Current Cycle.


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs

Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so Switch to Tren E and Added in Deca.
I felt like a fucking BEAST! Soaked with Sweat just dripping off of me. Good buddy of mine who is 5'6 235lbs 10% bf Said he can already see a difference??? Theres no one my gear is already kicking in. Take about 5 weeks for Tren E and Deca.
4everstrong said:
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs

Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so Switch to Tren E and Added in Deca.
I felt like a fucking BEAST! Soaked with Sweat just dripping off of me. Good buddy of mine who is 5'6 235lbs 10% bf Said he can already see a difference??? Theres no one my gear is already kicking in. Take about 5 weeks for Tren E and Deca.
4everstrongThat front load of Ace helped out a bit....but yea, too soon. You're just jacked!
TSizemore said:
That front load of Ace helped out a bit....but yea, too soon. You're just jacked!
Thats what i was assuming the Tren A. Thats what i love Short esters! but after doing 3 cycles in a row of short esters the Pinning EOD gets old.
Sounds like about the same situation that I am in 4ever. I am just starting the 3rd week of my cycle (Been clean for 4 months) and I feel like a damn beast but know it can't be just yet... I have put on 6lbs in the last 2+ weeks and just amazed at the quickness it seems to have come on this time around.
Hell yea. I been really wanting to throw some tren in the mix but am holding off to cruise a while. Have fun bro!
4everstrong said:
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs

Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so Switch to Tren E and Added in Deca.
I felt like a fucking BEAST! Soaked with Sweat just dripping off of me. Good buddy of mine who is 5'6 235lbs 10% bf Said he can already see a difference??? Theres no one my gear is already kicking in. Take about 5 weeks for Tren E and Deca.
Brother 4 about to put in some work! Keep us posted on your results.
Nice stacks you got there mane! ;D
4everstrong said:
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs

Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so Switch to Tren E and Added in Deca.
I felt like a fucking BEAST! Soaked with Sweat just dripping off of me. Good buddy of mine who is 5'6 235lbs 10% bf Said he can already see a difference??? Theres no one my gear is already kicking in. Take about 5 weeks for Tren E and Deca.
4everstrongInterested in how the Tren and deca work together for you brother, this should be a good one.
Been 3 weeks i believe now. Up 4lbs. Getting Stronger in Every one of my lifts. Looking better in the mirror. Getting complement on my gains. Only thing sucks is the Acne. Getting it really bad on my chest.. Got 355lbs on bench yesterday. Getting ready to up my cals, Protein and, carbs. Also Upped My Tren E to 500mgs and My test E to 500mgs. Deca is still at 400mg.
Just a lil update. Added Serostim HGH to my cycle at 4iu ED. Going to up it to 6iu in a month or so. Planning to run it for 6 months. Maybe a year if i can continue to afford it for that long. Up a total of 7 pounds Now. Also getting more vascular.
Dropping the deca Tomorrow. I can feel a lump. Cant see it but can feel it around my nipple. A really small one. I have some Liquid Caber but heard its not stable in liquid form? I heard its stable as long as its not in Water but idk if its in water or not? So i ordered so Pharm Grade Caber. Should be here in 3 days. Its not a terrible lump. It doesnt even hurt?
4everstrong said:
Dropping the deca Tomorrow. I can feel a lump. Cant see it but can feel it around my nipple. A really small one. I have some Liquid Caber but heard its not stable in liquid form? I heard its stable as long as its not in Water but idk if its in water or not? So i ordered so Pharm Grade Caber. Should be here in 3 days. Its not a terrible lump. It doesnt even hurt?
I used maximpep's caber and it was g2g as far as i could tell
gyno is always imho estrogen related... without estrogen i don't believe prolactin issue can actually cause a lump... i am not absolutely positive. but if you have a lump i believe letro or aromasin plus nolva may be in order. and i hear a dht like masteron or epistane is a big help too.
4everstrong said:
So Take Adex and Nolva? Not the caber?

get a blood test, you don't want to take the wrong compound to treat for prolactin vs. estrogen. deca is a 19 nor and causes prolactin issues. you'd use caber or letro to treat gyno related to prolactin and adex or aromasin for issues related to estrogen.. you don't want to waste your time treating it the wrong way
I've never had a problem with gyno from test. I've ran test all the way to 750mgs before no sore nips or anything so it has to be prolactin from the 19nors. Only running 500mg test shouldn't of added deca with my tren cycle lol just wanted to know what it was like.
There is no such thing as prolactin gyno, that is a medical fact.
Letro takes anywhere from 3-6wks to reach peak serum levels according to all medical science publications.
Stick with the letro now you have started, but you need to be patient, give it around 6wks, if you can;t handle the unwanted sides then drop it and switch to nolva, it has an 80% success rate in reducing/eradicating lump type gyno.

i copied this from another source... but all my research leads me to believe there is no such thing as prolactin gyno....but i am just an internet

so estrogen needs to be controlled here... seems most agree letro is the best course... but wouldn'taromasin or arimidex do the same just would take more dosing? and nolvadex woyld be a good addition too...
I've never had a problem with gyno from test. I've ran test all the way to 750mgs before no sore nips or anything so it has to be prolactin from the 19nors. Only running 500mg test shouldn't of added deca with my tren cycle lol just wanted to know what it was like.

it could be an issue that has grown over time and it's just now getting noticeable? but high estrogen plus high prolactin ... you could end up with milk!

did you run an AI with 750 of test ...and are you using one now?
krustus said:
it could be an issue that has grown over time and it's just now getting noticeable? but high estrogen plus high prolactin ... you could end up with milk!

did you run an AI with 750 of test ...and are you using one now?
No never used an AI with 750mg

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