cutting cycle PAXTON sponsored

I weighed in this week at 229.6 which is a little over 2 pounds of loss. We are gonna tighten some things up some more to try and get ahead of the game. i had to travel to another country this weekend for a family event so finding gyms and ways to eat my food has become a little bit of a challenge but it's nothing that can't be overcome. The diet and chem changes are as follows:
Remove Test, 200mgs of Tren Enanth, 200mgs Masteron Enanth, add in 1ml of highest mg Winstrol you can get ... Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5iu's of HGH upon waking and 5iu's of HGH pre workout

Fat Burner Stack
upon waking... 3 Hydroxy Elite and 3 Bronkaid caplets, 2.5mgs Letro, 100mcg T3
6 hours later... 3 Hydroxy Elite and 3 Bronkaid caplets

Fat cycle all meals every 2 days (for example Friday and Saturday)...
Meal 1... take out nut butter
Meal 2... take out MCT Oil
Meal 3... take out MCT Oil
Meal 4... take out MCT Oil
Meal 5... take out nut butter
on the 3rd day (Sunday) put the above fats back in

Meal 1
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter
1 tablespoon of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 2
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred) (can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar with MCT Oil over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)

Meal 3
8oz chicken
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred) (can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar with MCT Oil over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)

Meal 4
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil or Real butter (MCT Oil preferred) (can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar with MCT Oil over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)
1 tablespoon of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 5
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables
1 measured tablespoon of natural nut butter


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This morning I weighed in at 230.8. I've only been on the diet about 4 days now due to being out of the country until sunday night. Usually i'm able to get a full 7 days on a diet to see how my body responds to it but due to being away it was only able to be 4 days. To be more proactive instead of reactive we are going to cut the fats and do some carb cycling to make sure that we don't get behind schedule for the show; The new diet is as follows:
Tren Enanth, 200mgs Masteron Enanth 200mg, Winstrol 100mgs ... Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5iu's of HGH upon waking and 5iu's of HGH pre workout

Fat Burner Stack
upon waking... 3 Hydroxy Elite and 3 Bronkaid caplets, 2.5mgs Letro, 100mcg T3
6 hours later... 3 Hydroxy Elite and 3 Bronkaid caplets

Day 1
Meal 1
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables
1.5 TABLESPOONS of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 2
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)

Meal 3
8oz chicken
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)
1.5 TABLESPOONS of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 4
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)

Meal 5
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables

add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 5

add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 4
add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 5

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today i was down to 227.6 which was a pretty decent drop.It probably helped that I was back in my normal routine from traveling the week before. We are going to add clen in this week and change the carb cycle up just a bit. the diet and chems are as:
Tren Enanth, 200mgs Masteron Enanth 200mg, Winstrol 100mgs ... Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5iu's of HGH upon waking and 5iu's of HGH pre workout

Fat Burner Stack
upon waking... 3 Hydroxy Elite, 2.5mgs Letro, and 100mcg T3
6 hours later... 3 Hydroxy Elite and 20mcg Clen

Day 1
Meal 1
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables
1.5 TABLESPOONS of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 2
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)
1.5 TABLESPOONS of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 3
8oz chicken
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)
1.5 TABLESPOONS of Sugar Free Orange Smooth Metamucil

Meal 4
8oz chicken or tilapia
6oz of green vegetables or 6oz salad 3oz leafy greens & 3oz garden vegetables (tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, etc..)
(can add a tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar over salad to use as a dressing if you would like)

Meal 5
12 egg whites
6oz of green vegetables

add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 5

add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 4
add 1 cup of cooked rice to Meal 5

This weeks carb rotation...
Friday... Day 2
Saturday... Day 3
Sunday... Day 3
Monday... Day 2
Tuesday... Day 1
Wednesday Day 1
Thursday... Day 2 (weigh-in and pics)
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Thanks bro!! I'm hoping with the Paxton clean added in and the tweak in carb days I can get an even bigger drop this week
my weigh in today was 228.2 The most likely reason for the slight jump up in weight is that i'm currently dealing with a double quad infection.I'm currently in the process of finding out what the source of the infection was. It has kept me out of the gym the past couple of days and has also prevented me from doing any cardio obviously. Both quads were so bad that I couldn't lift them up more then 6 inches off the ground. I'm currently on an antibiotic i have to take every 6 hours for a week. As many know antibiotics can add water weight etc. For now we are going to continue with the current diet and game plan until i'm off the antibiotics next wednesday and re access the situation from there.
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