cutting cycle PAXTON sponsored


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After talking to my trainer over the past couple days we have decided I have gotten as soft as I want to get so we have decided to start cutting for my november show. I competed In physique at 202 lbs back in April and during my bulking phase also with paxton chems I was able to get up to 260 lbs. The plan for the november show is to make the jump to bodybuilding which has been my ultimate goal. My current start weight is 256 pounds and the diet is as follows.
Fat Burner Stack
upon waking... 2 Hydroxy Elite and 2 Bronkaid caplets, 2.5mgs Letro, 75mcg T3
6 hours later... 2 Hydroxy Elite and 2 Bronkaid caplets

250mgs Test E or C, 200mgs of Tren Enanth, 200mgs Masteron Enanth... Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5iu's of HGH upon waking and 5iu's of HGH pre workout

Meal 1
10 egg whites
3 packets of instant oats or 3 bagel halves with 3 tbs of sugar free jelly
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter

Meal 2
6oz chicken or tilapia
3 measured tablespoons Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce
1.5 cup cooked white rice or 12oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 3
6oz chicken
3 measured tablespoons Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce
1.5 cup cooked white rice or 12oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 4
6oz chicken or tilapia
3 measured tablespoons Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce
1.5 cup cooked white rice or 12oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 5
10 egg whites
3 packets of instant oats or 3 bagel halves with 3tbs of sugar free jelly
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter

Meal 1… take out 1 packet of instant oats or 1 bagel half=
Meal 2… drop rice to 3/4 cup or potatoes to 6oz
Meal 3… drop rice to 3/4 cup or potatoes to 6oz
Meal 4... drop rice to 3/4 cup or potatoes to 6oz
Meal 5... take out 1 packet of instant oats or 1 bagel half

Meal 1… take out 2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halfs
Meal 2… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 3… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 4… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 5… take out 2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halfs

Carb rotation
Thursday… weigh in and send pics… Day 2
Friday… Day 2
Saturday… Day 1
Sunday… Day 1
Monday… Day 2
Tuesday… Day 3
Wednesday… Day 3

Lifting/Cardio Split
Sunday... Legs… No Cardio
Monday... Chest/Bi… 15minutes cardio post workout HIGH INTENSITY
Tuesday... No weights… No Cardio
Wednesday... Legs… No Cardio
Thursday... Delt/Tri… 15 minutes cardio post workout HIGH INTENSITY
Friday... Back… 15 minutes cardio post workout HIGH INTENSITY
Saturday... No weights… No Cardio
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Good deal. Couple question's though. How about dropping the Hydroxy/Bronkaid in favor of clenbuterol? You already have t3, it would make a nice stack and keep you more anabolic. Also, why so much Letro? Are you very gyno prone? Letro kills your lipids, among other things. Just wonderin' bro.
its just something my trainer does to begin with. I'm not sure if its because im 16 weeks out but as i get closer we usually drop the hydroxy and bronkaid and switch over to clen on the homestretch. It depends what chems i'm on when i was on test/tren i had very little sides if any but for some reason when I switched to test/deca during my bulk I had really bad gyno and had to up it to 2.5 a day. Usually i'll lower the dosage to 1.25 per day min because usually when im at 2.5 for too long my strength plummets big time
I am with Hanzo unless you have gyno now you should be on Aroma instead. Letro is bad for you all around to be using as your on cycle AI
Wacker said:
I am with Hanzo unless you have gyno now you should be on Aroma instead. Letro is bad for you all around to be using as your on cycle AI
Wackerwhy do you say its bad all around?? I know that it kits extremely strong Are you saying the dosage or letro in general is over kill.
cdan24 said:
why do you say its bad all around?? I know that it kits extremely strong Are you saying the dosage or letro in general is over kill.
Letro in general...before aroma it was sometimes your only choice but better options are available. just the damage it does to your lipids is reason enough to only use it to reduce or combat gyno flare ups. Do some reading on letro vs aroma both suicide AIs but aroma is much better for your over all health.
i'll def have to look into it further. thanks man thats why i like to blog about this stuff because you get so many different views on this.
my weigh in today was 254.6. I'm down about 1.4 pounds which isn't too bad. We were hoping for a little bit more of a drop so my trainer decided to drop my carbs a little bit. For some reason my body drops weight the best when we carb cycle. The new diet is pretty much the same but with the obvious drop in carbs.
Meal 1
10 egg whites
2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halves with 2 tbs of sugar free jelly
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter

