrogen but it continues to build a bit in the system, while aromasin deactivates estro and it is metabolized out of the system. So, i would think nolva would raise his estro levels a bit, plus artificially raise his test levels too, which may short cut his natural production and/or development of his test levels/reproductive systems.

it seems that aromasin deactivating the estro, which should raise test levels by keeping it from being converted into estro, would be more safe.
i was hopeful that someone here had seen some actual studies done on teens and aromasin or nolva.

Rock, your friend's son is on nolva for height issues. Did your friend say how long his son has been on and if they had seen any increase in height? And do you know how old he is?
and if you wouldn't mind, can you ask your friend about nolva and stroke risk, and also if he thinks it could interrupt my son's natural ability to produce test.
i think nolva artificially signals your body to produce test, but once you take away nolva(the signal), what if that causes a decrease in his natural signaling mechanism, thereby reducing his natural ability to produce test.
ask him if this is possible please.

Sorry for all the questions, i really do want to make a wise decision for my son.
RockShawn said:
I certainly don't think that I would put a teenager on clen and t3. Having his thyroid levels checked my not be a bad idea because hypothyroidism can't happen at an early age.
Let me run this by someone and I'll get back to you.
definitely would not try clen or t3 or t4.
you burn up your thyroid, and that is for life!

but it would be a great idea to have him checked for hypothyroidism!
i hadn't thought of that, thanks again Rock!
Daredevil said:
Yea we know someone is 16! We can't control what this or that teenager does or what his parent does. It's highly recommended that no one use any form of AAS until mid 20s. But no matter what we all recommend or are against or does the parent recommend, the teenager will do whatever he wants.

My suggestion was only a safe suggestion rather than see a teenager use aromasin.

But really how do we stop our children from using AAS when we use AAS? Do we check their ass for pin marks and bruises then spank them? Do we check their test levels regularly? There's no way of stopping a teenager from doing whatever he wants nowadays, they will obtain it and do it regardless of how we as parents feel or what punishment we dish out.

I'm not even sure if this is a teenager posting as OP or a parent. Either way natural is the best with a clean diet. Hook the kid up with two bisexual girlfriends, I'm sure he will burn calories off!
i thank you for your input, but i believe that we can and should want, and expect better, for, and from our children.
i use to be a drug addict and alcoholic and whorechaser, but i'm not now, by God's grace.
but when i was, that IS NOT the life i would have wanted or expected my kids to pursue.

yes, i know it can seem hypocritically, but at the same time, if you truly love someone, you want what is best for them, even if you have a hard time doing the same for yourself.

my son has friends who play football, that are probably on steroids, and i have told my son that yes steroid work, but because your body is still developing into your mid twenties, i explained to him how foolish he would be to short cut that process by using steroids now, and that he could have low test for the rest of his life and maybe even not have kids.
i told him if he is considers using them, it must be after he has trained/dieted/slept to the fullest for several years first, and he must be past 25yrs old. I told him he'd be an idiot and fool to use them otherwise.
i never touched an anabolic until age 29,and he's academically brilliant and very wise for his age, so i think he'll do the wise thing and wait too.
OP I wish the best for you and the decision you make for your son. I hope Rock can get the answers you need from your last post.

To whoever the other anonymous is saying that T3 and clen can Burn the thyroid up, please explain.

Because all research I have read suggests that the thyroid shuts down while T3 is introduced into the body past 20mcg a day. Our bodies make 20mcg a day normally. Further research has said that when you come off T3 cycling, your body naturally restarts itself after 3-5 days.

So please drop some information into this thread or PM me whoever said that. Because if there's information that dictates otherwise I would like to know. Maybe it's an assumption because our bodies eventually stop making as much testosterone after so many cycles or blasting but the thyroid is totally different and separate.
Nolvadex is actually approved for off label use for height(stature) in pubertal/prepubertal men. Using low dose nolvadex , for most cases such as this, would be preferable to aromasin(aromasin is a steroidal inhibitor). The side effects at 10-20 Mg daily is far less(in the long run) than starting them on a steroidal based ai... I DEFINITELY wouldn't use letro or adex due to MANY possible sides that he could experience now, and later in life... could affect him now, and in the future.
Anonymous said:
Nolvadex is actually approved for off label use for height(stature) in pubertal/prepubertal men. Using low dose nolvadex , for most cases such as this, would be preferable to aromasin(aromasin is a steroidal inhibitor). The side effects at 10-20 Mg daily is far less(in the long run) than starting them on a steroidal based ai... I DEFINITELY wouldn't use letro or adex due to MANY possible sides that he could experience now, and later in life... could affect him now, and in the future.
What do you mean 'steriodal inhibitor'?
i'm not sure what that terminology means.

it is a suicidal inhibitor, in that it attaches to the estro molecule so that it cannot attached to the estro receptor.

