Blood thickness


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Guys, I went in to donate blood since its been exactly 8 weeks since last donation. My hemoglobin level was at 16.8. Anyways they went and stated drawing blood and it took about 25 mins for a whole pint to come out cause my blood was thick. The tech said my blood was thick and kept re-iterating that.

I've been donating blood every 8 weeks and taking 3000mG of fish oil and 81mG of aspirin a day. But I've never seen my blood flow through those lines so slow.

Any advice? Should I up my fish oil and aspirin every day?
Currently in one running 500mG test C and 600mG NPP a week. About to start week 10 and got 6 more to go.
I've always had high hemoglobin on cycle and off. It's the blood thickness and slow withdrawal that concerns me
Did a little research. ..

Heavy metal toxicity or exposure to environmental toxins can also activate unusual production levels of soluble fibrin monomer (SFM). Stress and trauma have also been known to cause thick blood.

This is the only thing that I can think of, gear related, that could be contributing to thick blood.
SFM is your body's clotting agent , btw.
Is you gear from a legitimate source. Any idea If they test for heavy metals? It isn't uncommon for heavy metals to be present in raws.

This could also be contributing-

Thick blood may also be caused by the presence of harmful pathogens such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. These pathogens can actually activate a coagulation response in the body as a way to avoid being attacked by the body’s immune system. Soluble fibrin monomer (SFM), a clotting agent, lines the capillaries with fibrin making it impossible to transfer oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. A lack of oxygen and nutrients then creates an ideal environment for these pathogens to survive and cause illness. The blood must first be thinned to expose the pathogens before they can be eradicated.
Put that last part because fungus and bacteria could have been introduced via injection.
Someone posted a really good write up on bacteria growth on the outside of vials in one of EGH labs subforum. It's the thread asking about 50 mL jugs. Check it out
Woe that was an interesting read bro. I've got a few vials opened from past cycles from months and months ago that I saved for future use. Definitely gonna toss those after reading that
i had same thing happen to me the lady thought she wasn't hitting the vein which mine are huge so not hard to miss so she called another tech over and same blood came out drop by drop🙁 Scared the shit outta me because I knew why.. Never have I been stuck so many times trying to gone little vial of blood.
Joebad, so bro what have you done since then to thin your blood? Having thick blood like that is great if you get shot or stabbed lol, cause it'll give you enough time to make it to the ER. But the flip side is, it makes your heart work so hard.
Daredevil said:
Woe that was an interesting read bro. I've got a few vials opened from past cycles from months and months ago that I saved for future use. Definitely gonna toss those after reading that
DaredevilYeah man, I thought it was too.... never had an issue before myself. Currently using an open vial from about a year ago. ..kinda shit myself when I read that.
Daredevil said:
Joebad, so bro what have you done since then to thin your blood? Having thick blood like that is great if you get shot or stabbed lol, cause it'll give you enough time to make it to the ER. But the flip side is, it makes your heart work so hard.
Daredevilwell that was a few yrs ago..I was on a heavy cycle...
What I'm thinking of doing is taking 2 baby aspirins a day and raising my fish oil to 5000mG a day
My hematocrit is 56 right now. Going donate next weekend man. I stay hydrated and I take fish oil and baby aspirin as well
I take a regular aspirin every night before bed since blood thickens overnight. Usually takes about 5 minutes to fill a donation.
Many factors can play here. Hydration is also key and the compounds your on, how heavy the cycle and the quality of your gear.
Jshredz I used to take a regular aspirin and someone told me that was excessive and with fish oil and compounds it would thin the blood too much.

But I honestly think I need to go at least 325mG of aspirin a day. The tech keep saying Lord your blood is thick its flowing so slow. It was a standard 16G needle drawing blood. Eventually it did fill the pint bag. Took like 20 mins though possibly 25. I may be wrong on the time frame but I think at least 20. When I used to donate it took like 7-9 mins if that. So I'm wondering if the NPP @ 600mG is the reason. Although I'm highly satisfied with this cycle of 500mG test and 600mG of NPP.

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