Meal 2
6oz chicken or tilapia
1 cup cooked white rice or 8oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 3
6oz chicken
1 cup cooked white rice or 8oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 4
6oz chicken or tilapia
1 cup cooked white rice or 8oz of white baked potato
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred)

Meal 5
10 egg whites
2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halves with 2tbs of sugar free jelly
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter

Meal 1… take out 1 packet of instant oats or 1 bagel half and 1 tbs of sf jelly
Meal 2… drop rice to 1/2 cup or potatoes to 4oz can add 3oz green vegetables (optional) (no peas)
Meal 3… drop rice to 1/2 cup or potatoes to 4oz can add 3oz green vegetables (optional) (no peas)
Meal 4... drop rice to 1/2 cup or potatoes to 4oz can add 3oz green vegetables (optional) (no peas)
Meal 5... take out 1 packet of instant oats or 1 bagel half and 1 tbs of sf jelly

Meal 1… take out 2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halves and 2 tbs of sf jelly
Meal 2… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 3… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 4… take out all rice or potatoes, can add in 6oz of any green veg except peas
Meal 5… take out 2 packets of instant oats or 2 bagel halves and 2 tbs of sf jelly

Carb rotation
Thursday… weigh in and send pics… Day 2
Friday… Day 2
Saturday… Day 1
Sunday… Day 1
Monday… Day 2
Tuesday… Day 3
Wednesday… Day 3
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time is what you need, just my opinion. need lots more muscle maturity to reach a aesthetic physique
It's crazy how much your body changed after your last competition . I guess the new plan is to start to lean down slowly with the carb cycling and hold onto the new muscle gained. I will be watching this journey for sure. I like your attitude about the forum ... Being open minded and always learning.
Yeah its crazy how much I blew up my trainer said he's seen big rebounds but nothing like the 60 pound jump I had
Yes about 210-220. We expect to lose a good 30 pounds throughout the prep. Would be great if I lost less but im happy being able to finally make the jump into bb. My last physique show in april i was 200-205 and i know alot of people say the process is more a marathon not a sprint so i'm happy with any progress as long as its moving in the right direction
I weighed in this morning at 248.6 which is down 6 pounds from last week. We are going to continue this week with the same diet plan with the only exception of adding 1 tbs of metamucil with meals 1 and 4.
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I weighed in this morning at 245.6 which is down a little over 3 pounds. We are going to continue with the current game plan with the exception of pulling out my only cheat meal which is meal #5 on thursdays. I also recently have been starting to train with a emphasis more on trying to catch my right side up to my left which if you look at the pictures you can noticed a decent size difference. This is due to my occupation which requires more work out of my left side then my right. To try and catch increase growth on my right side i've increased the rep range by 5 extra reps per set. if i do for example leg extensions ill do 3 sets of 10 on my left side but 3 sets of 15 on my right etc.
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Hope your saving these extra sets of unilateral training towards the end of your workout, otherwise you will fatigue the right side and on compound movements your left side will take over and it will have an adverse effect.
I'm sure you got it. Just thought i share since my right side is very dominant specially on my biceps and calves
jshredz said:
Hope your saving these extra sets of unilateral training towards the end of your workout, otherwise you will fatigue the right side and on compound movements your left side will take over and it will have an adverse effect.
I'm sure you got it. Just thought i share since my right side is very dominant specially on my biceps and calves
jshredz a majority of the time yes i do them towards the end of my workout and do compound exercises at the beginning. I also started trying to switch up the order of my workout so if per example i did squats first this week i may do them second third etc and do a different compound exercise before that. What are your thoughts on that? I used to always do squats or bench etc first no matter what then do other exercises after that but I wanted to "shock" my body by switching the routine so hopefully it could grow a bit more.
That's a fantastic idea switching the order of exercises is an easy effective way to change your workout to enduce more results. It will also help you determine what works for you.
For example for me flat bench does very little for chest development the moment I stopped being stubborn and took it out of my workout my chest started to grow.
Squats for me have never been effective for growth as a first exercise but once i fully warmed up and pre exhausted wham!!!! Quads react with growth....
I think you know what I'm getting at. Get out of what your used to, so can truly find what works for you.
i do and i appreciate the feedback and advice. It def helps me try and get where i wanna be in the future. I'm always willing to try new things that'll spark some growth because I got plenty of growing to go lol.
Looking good bro. I'm not experienced in body building but your detail diet caught my attention. How many calories are you taking in a day?

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