but does it have steriod like effects on the body's natural test production?
becuz i definitely would not what to short cut his body's natural production.

like i said before, i think it increases test by decreasing aromatization.
please correct me if i'm wrong.

i had a friend that had been on cycle for years and came off, and could not get his natty back up.
the doc tried everything even high doses of pharm hcg and nolva, but nothing worked, UNTIL he started taking aromasin(on his own btw, the doc didn't even suggest it!).
i guess his aromatization was out working his natty t production, and once he cut the aromatization he got a decent natty level again.

if i understand correctly, nolva artificially stimulates test production by sending the signal that is not there(after cycle, hence being used for pct), so wouldnt that end up decreasing his body's own natty t signaling enzymes?
remember, he's never been own cycle so all the natural signaling mechanisms should be there, it just seems to me that the aromatization is the problem.

he's a big, strong guy, but has somewhat puffy nipples and hold bodyfat in his thighs, butt, and some around his abdomen.
if you saw him with a shirt on, you wouldn't think "that kid's fat", but if you saw him standing next to his teammates without their shirts on, you would think "that kid looks more like a football player", that's why i think it is aromatization.
like I said he's build more like a lineman, that a basketball player.

i want to make a wise and informed decision for him.
i've thought about this for some time now, but without definite info, i guess i'll have to wait even longer.
Daredevil, I have been told that if you use too much t4, and I think even t3, it can actually burn up your thyroid gland so that you will become hypothyroid and it will be irreversible.

Hopefully someone here, who knows more than I, will chime in on this.
Nolvadex is an antiestrogen because it competes with estrogen for binding sites such as breasts. If estrogen cannot bind but is still present in the body, test levels are not effected.
Aromasin actually lowers estrogen levels. If estrogen levels lower, then naturally so do testosterone.
Thats what I've been taught about the two.
RockShawn said:
Nolvadex is an antiestrogen because it competes with estrogen for binding sites such as breasts. If estrogen cannot bind but is still present in the body, test levels are not effected.
Aromasin actually lowers estrogen levels. If estrogen levels lower, then naturally so do testosterone.
Thats what I've been taught about the two.
Aromasin will raise testosterone
yup to prevent puberty based gyno and aid in height and muscular development, i a naturally way a combo might be perfect, low dose aromasin and nolva with blood work frequently to dial in the E2
you may be right Morrey. found this on pubmed but I still don't understand how or why.


Suppression of estrogen, via estrogen receptor or aromatase blockade, is being investigated in the treatment of different conditions. Exemestane (Aromasin) is a potent and selective irreversible aromatase inhibitor. To characterize its suppression of estrogen and its pharmacokinetic (PK) properties in males, healthy eugonadal subjects (14-26 yr of age) were recruited. In a cross-over study, 12 were randomly assigned to 25 and 50 mg exemestane daily, orally, for 10 d with a 14-d washout period. Blood was withdrawn before and 24 h after the last dose of each treatment period. A PK study was performed (n = 10) using a 25-mg dose. Exemestane suppressed plasma estradiol comparably with either dose [25 mg, 38% (P <or= 0.002); 50 mg, 32% (P <or= 0.008)], with a reciprocal increase in testosterone concentrations (60% and 56%; P <or= 0.003 for both). Plasma lipids and IGF-I concentrations were unaffected by treatment. The PK properties of the 25-mg dose showed the highest exemestane concentrations 1 h after administration, indicating rapid absorption. The terminal half-life was 8.9 h. Maximal estradiol suppression of 62 +/- 14% was observed at 12 h. The drug was well tolerated. In conclusion, exemestane is a potent aromatase inhibitor in men and an alternative to the choice of available inhibitors. Long-term efficacy and safety will need further study.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
same study on Nolvadex (Tamoxifen):


The administration of tamoxifen, 20 mg/day for 10 days, to normal males produced a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels, comparable to the effect of 150 mg of clomiphene citrate (Clomid). However, whereas Clomid produced a decrease in the LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH), no such effect was seen after the administration of tamoxifen. In fact, prolonged treatment (6 weeks) with tamoxifen significantly increased the LH response to LHRL. Treatment of patients with "idiopathic" oligospermia for 6 to 9 months resulted in a significant increase in gonadotropin, testosterone, and estradiol levels. A significant increase in sperm density was observed only in subjects with oligospermia below 20 X 10(6)/ml and normal basal FSH levels. When basal FSH levels were increased or oligospermia was moderate (greater than 20 X 10(6)/ml); no effect on sperm density was seen. As sperm density increased, FSH levels decreased, suggesting an inhibin effect. Sperm motility was not improved by tamoxifen treatment. In five boys with delayed puberty, tamoxifen treatment appeared to activate the pituitary-gonadal axis and pubertal development.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Aromasin raises Test by binding to SHBG that would normally consume testosterone ( bind to it)

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